What are you playing, thinking, etc thread (for Nov-21 to Nov-27)

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What I'm not playing this week: In news that would have shocked me six months ago, I've decided not to purchase Farming Simulator 22 when it releases tomorrow. I may yet buy it soon enough, but right now I'm really enjoying what I'm playing, and there's no reason to think I'd quit playing these games to start playing Farming Sim right now. If I read the user reviews and they are glowing, I could change my mind. Or if I suddenly tire of Satisfactory. But right now I'm planning on delaying the purchase.

I also don't plan to play Far Cry 6, but that could change. I think we need a break from it for awhile. I do like these Ubisoft open world games, but I can't play them start to finish without a break, usually. They just sort of go on forever if you do all the side activities (and goof around a lot like we do).

I may or may not play Solasta. I'm about to the point where I may have to just accept the fact that I'm not an RPG guy right now. I keep buying these games and trying to play them, and I just can't do it. Some day hopefully I'll come back around to them. My first PC game ever was Wizardry, and I've played tons of cRPG's through the years. They just aren't clicking with me right now.

What I'm playing: the strategy and logistics of Satisfactory still have me entranced, so I'll probably spend most of my gaming time playing that. The first patch for Forza Horizon 5 made some decent improvements to connectivity, so I'll likely be spending a bit more time there.
Jan 22, 2020
I need to get back into Satisfactoy, there've been two updates since my last playthrough and I never reached the top two tiers even then.

Still trying to find time to play Skyrim, but life keeps getting in the way at the moment. TES6 will be out by the time I get around to it.
Re-running Outriders with a new character because of its new update and they added a transmog system so its cool being able to wear legendary skins over regular weapons/armor. Halo Infinite is in rotation now because i find its MP to be pretty easy though i feel the TTK of its weapons is bad (PCG says its good). Those are the big ones atm, my lovely Destiny forever game is taking a back burner until its anniversary content/update drops on Dec. 7th, so alls im doing in there is running 1 particular high-end activity to help other players.


Community Contributor
Wasteland 3 still. The game is starting to get on the easy side now. Maybe I did too much content, because now I'm finding myself several levels above the suggested level.

I started the Steelport (Pueblo) DLC and ran into trouble fast: you're told to avoid killing some of the enemies but your pets won't know to follow that order. I can send one pet home, but the other just speaks Latin at me when I try to ask him to leave - or at least stay back.


Community Contributor
Damn damn damn damn. Satisfactory just had a major update...

And I didn't notice because I was launching from the mod launcher. So naturally Steam updated the game, and now all my mods are broken. Theoretically there's some arcane way of accessing older versions of a game, but some of the mods have already updated, and there's no way to roll back mod versions in this launcher. I'll just have to wait until the modders update their mods. I've got 38 going. Not all are essential, obviously. I'm willing to dump some mods if they are slow to update. About a dozen updated in the first hour after the update.

I'm off the rest of the week for Thanksgiving. Really hoping to get to play it. I may end up buying Farming Simulator 22 after all.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
Theoretically there's some arcane way of accessing older versions of a game, but some of the mods have already updated, and there's no way to roll back mod versions in this launcher
Both issues very simply resolved by restoring your most recent disk image—it's in the ImNotAnIdiot folder by default.

It's at times like this you gotta pity the poor suckers who don't image their disk, right?

PS: you showed Dad Fryer how to do it, I hope. If not, there's a user-friendly guide in someone's sig around here.


Community Contributor
You can often roll back versions in Steam by checking the beta test versions of the game. Lots of publishers, especially ones with lots of mods, put the previous version in the list of "beta test" versions so you don't have to update. (It'd be nice if Steam would do something more formal, but this works well enough.)

If your mods are auto-updating, though, and those updates aren't backwards compatible, there isn't much point. Just take a break and wait for the storm to clear.

@Pifanjr 15 minutes!? Ugh, I remember getting forced into that in one of my jobs. You MUST take a one hour lunch break. You MUST take two fifteen-minute breaks. No, you can't skip them, eat lunch at your desk, and go home 90 minutes early. Drove me nuts!
@Pifanjr 15 minutes!? Ugh, I remember getting forced into that in one of my jobs. You MUST take a one hour lunch break. You MUST take two fifteen-minute breaks. No, you can't skip them, eat lunch at your desk, and go home 90 minutes early. Drove me nuts!

