What is the most realistic shooting game on PC?

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Aug 17, 2021
I ask this because everybody thought that his game is the most realistic, just like me that i thought PUBG is the most realistic shooting game. But i want to know the truth by your answer. Lets see the major choice.


Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
Escape from Tarkov is pretty realistic. Advanced weapon customizations, different types of bullets, bullet drop, bullet penetration depending on the different types of armor and objects you hit. Several types of tactical stances, which are quite similar to what you would find in Arma 3. I'd say both games are similar in some areas when it comes to realism, but Arma 3 wins if you are looking for more of a heavy tactical military game. Arma 3 BR is pretty awesome also if you want to play a battle royale version of the game which is a bit less military-focused.
Aug 26, 2021
Why does the Call of duty Series included in the list. =) Not all scenes were good, but most of it were great.

I'll go with Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
It has cool and realistic graphics which I felt cool to play on my PC.
Aug 30, 2021
I ask this because everybody thought that his game is the most realistic, just like me that i thought PUBG is the most realistic shooting game. But i want to know the truth by your answer. Lets see the major choice.
i think arma 3 is still the most realistic shooting game :D
Aug 26, 2021
I'm going to have to go with Arma 3.

Sorry, I don't have anything to add to that thought because I actually don't like Arma 3. But it is ridiculously realistic.

Always thought I was nuts for this when my friends played it. It's super realistic but everything about it just seems so tedious to me.
Sep 5, 2021
How about an upcoming game?
Six Days in Fallujah seems like the real deal!

Six Days in Fallujah is a first-person tactical military shooter that recreates true stories of Marines, Soldiers, and Iraqi civilians during the toughest urban battle since 1968.

Mind blowing visuals coming out Q4 2021 ;)
Sep 6, 2021
Escape from Tarkovis the most realistic shooting game, I don‘t think you can compare this to any other game. Basically you chose your loadout out of your stash (things you got from previous raids, like the overall inventory) and a map and get into a raid. There you got 15-60 minutes time and you will spawn with 4-9 other players + plus „scavs“ ( mostly npc controlled) . Your aim now is to get loot and fulfil quests you got from traders and at the end, extract all of your loot without getting killed. If you get killed you lose everything you got with you, if you are able to extract, you can add your raid inventory to your stash. Now you restart the whole process:D. I think this sounds borring, doing the same **** over and over again, but it really makes fun to me, especially with Friends. But be aware of the hardcoreness of this game and watch some YouTube videos or reviews before you buy it, it‘s not for everyone.
There are some playstyles. You can be the quest guy, those are mostly map scouting, or the trader on the Community market, or just Making enough money and doin some quests and just have your fun in raids without a big target
Watch YouTube video gameplay for better understanding
While it certainly isn't the most realistic in the tactical sense I feel 'Spec Ops: The Line' did a fantastic job portraying the possible mental issues that can come from war and the atrocities many people go through.
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