RDR2 bug

Sep 15, 2021
I thought I’d try reaching out for your help about an on going problem with Rockstar and RDR2.
It seems their last up date screwed up the aim from horse back function making most missions unplayable, it seems to affect both online and single player modes.
I checked online and lots if not most players are having the same problem, I contacted Rockstar support and after a few failed attempts to repair they admitted there was a problem and that several clients were experiencing the same thing. They said I will just have wait for a fix with no time frame given, or give me a way to delete what ever they did to screw up good running install of RDR 2.
I kinda thought you guys at PC Gamer might be so busy testing and reviewing new stuff that you may not have noticed this issue yet.
Also I hope with the voice that you and PC Gamer have that you can reach out and light a fire under Rockstar to fix this very expensive game that I and so many others paid for.
Thanks for any help you can give,
Sep 17, 2021
My cousin plays this game 24/7 and he too had this problem,
Apparently this was a bug that happened to a few people with the new patch. The fix is to change from toggled aiming to hold-to-aim. Not ideal, but it'll let you play.
Sep 15, 2021
This isn't an individual bug, thousand's are affected. Currently we can't aim at all (WHILE ON HORSE BACK) stopping story advancement and making a lot of the missions unplayable. Just let us rollback the patch.


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