Question Two Questions: How good are you with special items (grenades, C4, etc)? Also...

Also, how often do you try to throw a grenade out a window and end up running for your life?

Guido really taught me the importance of these items. I don't know why, but I rarely used to use them, just concentrating on my ranged or melee weapons. The I started playing co-op and Guido was like a traveling fireworks show. Since then, I've gotten better, but not great, at using them. My biggest problem now is knowing exactly when to use them assuming they are limited in quantity. Sometimes I hold back thinking there should be a boss soon, and then I end up just carrying them around for a good while.

As far as the windows go, I won't try it anymore in a 3rd person game, but it's even treacherous in 1st person games. First time I chucked a grenade that hit the wall above the window and bounced back into the room everyone was in, I couldn't stop laughing.
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Venatus semper
As far as the windows go, I won't try it anymore in a 3rd person game, but it's even treacherous in 1st person games. First time I chucked a grenade that hit the wall above the window and bounced back into the room everyone was in, I couldn't stop laughing.
I've killed myself so many times in FO3, FONV, & FO4 by trying to throw grenades through a window or doorway, completely misjudging the angle, and having it bounce back in my face, killing me. But I just can't stop trying, as it's too tempting to take out a group of enemies in one shot.

I love blowing things up, and I'll often build my Fallout character around the use of explosives. Grenades, timed explosives, and mines; I hoard them and use them for difficult battles/encounters. Mines are my favorite type of explosive in the Fallout games. Setting up an ambush for a bunch of Super Mutants or a Deathclaw, by placing mines around old cars (most of which will explode), then luring the enemies into that area. Huge explosions, and worth the effort to set the trap.
It depends a lot on the game I find. The only time I really have a problem with grenades is when the game makes them bounce wildly and unpredictably, which I hate.

A few examples I can give you of games where grenades can make a huge difference in the effectiveness of your combat is Wolfenstein Old Blood, Ghost Recon Wildlands, and Uncharted 4 LoTC.

In the final boss fight of WOB, you fight a giant beast that is blind. Thus if you are quiet enough, you can sneak right in front of him and toss nades in his open mouth. They also work well for when the Nazis that spawn in start swarming you, because if your nades don't kill them, the beast will when he swats at the sound of them.

In Ghost Recon Wildlands there is a fairly tough mission called Carzita's VIP List where I found the best way to hold off the waves of enemies that come when you start the VIP List download is to hole up on the top floor office of the tower. Leaving the tower I find is best done via jumping out the window to avoid getting shot coming down the stairs, so I toss a couple nades out the window first to clear the way. Many said that nades do not toss well from doorways or through windows in this game. I found you just have to be careful that the trajectory line of the nade well clears the edge of the window frame or door jam.

Uncharted 4 LoTC has some very tough battles, one in particular, the Shipwreck battle in No Escape, which makes use of grenades essential. I love how you can blind toss them over a railing you're hanging from (even WITH trajectory aim). You must carefully conserve them for Heavies though, which require two just to pop off their helmets.

I'll end with a bit of trivia about my screen name. I used to play Medal of Honor Spearhead MP matches ages ago via the demo. One night a week they had unlimited Frag Grenades. That's when I started calling myself Frag Maniac.
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Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
Ghost Recon Wildlands
Nice video—makes me glad I played that in lone wolf mode with FPP mod :)

Explosives I rarely use, much prefer to concentrate on the basic weapons. My current Far Cry 6 loadout is pretty slim on them anyway—2 dynamite, 1 grenade, 1 pipe bomb—so not a resource worth considering as a routine tactical choice.

Blew myself up with the Supremo recently—hit the wrong button …N instead of M for map—indoors :D
Similar a couple of times early on while getting used to the bulky RAT4 rocket launcher.


Community Contributor
Nothing like a little Saints Row 3 with infinite rocket launcher ammo.... Or maybe a Just Cause game with infinite explosive ammo of some sort....

But yeah, it depends on the game. Sometimes grenades are precious things that should only be used in dire circumstances or when the game is about to end anyway. Other times, you get plenty, in which case I'll throw them all over the place.
Does depend on the game, but generally speaking I'm a hoarder so I try to get through most encounters with basic/primary weapons. If I get to an encounter where I'm having trouble then I start to think about ways of using items and secondary weapons to get through. I like it when games force me to do that by varying the enemies, making them resistant or immune to certain things etc.
Games often don't give me enough grenades to practice throwing them, which means that when I do end up throwing one it doesn't go where I want it to, which means I'm less likely to bother with them next time.

