rate my setup

May 24, 2020

I am also new to building a gaming pc. I have dones some research but wanted some advice from more experienced builders.

I have saved the setup on Pc Part Picker and woundered if I am paying too much in any areas/need to spend more.

My Budget is around 1.2k

Thanks in advance
Apr 24, 2020
I would recommend you change the hard drive to an SSD. Even if you have to spend a bit more. If you want to use the hard drive as storage or backups, that's fine, but now a days SSD is the way to go for the main drive. Major speed difference.
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Apr 26, 2020
I know the itchy feeling in your pocket when you have money to blow on pc parts as quickly as possible but I'm gonna recommend that you wait until the RTX 3000 series GPUs come out. Even if you dont splurge on a new new RTX card, the 2000 series cards will be a lot cheaper which gives you more wiggle room for a SSD and what not.

Inspireless Llama

Community Contributor
Dec 20, 2019
How tight are you on a budget? First things, if you really don't want to wait you can also consider an AMD RX5700 instead of the RTX2060. As far as I'm aware it's about the same price but it performs better.

Also, whilst a RGB cooling defeniately looks cool, it's a bit overkill and if you're tight on a budget you'd probably do better on going for an aircooler, or even stick with the stock cooler and invest that 140$ in other components (like a bigger SSD, maybe an RTX2070 / RX5700 XT even).

Same goes for the seperate RGB fan you've ordered. You don't really need it, and it can be better invested.

I won't blame you on getting some RGB though, I've done it myself too while I might have had better investments for it :p But purely performance wise speaking, that money can be spent better.

Last, I think you could do with a less powerfull power supply. Corsair generally makes good PSU's, but I don't think you'll be needing 750 Watt for your setup.

Also, what resolution are you gaming on, and what games do you play? That certainly matters in the kind of hardware you'll be recommended.
May 24, 2020
I can be flexible on budget..its more about agreeing with my Mrs how much I can spend 😁

I think the rgb was a bit of overkill 😅.

I was looking at RTX cards but seems like ray tracing isnt my first priority as I am looking at frame rates of 120 htz

Do I need the single fan to push the heat out of the case?

For Psu...would a 550w work? I was thinking about investing in the case, cooling and psu so I can easily change the ram/cpu and gpu as time goes on.

I already have a 250gb sata drive and 500gb hard drive.

I play online shooters and open world. Games wise.. Warzone, Gta 5, Metal Gear solid, Red Dead redemption 2, Crysis.

I hope this helps and any feedback would be great.
May 24, 2020
I know the itchy feeling in your pocket when you have money to blow on pc parts as quickly as possible but I'm gonna recommend that you wait until the RTX 3000 series GPUs come out. Even if you dont splurge on a new new RTX card, the 2000 series cards will be a lot cheaper which gives you more wiggle room for a SSD and what not.

what about the AMD RX700?
May 13, 2020
i would recommend 650watts for power and try not to go below . and 1440p? then you would require upto 2080 depending on the game. AAA games you might stay around 100-120 frames with 2080. if you can accept 60 frames on some games( heavy games like metro series, control) you might be happy with 2070. so save some money on power ->650w, less RGB, you can getaway with stock cooler on 3600x. but if you really want aftermarket, consider getting noctua. they are aircoolers but with AIO performance. cheaper and quieter too.
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