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May 13, 2024
"The domino scene, where V tips over black and red dominoes to form a giant letter V, involved 22,000 dominoes. It took four professional domino assemblers 200 hours to set it up."

You can make a living assembling dominos? Where do I apply??

That sounds like an insanely stressful job. 21,990 dominoes into it, don't freakin' breath... just dooooon't freeeeeakin breeeeeeaath.

I think I'd rather be a matador and get tossed up in the air by a bull.
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Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
I'd rather be a matador and get tossed up in the air by a bull

You do you—just don't land on my domino creation!

I looked into the hourly rate for the profession. It varies between…

…for intern, and…

…for experts.
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May 13, 2024
You do you—just don't land on my domino creation!

I looked into the hourly rate for the profession. It varies between…

…for intern, and…

…for experts.

I guess Google AI can't find a reasonable answer on bullfighter salaries, but from what I can find most make $1k - $10k per fight, while a quora user says "top matadors in Spain are treated like rock stars, earning more than 100k per bullfight".

I'm happy with my day job. It's safer (app dev). :D
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Oct 26, 2024
I like to watch comedies, especially about students, such as American Pie and all its parts. I was thinking about rewatching this movie, but first, I need to figure out what’s wrong with my home internet. I’ve already found the contact info and plan to resolve the issue in the next few days. Maybe I’ll invite some friends over who wouldn’t mind watching the movie again.
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Community Contributor
Jan 13, 2020
After watching The VVitch I had become an immediate Robert Eggers fan. His second movie, The Lighthouse, had received critical acclaim but I did not find time to watch it before I was invited to see The Northman in the theater. Now with Nosferatu coming out this Christmas, I thought it was high time I catch up with The Lighthouse.

I think Eggers does an incredible job with period pieces, taking the time to work with historians to give the audience members a view through the eyes of someone living in each one of these time periods. Whether it's a Eastern US Puritan colony in the 1630s, a remote Island off the US Atlantic coast in the 1890s, or the Northlands of the Vikings in 895, he bears the souls of mankind at that time. What motivates them, what steers their moral compass, and what eventually drives them over the edge of their sanity and humanity.

If you haven't seen it, The Lighthouse is absolutely worth your time. If you like it and haven't see the other Robert Egger's films, you're in for more of the same great filmmaking.

May 13, 2024
One of my all time favorites, and back when Disney was ahead of it's time vs... whatever they are now. It would be another 10 years after this released in theaters in 1982 before I got into tech and understood the references and what this movie was about.

Hard to believe that I've reached the age where things I grew up with are now considered classics.

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Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
@BeardyHat and everyone else for that sake, if you want to watch some classic movies or other genres for free: Tune into TubiTV/Crackle. If you don't live in the states, you have to use a VPN, but you can get that for completely free. If you use adblock you also don't need to see the ads, which is highly recommended.

Some local libraries also have online libraries for movies and such, so that might be something you have in your country. is an example of this.
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@BeardyHat and everyone else for that sake, if you want to watch some classic movies or other genres for free: Tune into TubiTV/Crackle. If you don't live in the states, you have to use a VPN, but you can get that for completely free. If you use adblock you also don't need to see the ads, which is highly recommended.

Some local libraries also have online libraries for movies and such, so that might be something you have in your country. is an example of this.

I'll have to check it out; I recently saw Youtube has a bunch of Ad-Support movies for free as well. In fact, I just made my wife (I say made, given she doesn't share my love of slapstick...) watch Hundreds of Beavers with me. I had a great time of it...

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Another movie finished, this time its pixar's the Incredibles 2

i won't go too much into the story, for some reason i could only watch the movie for 30-40 minutes at a time. But all said and done, its a pretty good movie as to be expected from pixar tbh.

