Question What is ur favorite memory?

I remember playing COD: MW2 on the Xbox 360 with my friends. A group came on on the opposing team and told us they were going to wipe the floor with us and post the game on YouTube. They basically camped in an arc formation so that they had all areas covered. I seem to recall we were able to use the under barrel grenade attachment to ping grenades in and take people out one at a time. Basically once they realised we were going to win they all rage quit.


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Me and Guido going after the griefers camping the entrance to the highest tier zone in World's Adrift. People couldn't get in at all. As soon as you entered the area, you were shot at by half-a-dozen of them. I worked for days to build the strongest, most nimble ship I could make, and we had god-tier guns, wings and engines and the whole thing was made with titanium.

I was a fairly decent pilot, but Guido the Gunner was on another level. It didn't matter how fast I flew or what maneuver I was making, he could blast you just the same. This was when I realized he had a gift for such things. We exited the storm entrance to the zone and were immediately attacked. Less than a minute or so later, there were three griefer ships dead in the air and two were fleeing. But we were faster than they were, and took care of them, too.

We went back and repeated this process as needed, and sometimes other players came with us. We ended up with about 20 players in our guild. It was tremendous fun.
Sniping first place in Trackmania in the last second by a hundredth of a second in a LAN party with a bunch of my friends. We played all throughout the night fueled by junk food and energy drinks, playing all kinds of games, but I think Trackmania was one of the most frantic, intense gaming experiences I've had. Especially since we were all at a fairly similar skill level, so no one was dominating and I think everyone got first place at least once.
My best video game memory is being MLG level in Ghost Recon and Ghost Recon: Island Thunder circa 2002-2005. Being in one of the top 3 ranked clans at the time on a popular site called gamebattles , running matches with online friends that i dont talk to anymore (i have 1 or 2 on my xbox friends list but). It was a fun time, being sought after to play in matches, talking junk and getting yelled at by my parents for outbursts at 1,2, 3 in the morning lol.
Nov 6, 2024
What is ur best memory
My favorite was in the OG Halo there was a map that had a giant spire in the middle and covenant were all around it. Essentially the objective was to kill all enemy and move to next area. Well a friend and I decided we had a side mission. To get the warthog stuck on top of the spire.

We gathered up as many grenades as we could find, then took turns dying so our grenades fell to the ground. After we had all our grenades in a pile on the ground we strategically place the warthog over them. With the last grenade we had set aside we threw it at the pile causing a massive explosion.

It took several attempt using different elevations and grenade types but finally we got the vehicle on top of the spire. A truly memorable day in the Halo chronicles.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
Oh, only a gaming memory… how sad. I have one short memory and one long memory.

Far Cry Primal in Izila territory, with 3 Izila warriors running laterally making for a bridge to get to me. 3 headshots out of 3 with the bow. Nothing special, you say? It was to me as Primal was the game where I decided I was going to git gud with a bow—not much point playing it otherwise. So yeah, chuffed the first time that happened, loved bow play since.

Command and Conquer Generals Zero Hour, General's Challenge mode on hardest difficulty—took me a summer to beat that, I think it was 63 missions in total. The Chinese Tank and US Airforce Generals were the toughest of the normal ones for me—think tank and bomber rushes before you've even had breakfast. But the doozy was of course General Leang, who had the pick of the best gear from all the other factions for the final boss fights—you only got her missions once you'd defeated all the others if I recall correctly.
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May 13, 2024
Looks like we did this before, but I'll play along since we're approaching holiday season, which I look forward to gaming every year.

So in addition to what I mentioned in the other thread, I have another experience that I'll mention. I played an open-world shooter game starting Thanksgiving weekend one year, and played for the next month into the the last week of the year where I took a staycation. That was maybe some 15 or so years ago, and I had such a memorable experience that since then I've made it a gaming tradition to play or re-play an open-world shooter during that same time period every year, where I now always take the same staycation (Dec. 25 to Jan 1). Not sure what I'll be playing this time around, but a replay of Far Cry 3, 4, or 6, or Ghost Recon: Breakpoint are high on the list if I don't find a new title or something I haven't played yet. Far Cry 4 is a personal favorite, but a modern tatical open-world shooter is also always a favorite.
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May 13, 2024
Sniping first place in Trackmania in the last second by a hundredth of a second in a LAN party with a bunch of my friends. We played all throughout the night fueled by junk food and energy drinks, playing all kinds of games, but I think Trackmania was one of the most frantic, intense gaming experiences I've had. Especially since we were all at a fairly similar skill level, so no one was dominating and I think everyone got first place at least once.

