So out of the loop. Help appreciated.

Sep 15, 2020
It has probably been 15 years since i last built a pc with my father (rest in peace), but have still continued to game and be a pc enthusiast.

I currently have a ASUS G20 gaming pc that i bought on offer up and it has served me well. Although i would like to buy a real tower and build my own PC using the G20 as a base.

First and foremost i know i will need to get a motherboard as this one seems to be specialized for this small case, or so i believe. I had a look inside and it doesnt seem to have the standard dim slots? This is the motherboard i currently have

I am also highly considering upgrading from the 1070 i have now to the new 3000 series when Nvidia releases them shortly as they seem very promising and affordable.

Current pc specs.

I7 6700k
16gb ram i believe it to be ddr4 but again, they seem awfully small and specifically for these small cases, they dont look like conventional ram sticks. If someone could shed some light on that i would appreciate it.
GTX 1070
1x 500gb ssd
1x 1tb ssd

What motherboard do you all recommend for a affordable price? I dont need anything too fancy, maybe some rgb and 4 ram slots for future proofing. I dont really know what bells and whistles current motherboards have. What have i missed while out of the loop?
If my assumptions are correct about the ram, i will need to get more/new ram. Is 16gb ddr4 decent for gaming?
Should i wait on the 3070 and see some reviews or be a test guinea pig?
I assume i will need a real power supply. I have no idea what a good power supply is and what a bad one is or whats specs are good or bad.
Cooling fans.
Obviously a tower but i can handle picking one of those out.

Anything else i might need or should replace or update?
Is wifi still a pci card or is it built into motherboards now a days? Sorry for my ignorance..

My goal is to have a rather nice gaming pc, but and the same time save myself some money by utilizing my current PC's guts.

Price Range for motherboard $200-$250 unless you guys highly recommend forking out more if it is going to substantially benefit me.

Thank you for your time and any assistance.
Last edited:
Feb 17, 2020
Should i wait on the 3070 and see some reviews or be a test guinea pig?
Always, always, always wait for reviews. :)

How else do you know what you're getting for your money. And other things like whether X model of 3070's cooling solution is adequate / outrageously loud / other bad design on the card.

Is wifi still a pci card or is it built into motherboards now a days? Sorry for my ignorance..
Some boards have it built in. Otherwise you add a PCIe card or a USB adapter.

First and foremost i know i will need to get a motherboard as this one seems to be specialized for this small case, or so i believe. I had a look inside and it doesnt seem to have the standard dim slots? This is the motherboard i currently have

If my assumptions are correct about the ram, i will need to get more/new ram. Is 16gb ddr4 decent for gaming?
The motherboard is customised as you say, and it appears to use SODIMM RAM i.e. the kind you get in laptops. So you'll need new RAM.

Anything else i might need or should replace or update?
The one part you haven't directly mentioned replacing is the CPU.

While you can buy a motherboard that will fit your existing CPU, recent CPU releases have really superseded it. If you're spending a certain amount of cash on a new mobo and new RAM, you may as well get a new CPU too. Instead of investing into an old platform.

Since the 3070 won't be out until October, I'd suggest waiting to see what AMD announce on 8th October with regards to their Zen 3 CPUs. These could be a very strong option.

What's your budget for the system overall? $250 for a mobo may be more than you really need, while you've not specified a budget for the other parts. So it's usually best to take an overall budget for all the purchases combined and then work out how to divide it up between the bits.

Also, what monitor are you gaming on? What is the resolution and refresh rate?
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