Old Everquest/Skyrim player lookin for a game to play with kids during corona lockdown

Apr 17, 2020
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Hi all, I'm a new member here looking for a game to play with my 12 year old boy and possibly my 9 year old girl. I don't game much anymore but was once a huge fan of Everquest and I also love Skyrim. My boy loves skyrim as well. We are considering Elder Scrolls Elswer but I thought I'd ask some of you gaming experts as I'm way out of touch with current games. Are there any games we should look into?

I have two current high powered gaming PC's an old 10 year old gaming PC (still ticking) as well as an XBOX1. Any help greatly appreicated.
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Elder Scrolls Online is not targeted at a preteen audience. It has adult themes, and while Zone and Local chat is very friendly for an MMO, it can be adult in terms of language and themes. I know Skyrim already has adult themes, but I feel that ESO is a step beyond, especially because of the other players.

If you like Skyrim, I would recommend these as places to start:
  • Oblivion, the game preceding Skyrim - the people look like potatoes but it's a good game and you already like the world and mechanics;
  • Dragon Age Origins (then the two sequels) - another fantasy RPG, though third-person rather than first-person and not open-world, but with very good writing;
  • Fallout 3 (then New Vegas and 4) - done in the same style and engine as Elder Scrolls, so if you like the gameplay of Skyrim and don't mind a post-apocalyptic world (though with perhaps slightly more adult themes than Skyrim), they'll be a similar experience;
  • Kingdom Come Deliverance - an open-world RPG that prides itself on its realism and depth, set in real-life medieval Bohemia, a lot harder than Skyrim but very enjoyable;
  • Dishonored (and its sequels) - for something a little different, Dishonored is made by Bethesda stablemate Arkane, and is a first-person stealth assassination game, imo Dishonored 2 is the best game ever made.
That should keep you busy for a while.
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Apr 17, 2020
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Elder Scrolls Online is not targeted at a preteen audience. It has adult themes, and while Zone and Local chat is very friendly for an MMO, it can be adult in terms of language and themes. I know Skyrim already has adult themes, but I feel that ESO is a step beyond, especially because of the other players.

If you like Skyrim, I would recommend these as places to start:
  • Oblivion, the game preceding Skyrim - the people look like potatoes but it's a good game and you already like the world and mechanics;
  • Dragon Age Origins (then the two sequels) - another fantasy RPG, though third-person rather than first-person and not open-world, but with very good writing;
  • Fallout 3 (then New Vegas and 4) - done in the same style and engine as Elder Scrolls, so if you like the gameplay of Skyrim and don't mind a post-apocalyptic world (though with perhaps slightly more adult themes than Skyrim), they'll be a similar experience;
  • Kingdom Come Deliverance - an open-world RPG that prides itself on its realism and depth, set in real-life medieval Bohemia, a lot harder than Skyrim but very enjoyable;
  • Dishonored (and its sequels) - for something a little different, Dishonored is made by Bethesda stablemate Arkane, and is a first-person stealth assassination game, imo Dishonored 2 is the best game ever made.
That should keep you busy for a while.

Thanks so much ! I'll look into all of these. I really appreciate the advice.


Community Contributor
9 and 12... let's see...

Ghost of a Tale should be good stuff. (Need to get that thing bought and off my wish list.)

Dragon Quest XI is supposed to be good, though I haven't played it myself.

Portal and Portal 2 are fun. They look like first person shooters but they are puzzle solving games. If they like those, you can try The Talos Principle, but that gets harder. (Also, they may rebel against you after finishing the game. ;))

I wonder how a building game like Planet Coaster would go over?

  • Oblivion, the game preceding Skyrim - the people look like potatoes but it's a good game and you already like the world and mechanics;
  • Dragon Age Origins (then the two sequels) - another fantasy RPG, though third-person rather than first-person and not open-world, but with very good writing;
  • Fallout 3 (then New Vegas and 4) - done in the same style and engine as Elder Scrolls, so if you like the gameplay of Skyrim and don't mind a post-apocalyptic world (though with perhaps slightly more adult themes than Skyrim), they'll be a similar experience;
  • Kingdom Come Deliverance - an open-world RPG that prides itself on its realism and depth, set in real-life medieval Bohemia, a lot harder than Skyrim but very enjoyable;
  • Dishonored (and its sequels) - for something a little different, Dishonored is made by Bethesda stablemate Arkane, and is a first-person stealth assassination game, imo Dishonored 2 is the best game ever made.
Yow! Other than Oblivion, those are all pretty adult themed! New Vegas starts out with you getting shot in the head!!
Apr 17, 2020
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9 and 12... let's see...

Ghost of a Tale should be good stuff. (Need to get that thing bought and off my wish list.)

Dragon Quest XI is supposed to be good, though I haven't played it myself.

