What RPG to play?

Dec 7, 2021
Hello everyone, I have been in the wonderful world of role-playing games for a long time, but like everyone else, I had a crisis and I can't find myself an interesting novelty, all the old games are so packed to holes that I get bored if I just enter the main menu can you help me?
Jan 14, 2020
Hello everyone, I have been in the wonderful world of role-playing games for a long time, but like everyone else, I had a crisis and I can't find myself an interesting novelty, all the old games are so packed to holes that I get bored if I just enter the main menu can you help me?

If novelty is what you're looking for, two immediately spring to mind: "Tyranny", where you are working for a tyrannical overlord and enforcing his rule as you see fit, so a twist on the traditional good-guy Chosen One trope, and on the more esoteric, nuanced front, there's "Disco Elysium", which I can't personally vouch for because I keep bouncing off the weirdness of it for some reason, but many people swear by it, and it is definitely unique, so there's that.
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I'd like to know what you have played and what you personally like about RPGs to give suggestions. Steams last sale had an RPG similar to Dragon Age on sale called Greedfall. It has a setting similar to that of New World (1600s-1700s) and has you hacking your way across the landscape with a team of NPC's. Its pretty good for a AA title, that might tickle your RPG fancy
I probably sound like a broken record saying the same games over and over, but seeing the OP might not have heard me say it..

Dungeons of Naheulbeuk: the amulet of Chaos. The game is a turnbased masterpiece. If you like Campy, you will love this. It's a game that doesn't take it self to seriously, but it also does not mock RPG's, it's just very light hearted. The characters are great and story is darn good with more than a few solid laughs.

Loren Of the Amazon. It's part RPG part VN, it has a great story and pretty decent yet fairly simple RPG mechanics. The combat is turnbased, but done through just portraits and use of spells/powers. It's not a 3d game but don't let that fool you into thinking it's not a very solid game. The story is pretty good and lots of NPC's and ways to play. So much so you can replay the game many times. Even still it's a good 30+ hour ride.
Well it depends what kind of RPG ya want.

There's Fallout 3, 4 and New Vegas and the Elder Scrolls games for an FPS rpg feel.
For old school console rpg feel there's Grandia or the Final Fantasy series.
If you like old Baldurs Gate and Fallout 1 and 2, then Tyranny and Pillars of Eternity are great.
Want a Diablo fix there's Titan Quest and the Torchlight series.
Need a space opera/scifi/third person rpg then Mass Effect is a good series.
If you want other old school feeling rpg games. Avadon and Avernum series are great even Battle for Wesnoth. Wesnoth has a great old feel to it. It touched my Dark Wizard itch back in the day.

Hope that helps somewhat.
Jan 26, 2022
Hello everyone, I have been in the wonderful world of role-playing games for a long time, but like everyone else, I had a crisis and I can't find myself an interesting novelty, all the old games are so packed to holes that I get bored if I just enter the main menu can you help me?
Really hard to say as that is somewhat subjective. I have over 1600 hrs. in Fallout 4. How/ you may ask. I get caught up in the settlements. Building and in some cases deciding I had a better idea and the tearing down and rebuilding. There are a lot of good ones out there. Done multiple play throughs on all three Witcher games. I like most anything with a big world and story driven with a lot of side stuff to do as well. As someone else mentioned, the Fallout and Elder Scrolls Series of games are good. I ran across Elder Scrolls 2, Daggerfall sometime back. It must have been Optimized as it does play well on new equipment.
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Here are some that i loved

Dungeon of Naheulbeuk, (group turn based RPG, it's very campy and humorous, it's an RPG that doesn't take it self to serious. It's based on a old french pod cast of bumbling adventures that are lucky to make it out of the dungeon alive)

Banner saga 1-3, A visual novel with Group based RPG combat and a choices mater style of VN. The story is great, dark and gritty with great combat that's very tactical with almost no RNG. You will loose people along the way.

Druidstone, A very odd game with interesting characters and fun combat. it actually plays more like a puzzle as many of the combat missions are timed so you must complete an objective by turn 8 or what ever. the level system is simple and any RPG vet should get the basics in no time. You can also replay every mission at any time you want as there each mission gives you boosts to your part/player. You can 1-3 star each mission, if you don't make it to 3 stars you can replay. You do get less XP each time you play it, but it's worth it for the bonuses you get. (it was made by the same people that made legend of Grimrock. It's light on story, but big on fun!

Legend of Grimrock 1&2, the second i think is better over all, but the first has a lot of charm. It's a party based game with 4 characters but it's all first person, Your characters move as a block and you don't see them. You figure out puzzles and fight monsters on your way out of the dungeon or off the island.

dead in vinlnad, A very unique game that is part visual novel, part surival game and part RPG style line combat. It's blended perfectly you survive durning the day and get told a story every night. It's one of the hardest RPG's i've ever played, (though i did not play it on easy, normal is hard though, hard+ironman is well i didn't bother it took me 150 hours to beat it on nomral. easy is story mode though and a lot easier for casual players.


On a Journey
its clearly a glitch where you duplicate the rewards of quests to gain runes and levels much faster than you should. Obvious really given how long it took to finish it normally.

I haven't looked at sacred 2 since i installed it. I realised I have forgotten so much I might as well start again, and thats a big ask. Maybe next week.

i vaguely remember every class had its own story line at start, they did similar in S2 though it was shorter.
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its clearly a glitch where you duplicate the rewards of quests to gain runes and levels much faster than you should. Obvious really given how long it took to finish it normally.

I haven't looked at sacred 2 since i installed it. I realised I have forgotten so much I might as well start again, and thats a big ask. Maybe next week.

i vaguely remember every class had its own story line at start, they did similar in S2 though it was shorter.

I'm not sure how long it took me to finish the game, but it was probably several dozens of hours. And many, many more spend on characters that never even got close to the end.

Each class did have a unique starting position and maybe a few lines of unique dialogue. I'm not sure it was enough to count as a story line.


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