RoboCop: Rogue City - one of the biggest surprises of 2023


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So I decided to buy it and I don't regret it. :) After six hours of gameplay, I have to say that the game is fantastic! First of all the graphics are impressive. I haven't seen Alan Wake 2 in live action, but I believe RoboCop is a serious competitor. It falls short in terms of face animation, but every other aspect is phenomenal. Sure, the maps are quite small and the city is quite deserted, but the quality of other aspects, including atmosphere, is great. The textures, character faces (apart from their animations, as I mentioned) and the most important thing - lighting - are very detailed. The game runs on Unreal Engine 5 and takes all advantages from Lumen technology, which can produce a comparable effect to hardware Ray Tracing when it comes to lighting and reflections. I'm serious! The quality of reflections from RoboCop is comparable to path traced reflections from Cyberpunk 2077. Right now the game can serve as an example how to produce quality graphics with Unreal Engine 5.

Next thing, shooting. It's absolutely out of the roof! I remember Soldier of Fortune series which involved some serious injuries that you could inflict to enemies. It's basically the same in RoboCop, but with a lot of more detail thanks to modern computers. The hits a juicy and you can shoot off hands, legs and heads of your opponents. All of this comes with a very realistic rag doll effect. At first I wasn't impressed by the possibilities of RoboCop's main weapon, so I used weapons left by the enemies, but after I upgraded it, the pistol became a killing machine. The combat in this game is pure fun!

Of course the game doesn't focus solely on combat. You also carry out investigations, gather evidence and talk to people. These elements aren't as good as shooting, but are decent. There's also a quite vast character development system and weapon upgrade system. All these elements make RoboCop the biggest gaming surprise of 2023, right next to Aliens: Dark Descent. I want more!










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I was wondering here before whether tech like Lumen and Nanite will make RT obsolete for the performance cost over time. I'm sure Digital Foundry have looked into it somewhere I havent seen, this looks great.
The biggest problem is that Lumen can be implemented in UE5 games only. I think that both Lumen and Ray Tracing will coexist together. With no doubts however, the UE5 tech requires less computational power and gives a comparable effect. This might be important especially for AMD Radeon graphics cards users. It's worth of noting that RoboCop runs in stable 60 FPS on my GeForce RTX 4070 in max settings without any upscalers. This is usually not possible when Ray Tracing is enabled.
Aug 2, 2023
I was wondering here before whether tech like Lumen and Nanite will make RT obsolete for the performance cost over time. I'm sure Digital Foundry have looked into it somewhere I havent seen, this looks great.
I think software Lumen will be the base option in near future, playable on mid-range cards, with hardware path tracing being the high-end.
I mean, look at the difference between psycho raytracing and actual path tracing, it's like medium to ultra

As for the game, I heard it's brilliant. Everyone praises it. Digital Foundry praised both the looks but most importantly the gameplay. Has to be top5-top3 of this year.
Aug 2, 2023
Well, Cyberpunk looks fantastic with PT but thats not to say that every game engine will have such a night and day difference, especially as time goes on.

Lumen seems to look really good here in Robocop, I suppose we'd have to see what it looked like with Path Tracing active vs Lumen, if thats possible in UE5.
depends on how much the developer wants it.
it's still a great thing that software lumen will be becoming the default option. overall, that's more important for the gaming community to have basic rtgi on low/mid range than high-end pushing for real time path tracing.


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Lumen seems to look really good here in Robocop, I suppose we'd have to see what it looked like with Path Tracing active vs Lumen, if thats possible in UE5.
Ray Tracing is possible on UE5, so I suppose Path Tracing is as well. We should get more UE5 games that incorporate both Lumen and RT in the near future.

Actually RoboCop looks near photorealistic sometimes! These screenshots remind me of The Matrix demo that came out some time ago. Of course the city there is much bigger and complex, but RoboCop is a very good start and it looks like it'll be possible to get there at some point after all. I was skeptical when it comes to UE5 graphics progress, but know I'm convinced! There's still a problem with quality of more distant light reflections, but probably this will be fixed as developers get more proficient with the engine and Epic releases newer versions of it.






Aug 2, 2023
Ray Tracing is possible on UE5, so I suppose Path Tracing is as well. We should get more UE5 games that incorporate both Lumen and RT in the near future.

Actually RoboCop looks near photorealistic sometimes! These screenshots remind me of The Matrix demo that came out some time ago. Of course the city there is much bigger and complex, but RoboCop is a very good start and it looks like it'll be possible to get there at some point after all. I was skeptical when it comes to UE5 graphics progress, but know I'm convinced! There's still a problem with quality of more distant light reflections, but probably this will be fixed as developers get more proficient with the engine and Epic releases newer versions of it.






Their Terminator game looked rad AF too.
btw,nice to see another Pole here ;)


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I've decided to watch the original RoboCop movie from 1987 once again. I'm definitely not disappointed, but that's not the most important thing. Much more important is that Teyon manged to replicate almost everything 1:1 in a video game! Now I see this clearly after watching the movie after all those years. It's a really incredible achievement. The commitment to details is comparable to best games based on Alien universe. Now I really appreciate Rogue City. Everyone should watch at least the first RoboCop movie again before playing the game.
Aug 2, 2023
Just started it now, having finished the medium
gotta say, it starts quite meh, but 15 minutes into it you don't wanna stop playing.
Best I've seen UE5 look so far. A great attempt from the creators of Terminator Resistance.
Runs great too, with 110 fps cap (dlss3q on) my 4070S is just chilling at 120W power.
Might need to replay terminator once I'm done. I hope Teyon will continue bringing movie franchises to games. Would love to see a good Predator one.









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May 13, 2024
I'm new around here so I'm a little late to the party. This game was definitely the biggest surprise for me in 2023. Unreal 5/Lumen is nothing short of awesome, and I even prefer it over RT/PT as there is almost no performance hit (at least not on my rig), which I'm currently running a mix of 2020 hardware with a 4070S. My only complaint is it ended sooner than I wanted. All around a great game, and the graphics alone are enough for me to want start another replay.