Weekend Question: Which PlayStation-exclusive do you want on PC next?

PCG Jody

Staff member
Dec 9, 2019
I ask the PCG staff a regular Weekend Question and post the answers on the site. If you'd like to throw in an answer here, I'll squeeze the best into the finished article!

This week the question is: Which PlayStation-exclusive do you want on PC next?

God of War is confirmed to be coming to PC. So is Uncharted 4 and its spin-off The Lost Legacy. We've already got Horizon Zero Dawn, and Days Gone, and it's presumably just a matter of time until Square Enix owns up to Final Fantasy 16 getting a PC release and puts a date on it. But there are still plenty more PS games that would fit the PC, that would be suited by mods and running at 60fps on a fancy monitor. Which are you holding out for?
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Reactions: Mazer
Jan 22, 2020
Ghost of Tsushima! The infamous series on PS3 showed what Sucker Punch can do with an open world action game, and the samurai-flick vibes appealed to me immediately. With God Of War coming to PC it feels like anything is possible, and getting GoT could lead to Infamous:Second Son which is the only one in the series I didn't get to play.
BloodBorne. For god sake Sony give us Bloodborne. Whilst you're at it, port Demon souls as well.

Other games? Well it couldn't hurt to get the infamous series - not sure what the game was like but it looks like fun and might be an awesome collection if they bundled them all into one. Persona 5 hopefully will come to the PC in the next 5-10 years.


Community Contributor
Shadow of the Colossus (2018 remake)? Honestly, I don't think I would even buy that.

If we get to go into days of yore (PS 1 and 2 era), I would buy Xenogears for sure, and would probably get Xenosaga and the first two Shadow Hearts games. The old Final Fantasy games seem to be selling OK so maybe...?
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Reactions: Pifanjr
Jan 23, 2020
Gundam Extreme VS Maxi BOOST ON.

It isn't even owned by Sony, but it's PlayStation exclusive for some pretty bad reasons... On one hand, we kinda deserved to not have EXVS games on PC given our complaints about Ace Combat 7 and Code Vein, though on the other hand, I don't think the dev team are that much better than us when their answer is to also make a PS4/PC game that's also region locked on Steam to only be purchasable in Japan only.

I know damn well what their intention is given Japan's cultural biases against PC gaming, and it will be extremely satisfying to see the day when Epic Games throws money at them because if that happened, they'll have to continue developing their console games for PC due to a contractual obligation to do so. I know Epic Games are scummy in their own ways but considering the situation with Japanese games on PC, I would say that they're actually the lesser evil compared to leaving Japanese game developers to their own devices when it comes to PC gaming.
Jan 23, 2020
hatsune miku project diva games please
I guess to keep the conversation going, I think I know exactly why this game won't ever be on PC. Not because of piracy and while I think Japanese console bias plays a part, I think the most important reason is because SEGA believes that having the Project Diva games remain on console is the only way they can guarantee the absence of nudity in those games.


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