Command and Conquer Generals Zero Hour, General's Challenge mode on hardest difficulty—took me a summer to beat that, I think was63 missions in total. The Chinese Tank and US Airforce Generals were the toughest of the normal ones for me—think tank and bomber rushes before you've even had breakfast. But the doozy was of course General Leang, who had the pick of the best gear from all the other factions for the final boss fights—you only got her missions once you'd defeated all the others if I recall correctly.

This right here is what I miss about my college years. My buddies and I were all still single (well, I had GFs but wasn't bound to marriage, which I did get dumped twice over 2 different games, but that's a story for another day :D), and we would LAN up and play War Craft II, C&C, and DOOM over a holiday weekend. Nothing but Pizza and junk all weekend long that our 20 something-old stomachs could handle.
May 13, 2024
Assume you know of Ghost Recon Wildlands, fine OW SP FPS.

Indeed, sir. One of my all-time favorite tactical open-world shooters. I played that one to death. I initially started on PS4. and I played it so much that one day the platinum trophy just popped and I wasn't even trying for it lol. I later picked it up on a steam sale and started the mayhem and destruction all over again.

I otherwise only have 1 play through on Breakpoint and I've been meaning to back to it. And that was before they added AI team teammates so I'm looking forward to it.

Attaboy, love when a guy keeps his priorities straight!

I was going to refrain from sharing a story, but this actually is a memorable one, although not necessarily a favorite, and I realize I'm the jerk in the scenario. I had gotten back from a long day of class between calculus and engineering. My brain was shot and I had tons of homework. Killed my brain even more. It was late by the time I finished, but my brain was too wired to sleep so I decided to jump onto X-Wing. Phone rings, I don't pick up as I just didn't feel like talking to anybody with my brain -and emotions - being so mush. It was her. She started talking on my answering machine telling me to pick up the phone, then eventually got pissed when I neglected to and ended the call with something to the effect of, "I know you're playing that stupid game! We're done!" <CLICK!>

The nerve of some people, I can't believe she said that. X-Wing is NOT a stupid game! 👹
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Community Contributor
Looks like we did this before, but I'll play along since we're approaching holiday season, which I look forward to gaming every year.
The original poster never answered in that thread, either. ;)

There are so many to choose from - let's go with Death Stranding. I needed to get over a mountain with a whole bunch of ghost-like things. There had been no way until the story got to the point where I learned a great way to scare them off (basically: throw my poo at them - it's particularly potent poo, you see).

It still wasn't easy, as these ghosts are invisible much of the time. But up the mountain I went, poo grenades ready. There's some over there! Toss a grenade and away they go. Some there, too! Not such a good toss, but the second one gets them. I keep going on up, but it soon becomes clear that I'm not going to have enough ammo. The mountain top is close, though and the spooky rainy stuff the ghosts like isn't up there. I make a break for it - but no!! Ghostly hands grab my legs and start pulling at me! Shake them off! Shake themmmm OFFF! YES! Up to the top of the mountain, and safety!

As I climbed down the safe side of the mountain, perfectly appropriate music played. I'm not sure why the music worked so well, it seems kinda dark for a victory song, but it did.

I just wish I had recorded it - but I got a recording of another mission going up a mountain that was just as impactful. Unfortunately, it's also solid spoiler.
May 13, 2024
The original poster never answered in that thread, either. ;)

There are so many to choose from - let's go with Death Stranding. I needed to get over a mountain with a whole bunch of ghost-like things. There had been no way until the story got to the point where I learned a great way to scare them off (basically: throw my poo at them - it's particularly potent poo, you see).

It still wasn't easy, as these ghosts are invisible much of the time. But up the mountain I went, poo grenades ready. There's some over there! Toss a grenade and away they go. Some there, too! Not such a good toss, but the second one gets them. I keep going on up, but it soon becomes clear that I'm not going to have enough ammo. The mountain top is close, though and the spooky rainy stuff the ghosts like isn't up there. I make a break for it - but no!! Ghostly hands grab my legs and start pulling at me! Shake them off! Shake themmmm OFFF! YES! Up to the top of the mountain, and safety!

