Question New Pc Build, Think it might be underperforming?

Aug 26, 2024
Pretty sure my system is underperforming (based on the specs and comparison to other people with similar specs). I built it myself (first time) and I'm not sure if I've done everything correctly.

Pulling like 30 fps on Overwatch and Valorant at Low Settings. Also, weird issue where my mouse stutters about sometimes. Thought it was the USB cables on the motherboard itself so I tried reconnecting but still nothing.

Here are specs:

MOBO - msi pro b550m-vc wifi

3 fans (two in the front and one in the back)

CPU Cooler - thermaltake frozen notte

RAM - 32gb ddr4 3200mhz

PSUPPLY - 850w gold standard fully mod

GPU - RTX 3050 6gb gddr6

CPU - Ryzen 7 5800x 16thread 8core

Storage is just a standard 1tb ssd nvme

Please help :)


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