My CPU Fan

Aug 26, 2020
Hey COLONEL I was editing a video and my cpu fan just stopped spinning, my display turned off with it then all the other fans started getting louder and blowing harder lol. I've had it for about 2.5 years, a mid tower with AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8-Core Processor 3.59 GHz not overclocked and a MSI Gaming Geforce RTX 2060 6gb gdrr6. Now the question is could it be the thermal paste or a virus oooor something else hmmmm we may never know 🔍🤭 if only somebody that was ''pretty good'' could give me a hand I'd appreciate it 🤘.


On a Journey
i doubt thermal paste would have anything to do with fan stopping. Have you cleaned the fan to see if perhaps it has dust in it?
Virus also not likely to stop fan.

does PC still work? are you sure its not the GPU?


On a Journey
I found this guide somewhere, I am sure author(me) won't mind me copying it.

Download HWINFO -

when you open the app, click the tick box next to show sensors only, and click run
in the next window, click on the gear icon in bottom right, this opens settings.

On General tab, under polling period, set it to 500 and click the set button next to it, and click OK. this reduces the amount of time between sensors updating so its more accurate and you can watch CPU fall and rise all day.

I used tips from this video to set up icons in toolbar to track two temps but not the ones he chooses, I went with Core Temperatures instead of the package temp

Core Temperatures is average temp of all cores and ignores the constant spike of a core being woken up every second or so.
If you want to know actual speed of CPU at any one time, the best to watch is Core Effective Clock

Another thing you can do it set it up so it shows graphs of scores you are interested in and can watch onscreen. you can do this via right clicking a sensor value in main menu

and they show like below:


There are OSD controls as well but I don't use those so I am sure there are guides on internet for those now
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Aug 26, 2020
i doubt thermal paste would have anything to do with fan stopping. Have you cleaned the fan to see if perhaps it has dust in it?
Virus also not likely to stop fan.

does PC still work? are you sure its not the GPU?
I recently blew out the dust a couple of weeks ago. It still works fine i immediately turned it off waited a couple minutes then turned it back on if not it probably would have exploded with how loud it got lol i'll try what you both said and come back to you 😄. It wouldn't let me power it off with the power switch either i had to unplug it.
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On a Journey
a mid tower with AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8-Core Processor 3.59 GHz not overclocked and a MSI Gaming Geforce RTX 2060 6gb gdrr6.

What are full specs?

The only reason I can think of for the CPU fan turning off while PC is on is if there is an incorrect setting in software or BIOS that told it to turn it off because PC was below a certain temp. I have seen that before, I did it to myself a few years ago. I made a bad fan curve and it told BIOS it was fine to turn CPU fan off if PC got below a certain temp, and well... my case got to that temp and fan went off and case fans went nuts and I turned it off. I learned a lesson then, let PC manage fans on CPU. It is only in the last few months I have relaxed that.

Do you have any software that controls fans in PC?

What power switch did you try to turn it off with? the one on front of tower or the one on the power supply at back of case?
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