Question My Seasonic TX-750W tripped breaker or it was halogen bulb in bathroom?

Sep 19, 2020
PC: Aorus AD27QD


Aorus 2080 Ti waterforce stock




Pc was on idle and monitor was on. Other devices like tv,washer off. So not circuit overload. 2 weeks ago something tripped 2 small circuit breakers . All electricity lights and sockets went down .Then.......i go to bathroom and saw that one of 3 halogen bulbs no lightning. So one bulb get burned.

What tripped breaker? Halogen Bulb or Seasonic psu of my pc?

Like i said pc working normally after that outage.But i am worried about my psu.

Thx for helping me. I am not cooled down<lol>.
Feb 17, 2020
Why worried about the PC? Just that it's the only other device capable of using more energy than a lightbulb in your home that was on? Other than the fridge, freezer, etc...

Do you have any reason whatsoever to suspect the PSU?

It sounds like the bulb went, tripped the breaker, which is super common, and your PC just happened to be on at the time.
Sep 19, 2020
Ok then. Why i ask about Seasonic?

6 months ago my monitor ( psu/fuse inside monitor ) get damaged and tripped breaker. PC was fine. I rma monitor and shop exchanged psu inside monitor.

Thats why i ask about Seasonic now. Pc psu is not the same like monitor psu?

So propably i had a bad luck with monitor ( 6 months ago ) and now 2 weeks ago with bulb?
Feb 17, 2020
The common factor here is not the existence of a PSU, it is the fact something went 'pop'. :)

Your monitor's PSU went pop and tripped the breaker. Then half a year later your lightbulb went pop and tripped the breaker.

There's no evidence your Seasonic PSU or anything else in the PC is faulty based on what you've said.
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Feb 17, 2020
Potentially, but that's what surge protectors are for. And if you're playing it super, super, super cautiously you could unplug the PC during lightning storms.

Electronics can, do, and will die. The fact you had a monitor's power supply die and a lightbulb die doesn't really mean anything. If you're genuinely concerned about the electrics in your home you can always pay a professional electrician to test your house's electrics and advise, but that's a choice you need to make.

If I had 1 x consumer good and 1 x lightbulb die in 6 months and those were the only apparent electrical issues in my home, I wouldn't call the electrician, personally.
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Sep 19, 2020
So 5 months ago monitor( psu/fuse ) blow breaker. Shop sended to me new monitor after changing psu inside. Pc works fine.

Next thing.

20 days ago the same blowed breaker, but pc ok and monitor ok. Just saw that one halogen bulb no lightning in bathroom.
So propably it was halogen bulb not psu inside pc, Seasonic TX-750W Plus Titanium? Last question. And sorry apologize for my bad language :) hehe
Sep 19, 2020
My previous pc ( other cpu and mobo ,psu) i bought in 1 january 2019 with monitor Acer Predator. In november 2019 i bought new monitor Aorus AD27QD and new psu Seasonic 850W Ultra Platinum.
So in november new monitor and new psu Seasonic. After 3,5 months , in february 2020 ,something tripped breaker in night and that was monitor becuase it get damaged. Pc fine.
So from 1 january 2019 to february 2020 i dont had single issue with tripping breakers.
14 months without problems.

In 28 march 2020 i bought new cpu,new mobo,new ram,new gpu,new psu ( Seasonic other model ).

And 28 august, halogen bulb pop and tripped breaker.

So 5 months without problems.

So i guess my electricity its fine if such long time was ok?
( In that two breaker incidents i had Seasonic psu's )

Apologize for my language i am real sorry. Feel free to ask :)
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Feb 17, 2020
Bulbs blow all the time, and often trip the breakers. Same with any appliance dying - when the heating element in our oven died, it tripped the breaker. Apparently the same happened with your monitor's PSU.

Forgive me for saying so, but you sound very worried about this.

No matter how many times I say "this is normal, it is not evidence of a problem" you come back and ask "yes, but is it normal, I'm still worried there's a problem?"

If you have a genuine reason to be worried about the electrics in your house, pay a properly qualified electrician to visit. But if you do that, you need to listen to them. Because otherwise you will just pay 1 electrician to visit, and when they find no problem you'll still worry and pay another one, and then another, and another, because you'll never believe there is no problem.

I'm worried you are worrying too much about this :)
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Sep 19, 2020
Hey last question Oussebon i swear.Somebody said :"
Sensitive breakers or unstable electrical grid"

It can be true or not? But i doubt i have unstable electrical grid.
Feb 17, 2020
Sensitive breakers usually implies they are tripping without a good enough reason. Tripping when bulbs or appliances die is pretty common. If you had a problem with sensitive breakers I assume they'd trip much more often and/or without an identifiable cause.

As for the grid 🤷‍♂️

If you keep asking people about it, especially random people on the internet (including me:p) you will keep getting different interpretations and new rabbit holes to go down as people spit out ideas.

Your real options are to get a professional to look at it in person, or to stop worrying because it's extremely likely there is no problem. :)

If what happened to you happened to me and there were no other visible issues, I wouldn't give it a 2nd thought.
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