Sudden stuttering/frame drops

May 4, 2023
Hi everyone, new here. Wanted to post this and hopefully find some answers. I've tried doing a lot of digging and I can't seem to find anything conclusive on what's happening.

This is something that only started recently - I'm getting huge dips in frame rates in games like Destiny 2 and Dying Light 2 when I've never had any issues before. I've always been able to run at the highest settings so I don't know why I'm having issues now.

I can start these games at over 100 frames and then it'll spike down to around 70 for a few seconds and then go back up, and this will keep happening every minute or two.

Here's what I have:

Windows 11
Processor: AMD Ryzen 9 5950X
GPU: Nvidia msi Gaming Z Trio GeForce RTX3080
Motherboard: MPG B550 Gaming Edge WiFi
BIOS version: E7C91AMS.150
PSU: CORSAIR - RM Series RM750 Fully Modular Ultra-Low Noise ATX Power Supply - Black

Any input would be appreciated.
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Welcome to the forums, newcomer!

Please add the make and model of the PSU you're working with in your build. BIOS version for your motherboard? As for your GPU drivers, have you tried with DDU>reinstalling with the latest Nvidia drivers in an elevated command?
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May 4, 2023
Welcome to the forums, newcomer!

Please add the make and model of the PSU you're working with in your build. BIOS version for your motherboard? As for your GPU drivers, have you tried with DDU>reinstalling with the latest Nvidia drivers in an elevated command?
Hi, just updated my original post with the PSU and BIOS info. Drivers for the GPU are up to date but I haven't tried reinstalling them. The BIOS version is from 2021 I noticed so maybe I need to update that as well?