To be clear, I work from home and these are not mandated work breaks. In fact, I don't think my boss would entirely approve if he knew I was taking breaks to play video games. Though as long as I get my work done and I'm available when needed, he doesn't really care what I do.

I'm in project mode now too, so one I've used for that is:


It's a cross between RTS and Tower Defense—very basic, but definitely worth $7 if it boats your float :)

Thanks for the suggestion, but I think Epic has given me enough games to last me for a while... I just did a count and I got 128 games on there, of which I've bought one.


Venatus semper
Nov 27, 2020
I've put Mass Effect Legendary (ME1) on the back burner for the time being until I resolve the sound issue with all audio cutting out during some combat sequences. From a Reddit post I read, apparently EA/Bioware is aware of the issue and is working on a fix. I don't take much encouragement from that.

So I'm sticking with Solasta: Crown of the Magister for the Thanksgiving weekend. I've already re-started once because I ran into a bug in the first dungeon, Caer Lem, that prohibited me from progressing the main quest. I was a bit upset about that, but it was early in the game, so I started over in the optional beta branch (which just received a large update). Since doing that, I've had no issues and avoided that bug.

One thing to note, is that older saves (non-beta) won't work once you opt into the beta version. To Tactical Adventures credit, they seem to be constantly working on improving the game. I'm also interested in playing with the Dungeon Maker that they've included to see what I can make. It's also still in beta, but appears to be fairly easy to use.

Damn damn damn damn. Satisfactory just had a major update...

And I didn't notice because I was launching from the mod launcher. So naturally Steam updated the game, and now all my mods are broken.
The best way to avoid that, since you're on Steam, is to mark the game as "do not update until launched from Steam", as you're launching from the mod launcher anyway.

Both issues very simply resolved by restoring your most recent disk image—it's in the ImNotAnIdiot folder by default.

It's at times like this you gotta pity the poor suckers who don't image their disk, right?
Oh, yeah; I seem to remember you mentioning disk imaging before....once....or twice....or so.:) I'm still in the "hey sucka" category though, as I've yet to actually do it (even though you provided the information). Some day.

Ugh, I remember getting forced into that in one of my jobs. You MUST take a one hour lunch break. You MUST take two fifteen-minute breaks. No, you can't skip them, eat lunch at your desk, and go home 90 minutes early. Drove me nuts!
I used to work for a small company (about 25-30 employees) where we could pretty much set our own schedule: start time, quit time, lunch breaks, ect. As long as the work assigned to us was completed, we were free to come and go as we needed/wanted to. A few years before I retired, we were bought out by a large corporation in New York; and all that changed; and it was pretty much as you just described. That whole rigid, drone-like scheduling and structure just didn't sit well with me (and others).


Community Contributor
I finished Crying Suns so I need a new game I can play in short sessions. I think it's going to be the Guild of Dungeoneering, one of this week's free games from Epic, which looks like you can play through one level in a short 15 minute gaming session during a work break.

Rime, if you got it free on Epic, is pretty relaxing and okay for short sessions. It's a puzzle, exploration game, and I enjoyed it quite a bit.

Both issues very simply resolved by restoring your most recent disk image—it's in the ImNotAnIdiot folder by default.

They won't let me have an "ImNotAnIdiot" folder.

I'm in project mode now too

I'm done with projects, seminars, etc. for the year. I have about 4 (on average) consultation calls a day until the end of the year, and that's about it. But I have two types of customer, the one that wants to get done with everything early, and the one that wants to wait until Sept-Nov. The early ones will keep me slammed starting about the second week of January.


Community Contributor
I got back in to Mechwarrior 5. I grabbed the two DLC a few weeks ago and, now that the mod insanity is done, I restarted my campaign and I'm blasting away again.

I really shouldn't be liking this game so much. The main story is borderline pathetic. (You killed my pa! Now I'm going to kill thousands so I can kill y'awl! And make a lot of money while I do it!) The characters are barely there. The graphics are good but nothing special. The game loop is really just: pick a mission, shoot stuff up, pay to fix it, maybe buy/upgrade a few things, pick another mission.... Yet I'm having a ball! It makes a good action game for when I don't feel like playing Wasteland 3, too.

But I have two types of customer, the one that wants to get done with everything early, and the one that wants to wait until Sept-Nov. The early ones will keep me slammed starting about the second week of January.
Leaving December open! Time to conquer a 200 hour game!
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