Places to purchase PC Games without Steam?

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Sep 24, 2023
Interesting idea. Granted most of the classics I was thinking about were console games that've been released in collections on PC (and other new consoles). But I'm curious why the need for an old PC, is it to have the floppy drive? Because in general, PC is the one gaming option that's (nearly) always backward compatible.

Disclaimer. I know next to nothing about PC's. I told my buddy about how I wanted to play a game from the 90's and I did not want to use Steam because I wanted a hard copy and to play it like I did back in the day. So I got an old computer that allows me to do just that. Simple.

sorry, meant to quote post #21 just then, not sure why it did not work.
[Mod edit: fixed.]
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May 26, 2023
I've got a fairly new PC, and just bought a cheapo ($20) ASUS usb disc drive, for old games.

Sep 24, 2023
Interesting idea. Granted most of the classics I was thinking about were console games that've been released in collections on PC (and other new consoles). But I'm curious why the need for an old PC, is it to have the floppy drive? Because in general, PC is the one gaming option that's (nearly) always backward compatible.
I own one PC. My old gaming PC that I am talking about....... I do not own a new PC because I do not play new games