Is there a way, a program, a glitch in W10 or ANYTHING at all that can make 2 plugged console controls work as Player One? I'm trying to get some tactical and turn-based games work this way to play with my brother without the old hotseat method.
I have PS4 and Xbox controllers. Last year, I managed to get this working using DS4Windows, and me and my brother played the entire Fell Seal, using 2 controls (we divided the character for me and for he). We already played a LOT of games this way... BUT! This year I formated my notebook and this "bug" ins't working anymore.
I have PS4 and Xbox controllers. Last year, I managed to get this working using DS4Windows, and me and my brother played the entire Fell Seal, using 2 controls (we divided the character for me and for he). We already played a LOT of games this way... BUT! This year I formated my notebook and this "bug" ins't working anymore.