I'm also a hoarder, so I also just tend to not use special items in case I'll need them later. But then because I don't use them, I forget I have them, so I don't use them when they would be useful.

In the games where special items are plentiful, I do like using them, but then their effectiveness is usually fairly limited.
Nice video—makes me glad I played that in lone wolf mode with FPP mod :)

Explosives I rarely use, much prefer to concentrate on the basic weapons. My current Far Cry 6 loadout is pretty slim on them anyway—2 dynamite, 1 grenade, 1 pipe bomb—so not a resource worth considering as a routine tactical choice.

Blew myself up with the Supremo recently—hit the wrong button …N instead of M for map—indoors :D
Similar a couple of times early on while getting used to the bulky RAT4 rocket launcher.
Yeah the default key bindings of Far Cry 6 I find leave much to be desired. I too several times accidentally shot the Supremo when I was trying to put the phone away after marking enemies. I don't know who's idiotic idea it was to have the Supremo bind right next to the key you put the phone away with! I tried rebinding a few keys, but then ran into problems with some unbound keys. Rather than trying to track them all down and assign more alternate keys, I reverted to default bindings then just rebound only X, because I discovered just tapping X again also puts the phone away. The X bind also has nothing else bound to it, so it's all good now, or good enough anyway.
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Depending on the game, I was the biggest pain in the ass you'd ever run into.

DoD -nades were my specialty. Since nades blow up in a sphere I'd throw my on the ground, grab it, click to hold/throw it and run into houses, alleys, open areas and toss my nade mid way up with 1 second left so it would blow up in a sphere killing guys on the ground and windows. I had the time down on primed nades so good i could too em out so they'd blew up right as they went in a window, sewer, bunker. I'd even run in with them so make sure I got a maximum killing sphere radius. They were my main weapon.

Tour Of Duty a halflife mod - I was the sapper class 90 percent of the time, people would jump off the class when I joined a match so I could play. Depending on the choke point I could nail an entire team. I even picked a special name for that game. Special-Delivery. It was fitting.

Movie Battles 2. Before they got nerfed, nades would explode on contact when hitting a person, instantly killing most guys. If I was a rebel it made it even worse. I'd pick the Wookiee class. It had extra armor, force power didn't work on them and only 1 weapon could instant kill them. It was amazing. Grenades in the game could be force pushed back, which could be a problem, unless you're a wookiee. I'd run up right into teams, the faces of Sith, holding down my primed nade ready to throw in an instant. I'd run right rup and watch the panic force push spamming as I got closer, holding on to the last second just to throw it right at their face, then everyone that got knocked I'd punch to death, then pull out my second nade ready to go one more time.
NotSoAmanzigPantlessWookie was a name ya never wanted to see coming.

Battlefield 2, My dad would play the class with the c4 and so would I. We'd toss charges on a car, I'd drive em into tanks and then we'd set em off, then we'd rush to find another vehicle and do it all over again. It was hilarious.
Right, that's why I changed Supremo to N, the only rebind I made—X was a really dumb choice!

Actually, as I said just after what you quoted, I found out the same key can be used to put away the scanner as the one you pull it out with. However, even though X is 2 keys away from the default Supremo key V, vs next to it like B, I still bound the scanner to my mouse thumb button, just because it's used a lot once cover is blown and the thumb button is far easier to locate.

I rarely use Supremo, and when I do it's usually well past cover being blown and I am well hidden. I typically use it on attack helis and tanks to save ammo, and usually I've already taken out all foot troops by then. So I can take my time and plan a careful approach, making sure I have the right angle and hit the right key.

BTW Brian, I have a question about Far Cry 6 for you. I just did the mission where you contact the Montero family member then go to their farm. I suddenly got WAY higher mouse sensitivity when at the farm and had to lower it a lot. Did that happen to you? I did some searching and found no such problems others were having, but many seemed to say it's a buggy part of the map.

The little doggy Cherizo is cute, but I'm a bit put off that his diet is as finnicky as a cat, and requires putting together special recipes to feed him. That could get as tedious as the lengthy grinding in FC3 and 4 to hunt various animals to make all the ammo pouches and holsters. In FC4 I resorted to tossing bait at a certain rock at the Tea Factory, which netted me most of the pouches and holsters.

The bow requiring headshots is not as bad as I thought, but mainly just for human targets while you are undetected. It's absolute murder to try and kill them once alerted, but I've managed it a few times, albeit with a fair amount of damage taken. Hunting doesn't always seem to require headshots though, at least on deer, which I'm now using to farm Durable Seals. Next I'll be hunting crocs for Industrial Circuits!

