I haven't found a similar topic and I have some thoughts about the show, so I decided to raise the subject.
A note of warning though. Yesterday I finished episode 5, so no spoilers please.
The opinions over the internet are divided. Some like it, some don't. The disproportions in ratings are huge. The lowest ones comes usually from fans of the books. Personally I read the whole Lord of the Rings trilogy and Silmarillion as well and I like the show so far.
First of all, it's beautiful. The Lord of the Rings films were made in the beginning of 21st century and while the FX still defend themselves, you can feel that they don't look as good as those from modern movies. The show presents beautiful environments and you can feel the big budget in every scene. Even the costumes look very good. Sometimes when I watch fantasy movies the costumes are like taken straight from a LARP meeting. This is not the case in The Rings of Power. When the costumes should be dirty and obscure, they are. When they should be glorious, they are as well.
Next thing, the story. Like I already mentioned, I had the pleasure to read Silmarillion. The show presents its own history that's only loosely based on Tolkien's mythology from this book and I think that it's better than what Tolkien has written. Silmarillion is a collections of myths and stories that would be very hard to adopt to the screen. A lot of the fans criticize the show for not being faithful. The problem is that being faithful to the book in this case would probably mean being inaccessible to non-fans. That said, I think that it was a very good move not to make a faithful adaptation. In general I'm not a fan of faithful adaptations because you lose an element of surprise if you read the books before.
Actors. I must admit that at first I was very skeptical about the cast. We all have images of the actors from the original trilogy in our minds and it's hard to see Galadriela in Morfydd Clark. But it took me two episodes to actually get used to her and other cast. There's of course plenty of new characters and it's very hard to accuse them of bad acting.
In general the show is a solid 7,5/10. I doubt it'll get worse in the last episodes. It keeps the same solid level and I don't know what the fuss is all about. Does black elves and hobbits are really a problem for someone? Does surprising story for readers of Silmarillion is something bad? Or is the main problem that the producer is Amazon itself? I really don't understand the low ratings.
The opinions over the internet are divided. Some like it, some don't. The disproportions in ratings are huge. The lowest ones comes usually from fans of the books. Personally I read the whole Lord of the Rings trilogy and Silmarillion as well and I like the show so far.
First of all, it's beautiful. The Lord of the Rings films were made in the beginning of 21st century and while the FX still defend themselves, you can feel that they don't look as good as those from modern movies. The show presents beautiful environments and you can feel the big budget in every scene. Even the costumes look very good. Sometimes when I watch fantasy movies the costumes are like taken straight from a LARP meeting. This is not the case in The Rings of Power. When the costumes should be dirty and obscure, they are. When they should be glorious, they are as well.
Next thing, the story. Like I already mentioned, I had the pleasure to read Silmarillion. The show presents its own history that's only loosely based on Tolkien's mythology from this book and I think that it's better than what Tolkien has written. Silmarillion is a collections of myths and stories that would be very hard to adopt to the screen. A lot of the fans criticize the show for not being faithful. The problem is that being faithful to the book in this case would probably mean being inaccessible to non-fans. That said, I think that it was a very good move not to make a faithful adaptation. In general I'm not a fan of faithful adaptations because you lose an element of surprise if you read the books before.
Actors. I must admit that at first I was very skeptical about the cast. We all have images of the actors from the original trilogy in our minds and it's hard to see Galadriela in Morfydd Clark. But it took me two episodes to actually get used to her and other cast. There's of course plenty of new characters and it's very hard to accuse them of bad acting.
In general the show is a solid 7,5/10. I doubt it'll get worse in the last episodes. It keeps the same solid level and I don't know what the fuss is all about. Does black elves and hobbits are really a problem for someone? Does surprising story for readers of Silmarillion is something bad? Or is the main problem that the producer is Amazon itself? I really don't understand the low ratings.