Many of you will be aware there's a community of speedrunners in gaming—players whose goal is to finish a game in the shortest time possible.
Anyone here given it a shot?
I'm the opposite—so a Slowcrawler I guess—so I have no tales of blitzing to regale you with. The nearest is probably getting 3 stars on Expert level in the 4 Royal Envoy games I replay annually—you earn stars based on your time to finish each level. But mostly I'm a smell the roses player, enjoying the world and environment and generally futzing around an open world.
Anyone here given it a shot?
I'm the opposite—so a Slowcrawler I guess—so I have no tales of blitzing to regale you with. The nearest is probably getting 3 stars on Expert level in the 4 Royal Envoy games I replay annually—you earn stars based on your time to finish each level. But mostly I'm a smell the roses player, enjoying the world and environment and generally futzing around an open world.

7 amazing PC speedruns from AGDQ 2018
See Skyrim, Resident Evil 7, Hollow Knight and more get demolished.

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