One of my fave takeovers so far was the Tabaco Factory. It was quite fun sharpshooting unsuspecting baddies from high up on the roof of the big building, then taking them out just before they got off the ladder when they climbed up to get me after being spotted. At first it looked like an attack heli that flew overhead would outrun my Supremo rockets, but they finally caught up to it. Not sure it was even necessary though, as the heli seemed to be headed somewhere else.
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Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
Far Cry 6

Mouse Sensitivity
Montero … farm. I suddenly got WAY higher mouse sensitivity when at the farm and had to lower it a lot. Did that happen to you?
Oh yeah, it went nuts there first time, I suspect because the TPP isn't implemented properly. I don't like TPP at the best of times, so I installed the Libertad mod which allows FPP in the main camps and that also fixed the mouse jerkiness—plus various other goodies like zapping intro videos etc.

I've used that guy's Resistance mod for FC5 also, truly excellent collection and functionality.

I rarely use Supremo
Same here, mostly for tanks. I use the RAT 4 for choppers, as its capacity of 2 rockets is enough to down one—whereas Supremo is stronger v tanks. Btw, shoot the fuel barrel behind tanks first, the explosion weakens them nicely to the extent that 5-6 explosive arrows will finish one off if Supremo isn't available.

You can get EMP ordinance—Supremo, arrows, grenades—which will incapacitate all such vehicles, but I avoid it as it's too overpowered for my liking. I also usually wear the gloves which increase damage v flying vehicles, and take the perk which increases Supremo damage—don't recall offhand where that perk is…

I've at least upgraded all the other Amigos to their max, but ignored Chorizo apart from completing the quest to actually get him on board. Seems comparatively useless to me. Guapo is my preferred one due to his self-revival ability—Chicharron, the Wicked Chicken, is fun, very well animated, and Boomer is useful early on for grabbing extra resources, while I found Oluso to be a let-down… fine but I guess I was expecting more.

Next I'll be hunting crocs for Industrial Circuits!
Oh is that how you get those? I was going to look that up, still a bit short on 'em.

the heli seemed to be headed somewhere else
Yeah, that happens a lot. I think as long as an alarm hasn't been sounded, or an officer hasn't sent up a flare, choppers aren't in attack mode. You always want to zap officers first.

Capturing FND Bases
sharpshooting unsuspecting baddies from high up on the roof
My default is always to take the high ground, after taking out any sniper. There's also a perk which is better than nothing which deals extra damage to those below you, plus another which deals more damage to first shot after reload, and another for more damage to aimed shots—for me it's like a candy store since I go for headshots from up high and reload after every one :D

after being spotted
In case you don't know, your Amigo being spotted doesn't break your cover—you're still undetected. I'm currently trying to capture the bases undetected on hard, and using Guapo as a decoy to pull troops around so I can reach wherever I want to go. Only managing about half of 'em tho so far, will need another playthru :(

If you focus early efforts on capturing road checkpoints and zapping anti-air, and build the Hideout Network at Monteros camp & buy Hideout locations, you'll get wingsuit and be able to air drop from all the fast travel points. I use that to land on roofs of bases in range, baddies don't seem to notice me unless I land near one.


I don't use a sniper, my AR with AP ammo does all my sniping even at longest range. So that leaves me a weapon slot for RAT & bow—basically, my anti-vehicle slot. Sidearm I almost never use, other 2 slots are AR for ~80% of the work, and shotgun for close-up & animals.

Auto-turret gadget can be useful if facing incoming—place it ahead of you so it'll draw their fire first, while you peek out and pop 'em.
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Yeah Chorizo I find is mainly only good for a laugh, but he DOES chase off even cougars and crocs. I got in the chopper at the weather station I took over, and flew over 6000 meters to a place to hunt crocs since the one nearby hadn't respawned them yet. Danny said "Sorry buddy, can't take you with me", so I thought Chorizo had to stay home. After landing the chopper though, he suddenly appeared, and I'm thinking, what, did he swim that fast? LOL

Yeah sniper rifles are laughably bad, unless there's a really good one somewhere I'm missing. After getting some industrial circuits, I upgraded the one I had with a 6-10 power scope and a suppressor that greatly reduces noise and only has a slight speed decrease, but fast heat up (which I figured wouldn't be a problem on a sniper rifle). I crouched about 300 m from a guard on a horse, he sat there on his horse as I kept shooting him. Took several shots to kill him, ridiculous.

