Question Pc restarts everytime I try to play a game

Aug 29, 2020
Well basically thats its, everytime I try to start play a game, it restarts, I even tried to see if the temp are fine, and as far as I can see, those temp are fine both gpu and cpu are around 70c, not sure if its my PSU, yerterday I was playing "fine", CPU had some peaks to 80c and gpu just around 70c, and at some moment my pc rebooted, since then I havent been able to play a game (I only have 2 games, apex and BDO, I was playing BDO when that happened)
I got my GPU yesterday btw.

PC Specs:
CPU: Ryzen 5 3600
GPU: RX 580 Windforce rev 2.0
RAM XPG Gammix D30 DDR4 1x16gb 3000mhz
MOBO: Asus Prime A320M-K
SDD: Kingston A400 480GB
PSU: Corsair TX650 (Had to buy an adapter for 6pin to 8pin)
Feb 17, 2020
1) Did you have a different GPU before yesterday?

If so, what was it?

2) Was the problem happening before you got the new GPU?

3) How old is the PC/ how long have you been using it?

4) Where did you get the PSU from? If it's really a TX650 and not a TX650m, did you get it 2nd hand or something? How long have you had that?

5) What do you mean you needed a '6 to 8 pin' adapter? The PSU has 2 x 6+2 pin PCIe cables (8-pin) and the GPU only needs 1 x 8 pin
Aug 29, 2020
1, Yep but I sold it, it was a 750 ti.
2, Only happened once, I had many things opened while I was playing BDO, but that hapenned just that day.
3, Recently bought CPU, GPU, RAM, SDD and Mobo.
4, Its a old PSU, no I bought it like 6 years ago.
5, LOL, I just realized that you are right, didnt know that those extra 2 can work to make a 8pin, my bad...
Feb 17, 2020
When you install a new GPU especially from a different company (your old one was Nvidia, your new one is AMD) it's best to run DDU

and then perform a clean install of the latest drivers for your new GPU.

If you didn't do that - specifically using DDU - it's best to do that.

After that, try the GPU with the PSU's own 8 pin connector. 6 to 8 pin adapters are really to be avoided as where the PSU only has a 6 pin, not a 6+2 pin, you're forcing (or trying to force) the PSU to put more power down cables that aren't meant for it. But luckily in your case the PSU has the right connectors itself :)

Hopefully a driver sweep and reinstall plus using the PSU's own connector will be enough to make the problem go away. i.e. hopefully what happened before with your old GPU was due to something else...
Aug 29, 2020
Ok, did it, but still. I can open the game and select a channel, but at the moment that it goes to the loading screen to get into the game, my pc restarts, cant event get the loading screen.
Feb 17, 2020
Can you try some other games?

What about one of the 3DMark benchmarks like Firestrike or Timespy?

You can get the free versions under the Demo
Feb 17, 2020
Performance seems fine and it clearly ran the benchmark without crashing.

As an aside - I doubt it's to do with your problem - the CPU performance score is a little lower than you might expect, possibly because you only have RAM in single channel ( 1 x 16gb stick). People usually go with dual channel ( 2 x 8gb) as it can significantly improve performance in some games.

But that's an issue for another day.

Do you have Black Desert Online through Steam?

Have you verified the integrity of the game files?
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Aug 29, 2020
Quick update, since I was kinda confused about why it didnt crashed while running the benchmark, I tried one more time, but this time changed the resolution settings from "automatic" to 1920x1080 and now it rebooted my pc.
Edit: Seems like its about the resolution, I can play BDO if its 1280x1024 for example.

OsaX Nymloth

Community Contributor
Jan 29, 2020
Well, since you changed quite a few parts (if I read this topic right), there's couple of possible issues.
First you could try running some games with your APU (integrated video card) - physically remove your current GPU to do that. First tho confirm in selected games you're crashing playing them (I recommend something than Ryzen 3600 APU can run somewhat decently, even benchmark is fine). Then try the same with just APU to see if it crashes.

You can also run Memtest 86 to see if it's not memory related issue.