Hello guys my pc is just so slow and I don't know why , I only play cs:go and even in 4:3 I still lag and some fps drop. I cant even play on 16:9 as the fps just drops.. I don't know why. On 16:9 when i get close to smokes my fps drops are big and in 4:3 if i use high shadows or other settings on high the game is just unplayable I don't know what to do and o so I decided to upgrade my pc but I dont know what should i upgrade ?
even when i dont play games my cpu usage goes up to 30% even if im not on youtube and memory about 54% when only using chrome to browse. ..
my pc specs are:
i5-9400F 2.90ghz
8.00 GB(7.88GB Usable)
I have Nvidia GeForce RTX 2060
I don't know why I cant upload a picture but that's my problems … thanks
even when i dont play games my cpu usage goes up to 30% even if im not on youtube and memory about 54% when only using chrome to browse. ..
my pc specs are:
i5-9400F 2.90ghz
8.00 GB(7.88GB Usable)
I have Nvidia GeForce RTX 2060
I don't know why I cant upload a picture but that's my problems … thanks