There are multiple games studios that got removed from Steam by Valve for manipulating reviews and making fake accounts just to bump up ratings on Steam.
Topic is rising in Poland, as two companies described below are from this country. But still it's hard to reach Valve and show them the proof. What is funny, Steam took down some studios for making just... six... fake accounts and fake reviews. It was enough reason to remove games from platform. Here we have much bigger studios, linked with stock markets.
There's also email that got leaked about posting fake reviews on Steam from one of described companies. It's funny to see that they have "secret corner" for fake and paid reviews.
First is the company called Prime Bit Games.
They developed some games on Steam and people started to be suspecious about their newest one. It was quite strange that all accounts that gave their game positive review are mutual friends. So Steam users started digging and found this. The list of accounts that gave their game thumb up on Steam - all linked together, all accounts are from the same city (option in Steam profile) as developers. And even some of them are developers themselfs.
As you see, this review is posted by CEO of company that made this game. He was trying to hide himself as typical Steam user that want to support Polish game studio, as it's described in Polish. But someone found his message on Discord and made a proof that he manipulated reviews for his own game. Devlopers of this game are not very smart as one of reviews is posted by user called Emiliano, he also plays the role of sole random Steam user that want to support the game development. Despite... he is under the same nickname marked as developer on this game Discord. And he likes to ban people if they will say something about such reviews.
Another problem in gaming market are games rated by new accounts that just bought the game and posted positive review after some minutes. They are very obvious but not many games are making fake reviews so hard and so much. One of such games is Project Wunderwaffe made by Gameparic (sub company of quite bit Playway). Over 20 reviews (~30% of all posted now) are made by account that have one game and one review. Also we can see that such accounts where made on day of release. Gameparic is small company from Poland and some of such fake accounts has polish-like names, for example Cracovia below, it's the name of city in Poland - Kraków - and football club, Cracovia Kraków. So?
For some of you it will be TL/DR and something totaly not interesting, but it's quite nice proof that some games are literally trying to cheat on Steam market. And as I said before - Steam decided to put down whole studio just for six fake reviews posted by devs themselfs. Here we have even bigger problem - both companies are listed on stock markets. They have shatload of money for ads and even got few thousand likes on their ads on Facebook. But as we see it was not enough to push the sales
Topic is rising in Poland, as two companies described below are from this country. But still it's hard to reach Valve and show them the proof. What is funny, Steam took down some studios for making just... six... fake accounts and fake reviews. It was enough reason to remove games from platform. Here we have much bigger studios, linked with stock markets.
There's also email that got leaked about posting fake reviews on Steam from one of described companies. It's funny to see that they have "secret corner" for fake and paid reviews.
First is the company called Prime Bit Games.
They developed some games on Steam and people started to be suspecious about their newest one. It was quite strange that all accounts that gave their game positive review are mutual friends. So Steam users started digging and found this. The list of accounts that gave their game thumb up on Steam - all linked together, all accounts are from the same city (option in Steam profile) as developers. And even some of them are developers themselfs.

As you see, this review is posted by CEO of company that made this game. He was trying to hide himself as typical Steam user that want to support Polish game studio, as it's described in Polish. But someone found his message on Discord and made a proof that he manipulated reviews for his own game. Devlopers of this game are not very smart as one of reviews is posted by user called Emiliano, he also plays the role of sole random Steam user that want to support the game development. Despite... he is under the same nickname marked as developer on this game Discord. And he likes to ban people if they will say something about such reviews.
Another problem in gaming market are games rated by new accounts that just bought the game and posted positive review after some minutes. They are very obvious but not many games are making fake reviews so hard and so much. One of such games is Project Wunderwaffe made by Gameparic (sub company of quite bit Playway). Over 20 reviews (~30% of all posted now) are made by account that have one game and one review. Also we can see that such accounts where made on day of release. Gameparic is small company from Poland and some of such fake accounts has polish-like names, for example Cracovia below, it's the name of city in Poland - Kraków - and football club, Cracovia Kraków. So?

For some of you it will be TL/DR and something totaly not interesting, but it's quite nice proof that some games are literally trying to cheat on Steam market. And as I said before - Steam decided to put down whole studio just for six fake reviews posted by devs themselfs. Here we have even bigger problem - both companies are listed on stock markets. They have shatload of money for ads and even got few thousand likes on their ads on Facebook. But as we see it was not enough to push the sales