Quiz: Name that movie

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This one is probably pretty easy:

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Jan 14, 2020
Pretty sure that's The Matrix?

Some may think the film is a bit overrated but it's easily one of my all-time favourite science fiction flicks. It holds up beautifully 20 years later, and I love that this film's stunts were mostly practical where its sequels went much harder on the CGI. The fantastic Trinity wall-run at the very beginning of the movie never fails to get me hyped for what's to come, and the film never disappoints.
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Jan 14, 2020
That is correct @Rensje. Trinity wall-run, the martial arts training, the Morpheus rescue, metro fight and so much more. I watched the movie as a teenager and it blew my mind
Same! The hallway scene, too. The 'Dodge this' fight, there's so much good stuff in this film. I'm sure you could poke it full of holes if you really wanted to, but how would that be different from any other genre classic that we've come to love through the years?

Anyway, time for a new challenge. I think this is a rather easy one. It's recent, too. A film that is at times challenging to watch and a very slow burn, but the payoff is there if you have the patience.

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Jan 14, 2020
So the movie y'all didn't manage to guess is Suspiria, the horror remake starring Dakota Johnson and Cate Blanchett. It's a great movie that seemingly hasn't reached a very wide audience. It's an Amazon Prime exclusive, I think. Worth a watch if you're a subscriber.

Here's another one for you guys to guess:

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