Question What gpu can my i5-4430 handle?

Jun 9, 2020
I was planning to go for a 1650 gtx is it compatible and won’t experience a bottleneck, hope someone can answer cause nobody helped me on tomshardware forum.

my specs are:

MOBO: Asrock h87m pro4
CPU: i5-4430 @ 3.00Ghz
Ram: 12.00GB Dual channel ddr3 @ 666mhz
GRAPHICS: HP 2009 (1600x900@60Hz)
STORAGE: 111GB Crucial CT120BX500SSD1
Power supply: 400w Silverstone SST-ST40F-ES
Jun 4, 2020

So in terms of bottlenecking - let's forget that word for a moment, because if you are serious about purchasing a GPU to improve your system, then you're not going to throw it out when you decide the next thing to upgrade is your motherboard and CPU - in that scenario guess what happens next - you now need a new GPU as its not effectively delivering on your requirements with the new hardware.

Firstly, think about your budget - what you are looking to do with it and then start your research - there are copious bench-marking sites that allow you to find out the potential FPS of a card. I wouldn't buy anything that won't get 144 fps - I have already purchased a 144Hz monitor - why wouldn't I want to reach the capacity of my already purchased device?

Based on a quick google of "1650 GTX" it doesn't sound like a good purchase - just hitting 60fps at 1080p isn't where you want to be. I would perhaps hold on a little longer, increase the budget and get yourself a 1070 or better. Not because it makes any difference to me, but because i think its a waste of money to get something that is below standard performance, as a new purchase.

I hope that helps, and wish you luck with your purchases :)
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Jun 9, 2020

So in terms of bottlenecking - let's forget that word for a moment, because if you are serious about purchasing a GPU to improve your system, then you're not going to throw it out when you decide the next thing to upgrade is your motherboard and CPU - in that scenario guess what happens next - you now need a new GPU as its not effectively delivering on your requirements with the new hardware.

Firstly, think about your budget - what you are looking to do with it and then start your research - there are copious bench-marking sites that allow you to find out the potential FPS of a card. I wouldn't buy anything that won't get 144 fps - I have already purchased a 144Hz monitor - why wouldn't I want to reach the capacity of my already purchased device?

Based on a quick google of "1650 GTX" it doesn't sound like a good purchase - just hitting 60fps at 1080p isn't where you want to be. I would perhaps hold on a little longer, increase the budget and get yourself a 1070 or better. Not because it makes any difference to me, but because i think its a waste of money to get something that is below standard performance, as a new purchase.

I hope that helps, and wish you luck with your purchases

Thanks for that reply, Yeah cause other says that my i5-4430 cant handle it, i dont got budget for a monitor atm but want to get atleast 40-60fps when I play ark. Right now im playing at low with only 10-20fps. But for my build right now which would you go with? 1050ti or a 1650? Checked most places 1050ti is 160$ and a 1650 is 150$. At the moment i dont have a budget for anything else. In the future i will upgrade my psu cpu and etc. maybe even get a whole new rig. But as of right now just want a videocard.

This should help a little. If you want 0% bottleneck, you might want to check a 900 series card, which, with your setup and budget should get you where you want, you can check on that site other gpus.

Also, here is a calculator that you can input any gpu and cpu to see what you get.

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Feb 17, 2020
Ignore GPUcheck. Ignore any and all websites that claim to give a) automated comparisons of X vs Y and/or b) give bottleneck ratings as a percentage / 'calculate' your 'bottleneck'. While it looks like a nice, easy answer, it's junk piled on top of junk. Which is unfortunate because they come up high on google results.

Also it depends a lot on what games you play, and what settings you find acceptable. A 1650 is a very good entry level gaming GPU.

While bottlenecking is an overused term, it's valid to talk about it here.

There are 2 issues: 1) can your CPU be a bottleneck? 2) does it really matter?

The answers are 1) yes, sometimes and 2) no, not really.

This article explores bottlenecks with a similar CPU (2 cores, 4 threads, like your i3) and graphics cards in the same ballpark as the GTX 1650 (things like the RX 570 for example) to show where bottlenecks can appear.
The main conclusion is that you can still do fine with a 2-core, 4-thread CPU and an entry level GPU.
It's three years old, though GPUs like the RX 570 it examines are still mainstream. Obviously some modern titles like Assassin's Creed Origins/Odyssey would probably change the picture a bit as they are brutes and very demanding on the CPU.

Edit: originally misread the OP's CPU as being a weaker one. But the main points above still stand. Also this article may also be of interest as it examines old i5s.

In some games, depending on your settings, your older i3 CPU would be a problem for performance, at least some of the time. You could expect framerate drops and a less smooth experience in those titles.

