The expanse! [No Spoilers]


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Started watching The Expanse this week!

  • I have no idea whats going on
  • As soon as there was a character I liked, I was like "this one is going to die"
  • The special effects are awesome
  • I have no idea whats going on
  • It feels like someone took a scifi film noir and a regular Josh Weadon "6 likeable charecters get thrown together" format and smooshed it together.
  • I really want some celebs to turn up in it when it's popular in a few seasons
It's good, but I completely forgot what its like to watch a scifi where they have to world build from the start with no one knowing anything about the worlds or backstory. It's also harder to do this when there's essentially three different worlds, a million locations and eveyone is humanoid. I am enjoying it though!

PCG Fraser

Staff member
Dec 10, 2019
I started watching because I wanted to watch Thomas Jane solve space crimes in a fedora, but it turns out that it's really good and now it's my favourite bit of sci-fi drama. You have many excellent episodes ahead of you.
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PCG James

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Dec 9, 2019
Tore through Season 1 and 2 over the break. Loving it. The attention to detail in the ship-based action sequences is so great. Gravity and momentum make simple dogfights something else. Just started Season 3!
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We've taken a little break, for some reason I still have tons of trouble learning names and getting my head around it... should I push through?

PCG James

Staff Writer
Staff member
Dec 9, 2019
We've taken a little break, for some reason I still have tons of trouble learning names and getting my head around it... should I push through?

I'd say keep going and watch with subtitles if you aren't already. Seeing the words really helps with names in my experience. And it's a slow burn, there's some good sci-fi weirdness and action scenes coming.
Jan 8, 2020
I found it a bit of a struggle too. It looks amazing, the set pieces are cool (the gravity stuff never gets old), and the world and lore is all really exciting. It's just the characters. I'm struggling to like or latch onto anyone. And it doesn't help that there's a few absolute clangers in the dialogue. ('X. You sonofabi**ch!') Never hanging offences, but enough to make my eyes roll once or twice an episode.

PCG James

Staff Writer
Staff member
Dec 9, 2019
Oh yeah, it's a super pulpy show, though that tapers off a bit into Season 2. Season 1 is extremely SyFy Original.

I'm a sucker for that cheese though.
May 2, 2020
What I was most amazed is how expensive some of the sets look like to build and prep to be used for one or two scenes only.

Wouldn’t mind if Amazon branched out and created new series in the same universe following new characters this time maybe Mars or Belters.


Community Contributor
I'm resurrecting this topic because I had the pleasure to finish season 5 today. I'm absolutely in love with the series. I still haven't chilled after the seance, so I may regret my words in the future, but this is probably the best piece of science-fiction that I watched in my entire life and I'm a fan of the genre. Call me a heretic, but I think that it even beats classics such as Alien or Blade Runner. The series shows that you don't need enormous amount of CGI to make a wonderful piece of sci-fi.

When I was watching season 2 and 3 I had a jaw drop. The action shifted even a few times during a single episode. And while season 4 was noticeably worse, I think that season 5 presents a return to the great shape. I can't wait to watch the final one and I'm already very sad that they don't plan to continue the series.

I recommend buying access to Amazon Prime just to see this show. It's worth every USD, EUR, GBP and so on. And all of this tells you a guy who doesn't like series shows... I started watching this only because my friend highly recommended it.


Community Contributor
I went with the books and enjoyed them for a while, but started getting tired of them around book 5.

I did watch the first two (or three?) seasons, but watching the show so close to reading the books wasn't so fun.

Yeah, in my cases it's usually reading the books or watching the series. Books aren't fun after you watched the series and know more or less what will happen next and vice versa - the show isn't as good when you already read the books for the same reason. I don't exclude the possibility that I will read The Expanse books sometime in the future, but most likely it'll end in watching the series once again. :)
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Books aren't fun after you watched the series and know more or less what will happen next and vice versa - the show isn't as good when you already read the books for the same reason.
I haven't had a chance to do it much, but I think it might be really time sensitive. I had just read the series over the past few months, so they were very fresh in mind. Obviously, every difference was noticeable, but it was more than that - it was even a little confusing to me because I would remember both book and show with about the same detail.

Well, it sounds like the Mistborn books will be up next. I guess I'll be finding out.