On the Industrial Circuits, there are only 3 animals you can trade for them, I think Coyotes, Crocs, and Jaguars. They have to be killed cleanly though (no bullets), and I'm pretty sure you have to hunt them at the designated predator hunting spots too. There's a hunter set you can get from the hunting lodge trader once you establish one, whom also has hunting spot maps to sell. So far I only have the hat/mask, which auto marks any animal before you get dangerously close. There's also one that yields twice as many animals as what you actually kill. It's also worth using the bow the hunting lodge trader gives you because it does more damage to animals.
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Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
he sat there on his horse as I kept shooting him. Took several shots to kill him, ridiculous
Yeah. If you're using AP ammo on soft targets, that happens—but headshot is a one shot until some heavies later on when it's two-shot. Same if you use soft ammo on a hard target, which I think is the helmeted guys—not sure, I just used AP for everything from almost the beginning. That whole different ammo stuff is ridiculous imo.

he suddenly appeared, and I'm thinking, what, did he swim that fast?
Amigo always appears at destination when you land, whether from air drop or chopper.

They have to be killed cleanly though (no bullets)
Once you upgrade the Hunting Lodge to level 3, you get clean kills with anything, bullets or explosives. I haven't hunted anything tho, haven't seen a need—I have ~20 Industrial Circuits just from loot out and about, usually from some of the FND caches. I must look into it more to get the rarer resources.
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Yeah. If you're using AP ammo on soft targets, that happens—but headshot is a one shot until some heavies later on when it's two-shot. Same if you use soft ammo on a hard target, which I think is the helmeted guys—not sure, I just used AP for everything from almost the beginning. That whole different ammo stuff is ridiculous imo.

Amigo always appears at destination when you land, whether from air drop or chopper.

Once you upgrade the Hunting Lodge to level 3, you get clean kills with anything, bullets or explosives. I haven't hunted anything tho, haven't seen a need—I have ~20 Industrial Circuits just from loot out and about, usually from some of the FND caches. I must look into it more to get the rarer resources.

The sniper rifle I'm talking about is the Yaran SR-A, which is easy to get early on. I wasn't using AP rounds, but I forgot I'd left the standard rounds in there. Once I switched to soft target rounds, yeah, headshots kill.

I MUCH preferred sniper rifles in FC titles prior to this one though. This constantly having to change ammo thing gets really annoying. In the prior games it wasn't a problem to headshot, destroy alarms, etc, with one rifle. Now you need specified weapons for each.

This reeks of them turning all their shooters into tiered loot fantasy crap ala The Division, and it does just the opposite of adding realism. :rolleyes:

Yeah I am well aware now that Amigos auto warp to wherever you land, I was just commenting on how ridiculous it is.

I'm also aware the Hunting Lodge can be upgraded to being able to use any kill method on animals without damaging them, but doing it with bow suffices, and I'm not even sure I want to delve into more of their fantasy crap using explosives or God knows what on the poor beasts.

Thus far, I don't get why this game is being raved about, and it scares me into thinking the general shooter gaming community has slipped into the abyss of accepting any fantasy crap that's thrown their way. Realistic tactical features in shooters used to mean something, apparently not anymore. :(
Thus far, I don't get why this game is being raved about, and it scares me into thinking the general shooter gaming community has slipped into the abyss of accepting any fantasy crap that's thrown their way. Realistic tactical features in shooters used to mean something, apparently not anymore. :(

I don't think Far Cry has ever been a realistic tactical shooter in the almost 20 years since the first game. And I'm pretty sure realistic shooters have always been more of a niche than the more fantastical stuff.
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I don't think Far Cry has ever been a realistic tactical shooter in the almost 20 years since the first game. And I'm pretty sure realistic shooters have always been more of a niche than the more fantastical stuff.
No, it hasn't, not in a holistic sense, but clearly now any realism it DID have has been traded for a tiered loot structure that affects not just clothing in magical ways, but also ballistics.

Now, before you refute this, I know full well there are different ammo types in the real world, but the extreme they've taken their characteristics to is ridiculous.

Maybe try playing original Far Cry again, or for the first time if you never have. It was FAR more tactically real with ballistics than the ones that Ubi turned into fantasy RPGs.
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Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
Ammo & Weapons in Far Cry 6
Once I switched to soft target rounds, yeah, headshots kill
My bad, I was unclear. I recommend AP rounds in all guns as your default setting. Soft target won't headshot helmeted guys in one shot, but AP will one-shot all guys.