Portal and Portal 2 are fun. They look like first person shooters but they are puzzle solving games. If they like those, you can try The Talos Principle, but that gets harder. (Also, they may rebel against you after finishing the game. )

I wonder how a building game like Planet Coaster would go over?

Yow! Other than Oblivion, those are all pretty adult themed! New Vegas starts out with you getting shot in the head!!

It's mainly my boy I'll be playing with and hes's turning 14 in a few weeks. (misstyped his age) I'm not too concerned with game violence etc...he'll be fine.

Thanks for the tips all, I'm looking into them now.
Jan 19, 2020
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In addition to the great RPG suggestions already posted here are a few light casual coop games.

No Man's Sky: Open universe do what you want sandbox style exploration game. Collect spaceships, mod them, build bases, craft, etc. There is open multiplayer and you can also restrict your game to just friends (except in the hub). https://store.steampowered.com/app/275850/No_Mans_Sky/

TerraTech: Build snap together block vehicles and battle. There are single player and multplayer modes, coop and pvp.

Garfield Kart: A pretty good MarioKart clone. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1085510/Garfield_Kart__Furious_Racing/

Quest Hunter: Casual action RPG looter. Boss battles can be very challenging. https://store.steampowered.com/app/487000/Quest_Hunter/

Overcooked 2: Frenetic action management sim. Players keep food production moving through competition or cooperation. https://store.steampowered.com/app/728880/Overcooked_2/
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You could always experiment with the Skryim Together mod, which lets you play Skryim multiplayer.

It's probably very buggy, but if you just want to roam that world with another player as an experience I expect it's worth trying.

In terms of great coop experiences, the Borderlands series and also Saints Row 3. Not medieval fantasy themed, but great fun.
Elder Scrolls Morrowind and Oblivion are great games (much better than Skyrim), although a little less 'hand holdy' than Skyrim (Morrowind expecially)

Elder Scolls Online is great, but it is an mmorpg so you will have other people talking in chat.

Maybe try and get your son to try Baldur's Gate? Totally different from Skyrim, but an extremely rich story.
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Jan 19, 2020
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Maybe try and get your son to try Baldur's Gate? Totally different from Skyrim, but an extremely rich story.
There is also Neverwinter Nights which still offers a robust mulitiplayer experience. Beamdog still puts a lot of effort into the engine, API, and multiplayer. The last update was April 9 with consistent meaty updates prior. https://store.steampowered.com/news/?appids=704450 One huge bonus with NWN is the deep character build diversity. That's something most other D&D games don't offer.
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Hi all, I'm a new member here looking for a game to play with my 12 year old boy and possibly my 9 year old girl. I don't game much anymore but was once a huge fan of Everquest and I also love Skyrim. My boy loves skyrim as well. We are considering Elder Scrolls Elswer but I thought I'd ask some of you gaming experts as I'm way out of touch with current games. Are there any games we should look into?

I have two current high powered gaming PC's an old 10 year old gaming PC (still ticking) as well as an XBOX1. Any help greatly appreicated.
@elendill3334 how about something like Portal Knights? There's been a couple of very solid recommendations so far, but I'm not so sure most of those are very suitable for a 9-year old. Portal Knights is built with co-op in mind, is definitely aimed at a younger crowd and will scratch that RPG itch. If either you or your kids have an artistic side there's a bit of Minecraft in there too. The art style is or isn't to your taste, but I think the game looks very attractive and your kids will love it for sure.

It's a well-rounded package available on all platforms and it even supports couch co-op, which is excellent fun if you want to get together in the living room and enjoy the game as a family. I played through this with my girlfriend and we enjoyed it very much!


If you are going the action RPG route I would go with Torchlight 2. It has the friendliest art style and I'm pretty sure that if there's blood at all you can turn it off completely. It's a game in the vein of Diablo, so I'm sure you know exactly what you are getting into with this one. It's good, mindless fun with a great campaign and a fun endgame that will keep you busy for a while. I think a console version is available as well.


Lastly, I quite like the look of Dragon Quest Builders 2 (which also supports couch co-op) but I haven't played this one myself. It ticks a lot of the same boxes that Portal Knights does, but this one places a bigger emphasis on building and improving the town that you are trying to protect from monsters, hence the 'builders' in the title.


I hope any of these recommendations will be of use to you.
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Apr 17, 2020
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Hi all, thanks for the great tips! I decided to play Elder Scrolls Online with my teenage boy and am having a blast. Coming from the old days of Everquest this is such a great game. It seems this will keep our interest for quite some time. We are hooked bad. I’m very difficult to please with video games as well. So basically Im 53 and my boy is 14 and we both love it. They really nailed it with this game !

My little girl plays Roblox sitting next to us which works well. We have three gaming systems side by side.

Thanks again for all the great advice. I might look into some other games you’ve mentioned but for now we have plenty to keep us busy. If your an ESO player say hello to Lambras (my character a Magplar) or Creation of Akatosh (My boy- a tank)