However, in general, a GTX 1650 is still going to be a massive upgrade on your GT 640. Orders of magnitude better. And in most games, you'll get your money's worth from the upgrade.

I can't tell you about Ark specifically, only that Ark can make use of a powerful graphics card from what little I've played it, so you should expect a big improvement in average framerates and the kinds of settings you can run the game at versus your GT 640.

Checked most places 1050ti is 160$ and a 1650 is 150$.

The GTX 1050 ti is a last generation GPU that is weaker than the GTX 1650. If those are the prices, go for the 1650 without hesitation.
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Jun 9, 2020
Ignore GPUcheck. Ignore any and all websites that claim to give a) automated comparisons of X vs Y and/or b) give bottleneck ratings as a percentage / 'calculate' your 'bottleneck'. While it looks like a nice, easy answer, it's junk piled on top of junk. Which is unfortunate because they come up high on google results.

Also it depends a lot on what games you play, and what settings you find acceptable. A 1650 is a very good entry level gaming GPU.

While bottlenecking is an overused term, it's valid to talk about it here.

There are 2 issues: 1) can your CPU be a bottleneck? 2) does it really matter?

The answers are 1) yes, sometimes and 2) no, not really.

This article explores bottlenecks with a similar CPU (2 cores, 4 threads, like your i3) and graphics cards in the same ballpark as the GTX 1650 (things like the RX 570 for example) to show where bottlenecks can appear.
The main conclusion is that you can still do fine with a 2-core, 4-thread CPU and an entry level GPU.
It's three years old, though GPUs like the RX 570 it examines are still mainstream. Obviously some modern titles like Assassin's Creed Origins/Odyssey would probably change the picture a bit as they are brutes and very demanding on the CPU.

In some games, depending on your settings, your older i3 CPU would be a problem for performance, at least some of the time. You could expect framerate drops and a less smooth experience in those titles.

However, in general, a GTX 1650 is still going to be a massive upgrade on your GT 640. Orders of magnitude better. And in most games, you'll get your money's worth from the upgrade.

I can't tell you about Ark specifically, only that Ark can make use of a powerful graphics card from what little I've played it, so you should expect a big improvement in average framerates and the kinds of settings you can run the game at versus your GT 640.

The GTX 1050 ti is a last generation GPU that is weaker than the GTX 1650. If those are the prices, go for the 1650 without hesitation.

thank you for the very detailed info. Yeah ive seen people on different forums that have the same cpu as i do. I5-4430 and they’re running a 1060 6gb.So I’ll just go with the 1650 and later down the road upgrade my cpu or buy new mobo that can support better cpus in the future. Thank you, nobody helped me in toms hardware forum and I really appreciate it.
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Reactions: Oussebon
Feb 17, 2020
Somehow I misread your post as having only an i3 (2C/4T) and not an i5 (4C/4T). Apologies for that ! So it will be even less of an issue, though some games are monsters that will suffer from not having more powerful and modern CPUs. But still, the 1650 will be a very nice step up. :)
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Feb 17, 2020
Broken clocks are right twice a day as well; I still wouldn't use them to tell the time :)

Sites like GPUboss, CPUboss, game debate, and all the garbage just like them - plus userbenchmark - don't have reliable methods for gathering and/or presenting data. They're just not trustworthy.

You can tell they're not trustworthy, because they do things like claim there is a "30% CPU impact on FPS." No serious site would ever claim that, maybe ever, certainly without having tested the specific configuration.

"We have sophisticated algorithms that have been carefully designed to produce 90% accurate estimates of gaming performance based on analyzing over 70,000 benchmark tests. "

That's marketing for "We made it all up - it might sometimes be sort of right".

We know their results are made up garbage because looking at actual benchmarks of older, weaker CPUs with entry level GPUs like the GTX 1650 tend not to show you're losing 30% of your FPS on ultra averaged across all games...

It'd be possible to go on at great length (which benchmarks did they analyse in addition to the few they name? random junk on youtube? are they missing out many major websites? Fundamentally the algorithm is just guessing...) but you get the idea: it's bad data.

And as for "" claiming that you're going to be CPU-bound on ultra on Witcher 3 and get only 18.fps.... That website can do one. That's so far wrong it's not even funny.

It's misleading, unhelpful, untrustworthy garbage.

Which is unfortunate, otherwise these kinds of sites might be very useful.
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Jun 9, 2020
Somehow I misread your post as having only an i3 (2C/4T) and not an i5 (4C/4T). Apologies for that ! So it will be even less of an issue, though some games are monsters that will suffer from not having more powerful and modern CPUs. But still, the 1650 will be a very nice step up.

thanks alot oussebon. Really helped me decide what’s best. I appreciate it. Gonna get me the 1650 this week. God bless u.