The Boys - a one of a kind series!


Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
I'm having a great time enjoying the latest season of The Boys. It is by FAR the best dark superhero series I have ever seen! It is like the Invincible had a baby with the Preacher series. It is dark as hell, vulgar, as far as you can come being politically correct and it has some of the best characters you can ever wish for. Am I sugarcoating it too much? No, no, nooooooooooo! Seriously, THIS one is so good it should be on your bucket list. It is going to hit you like a brick, make you laugh, make you go: WHAAAT??!! and most of all: You WILL have a great time!.

I guess I am starting to sound like a marketing guy right about now, so I'm just going to leave this whole praising with just a sliver, a tiny, tiny sliver of just how bloody good this series is:

To be honest, it was kind of hard finding one without too much swearing, gore, or just overall 18+ alert going through the roof. Please watch it, humankind's future depends on it!
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It's great in general, only thing I cant get out of my head is Karl Urbans atrocious London accent. Anyone British is cringing whenever he speaks I guarantee, it's approaching Dick Van **** or Keanu Reeves in Dracula levels

Sorry I've been holding that one in since I saw it :p

Its a great series so far, not sure where season 3 will take it as it seemed nicely wrapped up and I dont know the graphic novels at all. I'll wait until the whole thing is up and binge it from the start again most likely.

I do love the way it explores on a psychological level how some humans with superpowers might act, and it probably wouldnt always be pretty. Also there are good reasons that Homelander/Superman meme has been circulating a lot.
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Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
It's great in general, only thing I cant get out of my head is Karl Urbans atrocious London accent. Anyone British is cringing whenever he speaks I guarantee, it's approaching Dick Van **** or Keanu Reeves in Dracula levels

Sorry I've been holding that one in since I saw it :p
Funny you say that because at times I think he sounds Australian. Now I know why I am having problems understanding his dialect:LOL:

I do love the way it explores on a psychological level how some humans with superpowers might act, and it probably wouldnt always be pretty. Also there are good reasons that Homelander/Superman meme has been circulating a lot.
Homelander has been an interesting character to follow and I also love Stormfront. Both insane, but also quite human. I mean, we are basically having a male version of Stormfront today wreaking havoc in our world. A-train might be the more normal of them all, especially since his ego has been inflated just a tad. I'm actually starting to dislike Starlight as a character in Season 3. She reminds me of Sookie Stackhouse in True Blood, a character I also liked from the start but who became so god damn annoying. I think the problem is that Starlight is just too good for the series or at least she is being portrayed as the superhero princess with pure intentions after her reforming.


Community Contributor
I finished season 3 some time ago and I have to say that it's one of the best shows in history. Sometimes I wonder how come this kind of series was accepted by a big corporation such as Amazon. It's completely politically incorrect and its very good in doing what it does. That said, I'm not surprised that The Boys generate controversies. It's definitely not for everyone.
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Jan 2, 2023
Been wanting to hop onto the series since it was teased—having read some if it on 2018. Kinda couldn't stand the edgy wanking since then. Heard the show is substantially better than the comic from the overall folks and video essay channels. Idk, growing up an optimistic disturbed kid in the head i empathize with Garth Ennis inconformity with world dirty (fella just can't stand how western macro dynamic is a full sicko-mode intertwining of religion, war and modern panem et circenses in form of homoerotic costumed boyos), but still his hellbent fixation on rotted-like imagery accompanying his writing of families being nonchalantly burned, trivial in-your-face harrassments, among others, stoving the sense life is just a rancid puke on a void just so (i guess) he can cope and exempt his mind of the **** we live in, well...this i just call empty exercising of aesthetics.