As I climbed down the safe side of the mountain, perfectly appropriate music played. I'm not sure why the music worked so well, it seems kinda dark for a victory song, but it did.

I just wish I had recorded it - but I got a recording of another mission going up a mountain that was just as impactful. Unfortunately, it's also solid spoiler.

I've yet to play this one. I bought the standard initially for cheap on a Steam sale, then I read that the Director's Cut is the one you want to play, so I grabbed the DC upgrade as well when it got discounted.

But now I want to see what this poo-fearing-ghosts business is about. It does sound like a solid spoiler.
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...let's go with Death Stranding. I needed to get over a mountain with a whole bunch of ghost-like things. There had been no way until the story got to the point where I learned a great way to scare them off (basically: throw my poo at them - it's particularly potent poo, you see).

You must be part Monkey, or have studied Monkey Kung Doo at some point in your life. No one fwaps their crap more than those furry little monsters!

I didn't care much for original Death Stranding. It was largely due to the difficulty of hauling resources, the samey looking blobish monsters, and constantly getting stuck in the black goo. I can't help but think I just didn't know enough how to play it. The trailer for the sequel oddly piqued my interest though, and restored some interest in the franchise for me.

I may reach out for some tips from time to time if I pick DS up again if you don't mind.


Community Contributor
But isn't that what you already posted?
When you were doing your runs up the mountain…
That's getting out of the starting area - essentially the tutorial. The other one was the last story mission of the game.
But now I want to see what this poo-fearing-ghosts business is about. It does sound like a solid spoiler.

What's really weird is that it makes sense once you understand what's going on. Well, that's going too far. It seems plausible once you understand what's going on.

You must be part Monkey, or have studied Monkey Kung Doo at some point in your life. No one fwaps their crap more than those furry little monsters!
We make grenades out of ours - clearly, we are FAR more civilized!
I didn't care much for original Death Stranding. It was largely due to the difficulty of hauling resources, the samey looking blobish monsters, and constantly getting stuck in the black goo. I can't help but think I just didn't know enough how to play it. The trailer for the sequel oddly piqued my interest though, and restored some interest in the franchise for me.
If you come for the combat, you'll be disappointed for sure. There's some in there, and even some boss fights, but I don't think it's meant to be a major part of the game.
I may reach out for some tips from time to time if I pick DS up again if you don't mind.
I got ya covered!
Jun 11, 2024
Generally don't do PvP anymore, but I do have a favourite PvP memory from when I was a wee lad back in the 1800s. Me and my guild were going to do some mob farming in Lineage 2. Back then, I thought myself to be cool, so I played a paladin, basically a tank class with nearly zero damage. I was waiting for my guildmates to join me and got ambushed by a rogue from the competing guild. At first, I panicked but quickly saw that the rogue couldn't really damage me. Neither could I damage them. So we picked at each other for about a minute, then the rogue gave up, typed "f u" in chat and left. Good times.
May 13, 2024
Speaking of PvP and the 1800s ;), that just reminded me way back when, I jumped into a Half-Life 2 DM that had already started (at least I think it was HL2, don't remember for sure). I think it was a 10 min match and 2 had already gone by. Back in those days, not everyone had a mic, but the guy leading in kills not only had one, but made sure every one knew it and kept spewing insults. I think he was up by 5 or so kills. My handle at the time was "A Woman", and he eventually turned his attention to me and said, "Who's this 'A Woman' guy, HE SuuuUUUCKS!" Obviously by the time I dropped in I was dead last, but I don't think he noticed I was late to the party. Regardless, at that point I was hell-bent on taking him down along with anyone in my way. It was something like 80% in my favor vs that mouther, and by the time the match ended, I won by 2. I wrote in the chat something like, "Get out of your mom's basement. I think I heard her calling you for supper." He jumped off and didn't stay for the next match, but the best part was when the timer ran out, I got the last kill and it was on him, and before he left somebody else caught on to my handle and sent in the chat, "<so and so> got killed by A Woman!"
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We make grenades out of ours - clearly, we are FAR more civilized!
Fun fact, my screen name comes from having a blast ages ago playing the Medal of Honor Demo MP map rotation, where one night of the week it was grenade night. You literally had an endless supply of grenades to toss! I also that night always played as the British guy in shorts with goggles carrying a rocket launcher, whom always had a big sh!t eating grin on his face, which was appropriate because it was so silly and ridiculous, but so fun.
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