no cheats


Community Contributor
Since spam resurrected this thread, I'd like to admit to having the same problem. In fact, I'm kind of relieved sometimes when a game doesn't have console commands, like Astroneer.

The thing is, I start playing the game and everything goes well for, say, the first 20 hours, and then I need 500 wood or something, and I think, "Yeah, no. I'm going to just spawn that in." And once I do that, it's an internal battle the rest of the way to keep from spawning in more stuff.

But to me, gathering resources is only fun for so long. I like concentrating on other parts of survival games, like organization and base building. In Valheim, I'm just not going to wander around mining rocks for an hour to build a base, for instance, and after awhile I get tired of exploring to find new swamp biomes to get more iron. I probably cheat more in Valheim than in any other survival game.
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Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
^ That's not cheating, that's playing the game the way you want to. And isn't that the whole point?

Or not:

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No Man's Sky and Subnautica both have 'creative' modes that let you build whatever you want, without restriction. Would that be fun for you?
No, I don't like creative modes. They seem pointless. I did play a few minutes of Subnautica in creative just to see what items could be unlocked, but that was it. I didn't cheat in either Subnautica or No Man's Sky because resource gathering was reasonable. I didn't even check to see if cheating was possible in either game.
Consoles come in handy sometimes, though. Like one time in Skyrim, I had accomplished a lot of stuff since I last saved my game, and I ended up getting caught in a crevice in the mountains where I could not get out of that spot. I thought I was going to have to reload and lose all of my progress. But then I found a console command that let me levitate out of there and set myself down somewhere else, and I was able to move on without losing my progress. You'd better believe I saved the game immediately after that. Haha.

The only other thing I've done was in Skyrim, I used the console to give a couple of venders a bunch of gold. I didn't want to cheat enough to give myself a bunch of gold, but I wanted to be able to sell stuff to venders without having to wait forever for them to replenish their gold balance.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
Consoles come in handy sometimes
Just to be clear, I assume you're talking about a screen console you bring up on PC—not about PS or XB?

caught in a crevice … then I found a console command that let me levitate
Now I remember why I quit Ghost Recon Wildlands! Wonder if it has console cheats—never thought of that when dude I was escorting refused to budge up or down some cliff.
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Just to be clear, I assume you're talking about a screen console you bring up on PC—not about PS or XB?

Now I remember why I quit Ghost Recon Wildlands! Wonder if it has console cheats—never thought of that when dude I was escorting refused to budge up or down some cliff.
Yeah, sorry. Most of you guys know I've been playing on an Xbox for a little while. But I was going along with the discussion and talking about entering console commands into a game. You actually can't do that on Xbox or PS. It's only available on PC. I have noticed messing around on Skyrim on Xbox, though, that there are some mods to accomplish a few of the more popular console commands. But you don't have any control over them, like you do in the console. Like you can have a mod to give all venders 10,000 gold, or something like that.
Jan 8, 2023
I ended up using console commands in Valheim. At the beginning of the game I said to myself (in a much lengthier internal debate), "No cheats". That held true for a while, but as I played, and died, and played, and died, I had enough. God mode. I play games to relieve stress, not create more! The relief from worrying about constantly dying is great. After I broke the seal and cheated with god mode, my mind then began debating cheating resources. Oh the temptation to cheat. Ultimately, I said to myself, "I can only spawn resources that I have found.". This held true for a while, but I accidentally spawned fine wood thinking it was core wood. I do feel a smidge of guilt for cheating resources, but not enough to stop doing it! I wipe the guilt away by thinking about the anime, Uncle from Another World. In this show, a man slips into a coma and wakes in a fantasy world, kind of like dungeons and dragons, and he has magical powers that give him huge advantages for survival. I just pretend I am him!

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
I play games to relieve stress, not create more! The relief from worrying about constantly dying is great
Good for you! Always assuming single player, nothing externally competitive like speed run etc:

Play how you want to. Don't let anyone else tell you that your way is wrong. If the gameplay is good enough, you can make your own game, tell your own story, be your own hero :)
Jan 8, 2023
Good for you! Always assuming single player, nothing externally competitive like speed run etc:

Play how you want to. Don't let anyone else tell you that your way is wrong. If the gameplay is good enough, you can make your own game, tell your own story, be your own hero :)
Yes, single player 100% of the time. I don't do multiplayer very well. Having to cooperate with others in the real world is more than enough for me. I definitely do not play externally competitive games. They are too stressful. I make my gaming experience as stress-free as possible. Now that I finally switched from console to PC, this is even easier!
I don’t use cheats too often in games, mainly because I enjoy playing on Easy or Normal difficulties, but when I do it’s usually when I’m just messing around in the game. Sometimes I will use it to get past a hard part of a game, like when I replayed the Half Life series on Hard difficulty as a challenge. Some parts of those games become very difficult when you are low on ammo, so I would either god-mode or no-clip my way through these sections. I enjoy cheat codes the most when I am finished with a game and just want to mess around, like in RDR2. That game has a very unique way of unlocking cheat codes, you have to find phrases in the world and type them into the cheat menu. For example, there is a phrase carved into an empty drawer inside of a fence’s shop which is totally unassuming and I found it on accident, or written at the bottom of a newspaper or inside of an abandoned shack. This was really cool to me and was a slight reward for exploring. There are so many though you may just cheat your way to unlock the cheat list by looking it up online haha.
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I don't mind resource gathering in most games. However I find it annoying if your inventory space is limited. So I'm more likely to look at mods that increase the size or weight you can carry and chest sizes.
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