Iron Harvest is going for $11 at Fanatical for the next ~36 hours, which is a bit tempting if the game is really good.
So, is it really good?
I see comments on Steam that it's in the Company of Heroes mould, which to me means it's more RTT—ie Tactics—than RTS like say C&C. What do you think?
I'm not interested in RTT, I prefer FPS for tactical play and 4x/RTS for strategic. I don't see much base building in CoH, it seems to be much more about capturing control points around the map, which suggests it's mainly fast-paced combat. I prefer slower measured play where the day is won more by the strategic decisions made rather than their tactical execution.
So, is it really good?
I see comments on Steam that it's in the Company of Heroes mould, which to me means it's more RTT—ie Tactics—than RTS like say C&C. What do you think?
I'm not interested in RTT, I prefer FPS for tactical play and 4x/RTS for strategic. I don't see much base building in CoH, it seems to be much more about capturing control points around the map, which suggests it's mainly fast-paced combat. I prefer slower measured play where the day is won more by the strategic decisions made rather than their tactical execution.