Question Need advise , Will this pc work for gaming?

Apr 4, 2022
I need a pc because my current pc is a potato

I saw a cheap refurbished pc which I could afford , Its

i7 3rd gen
1 tb hdd and
8gb ram,

It doesnt come with gpu but I will probably buy it a 4gb one since it appears to be the minimum for gaming and tbh gpus are very expensive!

So will this be a good pc for me? I like games such as ark warthunder gta v arma 3 etc, Of course im not planning to play at 4k or things like that, I want to play middle settings

If you guys could tell me it would be amazing I really want to get a gaming pc but they are really expensive and this pc looks like a good option but some people say i7 3rd gen is trash others say it isnt I dont know much so that is why im asking
Hi and welcome.

The system you posted would be above minimum specs for the exact games you mentioned according to their Steam pages. I've never played any of them so I cant comment as to what kind of experience you will have with them personally, but they should at least run, so long as you pair it with a decent GPU.

Having said that, you would be better off posting up your exact budget and location. A 3rd gen I7 is nearly 10 years old now and below minimum specs for some new AAA games. Same with 8GB of RAM more and more. We also do not know what the other components are, a very old basic PSU would be a liability, and could end up with your money going up in smoke in a short time.

There might be a better option available for the price you want to pay for CPU and GPU combined.
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Apr 4, 2022
Hi and welcome.

The system you posted would be above minimum specs for the exact games you mentioned according to their Steam pages. I've never played any of them so I cant comment as to what kind of experience you will have with them personally, but they should at least run, so long as you pair it with a decent GPU.

Having said that, you would be better off posting up your exact budget and location. A 3rd gen I7 is nearly 10 years old now and below minimum specs for some new AAA games. Same with 8GB of RAM more and more. We also do not know what the other components are, a very old basic PSU would be a liability, and could end up with your money going up in smoke in a short time.

There might be a better option available for the price you want to pay for CPU and GPU combined.
Hello thanks for your response, Im from Venezuela and I saw this pc for 250$ It would be the base I would keep upgrading it for example 4 ram here is kinda cheap it costs 20$ I would probably upgrade it to 16 ram later

the pc costs 250$ ( refurbished ) but when I buy the gpu and add a little bit more ram It would go to around 400$
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Youre welcome :)

Do you know what power supply is in the refurb? The exact model and wattage? Do you know what case its all in?

Without knowing those things you might find youre not even be able to upgrade the GPU so that it works. Even if it physically fits in the case and has the right power connectors and enough wattage, if its the original one that came with the system its 10 years old. Low end PSU's have a 2/3 year warranty for good reason. Even the very best offer 10 years and would be at their limit by now, and 10 year warranties on PSU's were not common in 2012.

Just trying to help you go into this with eyes open. It would suck to spend that money and have a component fail within a year or two. Better to save a bit more and buy something that would last a few years, and potentially more with occasional upgrades down the line.

If youre set on the system youre looking at, at least try and find out if it is for certain upgradeable. You'd need to know what case it is and what the PSU is exactly to be sure.

If you have more questions feel free to ask. I have no idea about hardware stores in Venezuela, but there are people here who might know better than me :)
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Apr 4, 2022
Thank you so much, I now have a much clearer idea and a better understanding about the pc, Again thank you , You really helped me a lot
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