I MUCH preferred sniper rifles in FC titles prior to this one
Yeah, me too, altho the 45/70 AR in FC5 is as good in long-medium range for accuracy—I use the 45/70 'Fall's Ghost' variation. But a sniper was needed for long range—SA-50 was my choice due to rate of fire, you could get a second shot off quickly if first didn't get the kill.

constantly having to change ammo thing gets really annoying
Yep, ridiculous mechanic imo, which is why I avoided it from almost the beginning.

Now you need specified weapons for each
No, AP ammo in your AR takes care of everything—I prefer the MS 16 variations. You get the 'S' early on, the 'L' after a while, and an 'Overclocked' special maybe later—I think that's random in a loot box. But the MS 16L did me fine all thru my previous playthru. If you do some body shooting, there's a gun mod to up the body shot damage—I have that on my shotgun, plus the highest grade laser pointer to concentrate the shot for better damage.

Leveling in Far Cry 6
This reeks of them turning all their shooters into tiered loot fantasy crap
I agree, that's implemented very badly in FC6—it was much better in New Dawn, where there were only 3 levels for characters, buildings and weapons, and it was clear what each upgrade would do for you.

In 6 I have mostly no idea what the ~20 levels of upgrades do for me—do they strengthen my health or weapon damage? No clue o_O The health 'system' is also a joke—looks like you start with max health and nothing changes for the rest of the game. Or maybe it does, but it's a well-kept secret from me anyway.

They push the Resolver weapons as the only visible benefit of ranking up as far as I can see. Which is fine for a bit of experimental fun, but shouldn't dominate the Levels system.

What's Good and Bad about Far Cry 6
I don't get why this game is being raved about
♣ Probably the world, which is great even by Ubi's high standard—setting, flora and size being the aspects I see praised.
♦ While Amigos are a big step backwards, the protagonists and NPCs are much better than before.
♥ Ammo pickup, and general pickup from corpses, is better.
♠ Audio signal for headshots, that's a first.
♣ Mini map back to round, instead of the awkward bar across the top in 5.
♦ Cut scenes are skippable—thanks Ubi!
♥ 1-click for both launch from desktop and exit to desktop.
♠ Photo mode has improved a bit, except while doing certain things like climb a ladder.
♣ Graphics are better.
♦ Alt-Tab is flawless.
♥ Ladder descent is just one slide.
♠ All weapons you have are always available in the field.
♣ Weather is nicely done.

♣ Weapon system is a lot worse in 6—ammo switching, sidearm useless, unique-specials are ALL worse than tricked-out normal weapons, sniper not needed.
♦ Health system—there isn't one as far as I can see.
♥ Perk system is a shambles, so annoyingly complicated and convoluted—maybe they're trying to attract RPG players? You want this perk? Sorry, you got to give up that other one you got earlier. And so many perks are laughable—Great speed increase after looting pesos, whoopee!
♠ Loot, just way too much of it—WAY too much. Sometimes standing in one spot to loot 3 different things. It should feel like a little reward or achievement to find & grab, not a real chore if you want to upgrade.
♣ Checkpoints are a real letdown, most can be taken down in less than 30 seconds on hard. Why bother with them at all? Stick in a couple of big fortresses in each area, like those in FC4.
♦ Difficulty is all over the place—most places outside FND bases way too easy, coupled with some non-base places which can bring a load of harm down on you.
♥ Corpse marker gone from mini map.
♠ Some bookmarked targets don't show on main game screen, which makes finding them a chore—is it on top of that mountain, or in a deep cave under it?
♣ Bookmarks I don't want reappear after every fast travel—I'm not interested in that mission right now, quit sticking it in my face!
♦ Random sounds going off frequently, are they supposed to convey info?
♥ E key is still bound to at least 8 actions:
Use Mortar
Use Mounted Gun
♠ There are more bugs, but nothing too bad.
♣ Amigos are much more in the way.

Seems clear the game was rushed out in a 'good enough' state for the 2021 shopping season, rather than any effort made to make another great Far Cry. Still, for me there's plenty to like.
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Still, for me there's plenty to like.

Yet you listed more dislikes than likes, and technically used graphics twice as a like. As for your point on AP rounds, that should have been obvious to me since my Autocrat pistol is my go to backup when things go south at close range. I just hadn't noticed it comes with AP rounds.

My take, their insistence on making all their games involving gunfire tiered loot crap, which started with the abomination of GR, Breakpoint, is why they're now struggling financially. They've literally dug their own grave ignoring their fanbase, despite plenty of warning from said fans.

Many dev teams are putting out AAA titles in really crappy condition performance and stability wise though, so maybe Ubi can survive because of that alone. If not, they may end up being yet another once juggernaut gaming company that gets acquired by a large media corp.
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