Tera 64 bit roll out- Epic Fail

Aug 4, 2020
Well this is my last post about Tera by En Masse Entertainment. Tera just rolled out the long anticipated 64 bit expansion today and so far it has failed to work or even limp out of the starting blocks. After a 4 hour download and 1.5 hours trying to get online no game no joy no point. If frustration was what En Masse was selling they would be trilionaires. Frustration anger and lost time are not what people want in their free time. The definition of insanity is doing things over and over again the same way and expecting a different result. Insane sad so sad.
Aug 5, 2020
Do your issues lie with the client, the server or your internet?

4h download could be your internet or the fact that everyone is trying to download the new client, 1.5 hours of getting online again doesn't sound like the new 64-bit client but rather server issues.

6~ hours of waiting isn't that bad. Are you at least able to play now?
Aug 4, 2020
Protobear I recognize your avatar and thank you for the inquiry. Let me preface this explanation by telling you about my system and internet connection. I have Dell laptop with 16 gig ram 4 gig video card and my computer is very fast and reliable. My internet is a fibre optic dsl on largest communications company with no problems ever. I would rate my carrier 100% reliable. I have never had a problem playing any game from Lineage 2, Counterstrike etc. My problems with Tera are growing daily; however. my log in problems are of En Masse Entertainments creation.
The problem is the result of a give away of sorts a partner ( in game pet ) that is free in the games partner adventure system. Every 2 hour players can potentially receive this free gift and this has caused a spike in online attendance. Players literally will not log off because login is a problem. I was able to see a very congested server during my one single successful login. The high player volume creates a DDOS effect for anyone attempting to login and what you get are time out messages endlessly. En Masse support as usual has not responded to support requests.
I recognize that En Masse did not do this with malice of fore thought; but, the results are very problematic for many other players and friend who have emailed me wondering whats going on and when it will be fixed. Tera has a band width problem and always has had one. They cannot accommodate high volumes of players and tell players their playing time hourly asking them to play responsibly ( log off ). They also regularly boot players off giving them bogus internet error messages.
To fix this problem En Masse will have to invest some capital in the game or create a work around like sub servers. The problem is that a fix is never immediate and players want to play. Before you say you are not having any problems and life in game is wonderful let me say that I have some suspicions about the games accommodation shown toward some players who never seem to get booted despite being online for days.
In the end I only want to play a game in my down time not get frustrated looking at nothing,