i am watching another movie, prey which is the prequel to the movie predator. More on that once i've finished it. Hopefully in the next few days.
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Dec 22, 2024
Haven't watched movies from start to finish for a few years. I had a week off work this week. Happened to find two films on TV and ended watching them:
- Django Unchained. Hadn't watched this. I'm a fan of Tarantino as one of the last Hollywood auteurs. However, this felt like a bit wasted and forced. I'd say it's one of his least successful films.
- North by Northwest. Hadn't watched this in a very long time. It's a fantastic premise but it derails itself a bit with the Cary Grant - Eva Marie Saint romance, which makes very few sense. While an enjoyable picture (they don't make them like these anymore) Hitchcock has also made better thrillers in his glory years, like Rear Window, Vertigo or Strangers on a Train, which I enjoyed better.
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Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
I watched Heretic (2024) recently with Huge Grant as the antagonist. Starts decent enough, with Grant slowly but steadily showing his true form. Then there is a change in the narrative that just made me wonder what the kakapo they were thinking about.

They could have made it into a very good horror movie, but decided to make it into some weird soup with to many ingredients in. I wonder if Huge Grant's performance is why it got so good reviews because that would be the only reason to watch the movie. He delivers a good role and a type of role you would not think he could do.

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Another movie finished, as promised, i finished the predator prequel Prey (2022) The story is set during 1700s when a young Comanche (naru) strives to become a warrior in her tribe. Her opportunity arrives when a mountain lion threatens the tribe and what she discovers is something much more dangerous: A predator. When no one believes her, she is incensed to go and search for it making it her prey to becoming a great hunter/warrior of her tribe. Meanwhile the predator itself having fought and bested all the animals nearby discovers the humans and soon makes them its prey....

Surprisingly good, granted the predator in this one isn't as high tech (no plasma weaponary) but it is still highly skilled, advanced and damn tough, easily besting gunpowder tech. The movie isn't the longest as its just to build up to the final confrontation between Naru and the predator as she spends the second half of the movie running, hiding and learning about her foe before turning the tables on the predator for one final showdown using her wits to best it.

The one thing that is a bit questionable is how Naru defeats the predator, yes perfectly legit victory, but it sort of makes the predator immensely stupid. Naru essentially uses the predators speargun on itself, as the spear gun is calibrated to the predators laser targeter on its mask. Where the laser is pointed, it will fly in that direction. So when the predator fired the gun (directly at naru) the spear changes course and hits the predator instead. Surely the predator should have known that the mask/laser/speargun worked like that? Its like a hunter not understand how his hunting rifle worked. Then again on the flip side he was covered in mud, angry and wasn't expected to be outsmarted like that. Especially when she was seemingly in front of it.

Would i recommend it? for a predator movie, i thought was pretty good. different, smart and interesting.
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Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
Watched Carry-On (2024) starring Taron Egerton as Ethan Kopek, Jason Bateman as Traveler aka the bad guy, + some other actors.

Plot: The good guy has to put a bad suitcase onboard a plane, the bad guy tries to manipulate good guy, the good guy tries manipulating the bad guy. A girlfriend and some colleagues in between all the drama. A boss saying bossy things. Some people die, some shooting, some fighting. I'm sure you all can guess where this is all heading.

Conclusion: Nothing you have not seen before, your run-of-the-mill action thriller. You don't expect an Oscar, you don't get an Oscar, and everyone is happy.

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- Django Unchained. Hadn't watched this. I'm a fan of Tarantino as one of the last Hollywood auteurs. However, this felt like a bit wasted and forced. I'd say it's one of his least successful films.

Surprisingly enough, Django Unchained was his most profitable movie. It wasn't my favorite by him either, but id say its more towards the top than the bottom personally.

For me, just watched Gladiator 2 last night, which was a feat after the xmas day because the movie is roughly 2 1/2 hours but it was solid enough to keep me going to the end.

It was pretty good overall for a big Hollywood period piece action movie. The time between the 2 movies is 16 years as apposed to the actual 24 years since the first one. Same actors from the first one also signed on to return and i enjoyed the battle and arena fighting scenes. CGI was pretty good too, though i think Hollywood misses on depicting Rome itself all those years ago.

Denzel Washingtons plays his (new) character pretty good in this for what he is. I was skeptical at first tbh.

Then you have Pedro Pascals character, a general of Rome, i love him as an actor but this character could have been developed a little more for my tastes.

The main character is by someone i dont think ive seen in a lot, Paul Mescal. I think he brings good main-character energy to the movie.



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