OK, as promised, this is a full fledged walkthrough via a fresh start on Hardcore. By full fledged I mean I'm showing pretty much everything, linking segments together with saves at the typewriter. I'm even showing weapon upgrades, loot sales, and purchases from The Duke, as well as how to separate and combine items for utility purposes and valuable loot.
This first segment via two videos covers the Prologue, Arrival (everything up to the front doors of Castel Dimitrescu), and the first daughter fight and the Mask of Sorrow.
As is often the case with Survival Horror type games, the encounters in the first part of the game are about shock value, and surviving with minimal resources. I learned a lot about how to save ammo via ways to safely use, barricades, the pistol, and the knife by watching the experts play. I credit this mostly to CarcinogenSDA's narrated no damage Hardcore video.
Castle: Bela/Mask of Sorrow
I learned a very valuable technique for this part of the game that helps immensely with the Moroaicas in the dungeon. It has to do with the fact that they are programmed to return to their spawn point if you lure them just past the end of their scripted path. This is called tethering by CarcinogenSDA, the one I learned it from. The valuable trick to know, is while on this return trip, they are not combative, which means you can stand in front of them and knife away. Once in a while if you do not lure them successfully they will turn around before reaching the end of their scripted path, or even disappear and teleport to their spawn point, so it CAN involve some risk, as it requires staying close enough to keep them on your tail.
This first segment via two videos covers the Prologue, Arrival (everything up to the front doors of Castel Dimitrescu), and the first daughter fight and the Mask of Sorrow.
As is often the case with Survival Horror type games, the encounters in the first part of the game are about shock value, and surviving with minimal resources. I learned a lot about how to save ammo via ways to safely use, barricades, the pistol, and the knife by watching the experts play. I credit this mostly to CarcinogenSDA's narrated no damage Hardcore video.
I almost survived the entire Lycan attack in Arrival unscathed, but made a mistake taking too long to decide to cut and run after the barricades broke, which cost me a wasted shotgun round and a health vial.
I learned a very valuable technique for this part of the game that helps immensely with the Moroaicas in the dungeon. It has to do with the fact that they are programmed to return to their spawn point if you lure them just past the end of their scripted path. This is called tethering by CarcinogenSDA, the one I learned it from. The valuable trick to know, is while on this return trip, they are not combative, which means you can stand in front of them and knife away. Once in a while if you do not lure them successfully they will turn around before reaching the end of their scripted path, or even disappear and teleport to their spawn point, so it CAN involve some risk, as it requires staying close enough to keep them on your tail.
Apologies for my ignorance, but I missed a key point in CarcinogenSDA's narrated no Damage Hardcore video where he said the way to knife non stop is to mash block and knife simultaneously. I also made a mistake fighting Bela, pushing my luck taking one too many shotgun shots at her before moving, which cost me a health vial. So bear with me, as this video has a longer than necessary knife kill segment, and a noob mistake. Still nothing too unreasonable considering the considerable saving of resources.
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