Thank you for your patient and Constructive help

Apr 12, 2020
not very tech skilled here.
Play on a windows 10 desktop.
I have an ancient Playstation One, and loved games such as Dino Crisis and Parasite Eve.
To me, the controls in those games were completely intuitive.

Now, playing on computer, I own both an X box controller and a PS4 controller.

The trouble is.......the wands / joysticks feel........WRONG

There is no smooth motion. Any tiny touch onto the joystick YANKS the point of view.
Too fast, too far.

I can't get a "feel" for anything, it is not INTUITIVE.

Turning a door knob should be a no brainer.......but I have to fiddle fiddle fiddle with the wands/joysticks until Finally 30 seconds later an icon
comes on the screen and says "Ok, press the X button to open this door"

That doesn't work when you are literally running for your life with a gun.

Things need to be NATURAL feeling......and no, using the computer keyboard rather than a controller would not work.

One of the worst things about the wands is that they go where I do NOT want them to go.

I want my movement and my point of view controlled by the pad in the shape of a Plus Sign, not by the wands, for ALL GAMES.

Where is the third party software to FORCE that onto ALL games?

Does not matter which game, or what settings......wands are COUNTER INTUITIVE

POV in all FPS computer games actual peripheral vision.
I know I have said this but.......nothing feels Natural or intuitive or muscle memory

natural is Thought, then Immediate Result.

With the games, it is, thought
I want to fire my gun

Then.......which button fires the gun.......which wand aims the gun, which wand moves my body
so that the gun can be fired

Ten thousand steps before the natural action.

I didn't get this feeling playing Dino Crisis on Playstation One
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I remember when the dual shock controllers came out for the PS one, they felt very weird to me as well, and I still dont use the sticks for 2d platformers if I can help it. But there is a very good reason why they became standard in 3D games, it just works way better once you are used to them.

If the question is what software forces dpad control, I do not know for sure. DS4 allows you to remap the controller buttons for PS4 but I'm not sure how that will translate to game play when all games for the last 20 years are designed around either dual stick or keyboard and mouse control in a 3d space.

You might also be able to adjust the sensitivity of the sticks, in the same way you can change mouse dpi to lower the sensitivity, if that helps you.

The control method you describe from Parasite Eve, Dino Crisis, the early Resident Evils are known as 'tank controls'. You won't find too many people nostalgic for them I'm afraid.
Apr 12, 2020
Mean spirited angry threatening posts are not tolerated
I remember when the dual shock controllers came out for the PS one, they felt very weird to me as well, and I still dont use the sticks for 2d platformers if I can help it. But there is a very good reason why they became standard in 3D games, it just works way better once you are used to them.

If the question is what software forces dpad control, I do not know for sure. DS4 allows you to remap the controller buttons for PS4 but I'm not sure how that will translate to game play when all games for the last 20 years are designed around either dual stick or keyboard and mouse control in a 3d space.

You might also be able to adjust the sensitivity of the sticks, in the same way you can change mouse dpi to lower the sensitivity, if that helps you.

The control method you describe from Parasite Eve, Dino Crisis, the early Resident Evils are known as 'tank controls'. You won't find too many people nostalgic for them I'm afraid.

So-called "Tank Controls" worked one thousand percent of the time, were intuitive, were muscle memory, made logical sense and WORKED in a predictable fashion.
Tell me why anyone would not want those things.
Years after LOVING the first Resident Evil on my Playstation One console, I purchased a very expensive PC computer game, don't know the number......a RE sequel.
(just looked it was Resident Evil Four.....)

The moment I tried to play it, the camera view was insane, impossible to control.
same with the PC game "Cold Fear"
The camera kept zooming to the ceiling for no reason,
I wish devs that do this type of **** would burn in hell for eternity.
options are fine but
<MOD EDIT: inappropriate content removed>
Does NOT Matter how you change "sensitivity' the sticks STAY twich twich yank yank YANK
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