Movies you're watching

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
I don't have time to post in the Movie Reviews thread, but figure a thread where we can give a brief reaction or recommendation is better than nothing—eg like @Frindis's recommendation re Oxford Dictionary movie earlier, which got me a new one for the watch list.

I don't watch many, but have seen 3 in the last week—links are to IMDb.

Wind River 2017
Elizabeth Olsen
Jeremy Renner
Graham Greene
Wyoming in winter steals the show, where JR is a hunter who helps EO investigate a murder on GG's Native reservation.
Not much of the car chase, gunfight, explosions content, more tense drama in the outdoors.

Identity 2003
John Cusack
Ray Liotta
Amanda Peet
You know Agatha Christie's 'And Then There Were None'? Same idea of stranded people being killed off one by one. Well done, good twist.

The Frozen Ground 2013
Nicolas Cage
Vanessa Hudgens
John Cusack
The hunt for Alaskan serial killer Robert Hansen. Held my interest, leads are good—I'm a JC fan, and like NC.
Feb 9, 2022
This past week I watched a ton of Netflix on the weekend because I was sick, and here are my little reviews:

The Dig with Carey Mulligan, Ralph Fiennes and Lily James
Really nice movie about a particular archeology discovery in the UK, based on real events, it's a calm and serious movie but with a lot of heart.

Goodbye Christopher Robin with Margot Robbie and Domhnall Gleeson
Honestly thought this was other movie I have watched before, and oh I was pleasantly surprised! This one I watched it on TV ( cable) I was just surfing the channels and there it was. It is actually a really nice movie about the real life story of the kid behind the Winnie the Pooh's author inspiration. Sad story if you have issues with your family, this may be a hit in your heart... but really nice movie and leaves you with a good feeling (or at least I think so, my husband wasn't very happy since he does have family issues).

Eat, Pray, Love with Julia Roberts
Oldie but is one of those movies that are easy watching and at the end of the day you end up with a good feeling about life and all that, so I do recommend it whenever you are looking for an uplifting feeling. Also, Julia Roberts is always great so what else I can say
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Nov 25, 2019
I'm happy to see this thread pop up now. Over the weekend I watched the film Cockneys vs. Zombies, which was fantastic. The title provides literally everything you need to know going in.

I don't do spoilers, so all I'll say is most people who think the name holds some promise will likely dig it a lot. This would make an excellent Halloween double feature with Attack the Block.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
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Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
Special Correspondents (2016) with Ricky Gervais (Director) and Eric Bana to mention a couple of the actors. The movie is nothing special, but why I really wanted to post is because of good ol' Ricky wanting to buy a PC Gamer magazine :D



Venatus semper
Nov 27, 2020
Since you mentioned Renee Zellweger, one of my favorite movies with her that I watched recently:
Love and a .45
Love and a .45 (1994) - IMDb

I think at it's heart, it would be classified as a romantic comedy, and usually I really dislike that movie genre, but this one was different. Quite a bit of violence, and a bit "off the wall" I guess but I really loved it. 9/10 for me.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
Olympus Has Fallen 2013
Gerard Butler
Aaron Eckhart
Morgan Freeman
Just me taking blind stabs at finding a movie without Morgan Freeman—0-6 so far…

2 hour movie which should be 1.5 hours. I'm serious, the first half hour can be skipped entirely, and should be imo—just start at the "Eighteen months later" place. I've nothing against irrelevant intros per se—eg big fan of Bond intros—but this one is neither fun nor serves any purpose for the following movie.

The 90 minutes part has ~60 minutes which is basically Yippee ki-yay mofo in the White House. So if you liked the original DH, you might like half of this—it's nowhere near as good as DH, but tries to be.

I'm fairly sure this is meant to be drama, but it's hilarious in places and would have worked better as a comedy. The 2 leads don't have the chops for drama, they're suited to action roles, and the 3 decent supporting actors in the background don't get much to work with—plot, pacing, writing all poor.
45/100, 55/100 if you skip first 30 minutes.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
The Saint 2017
Adam Rayner
Eliza Dushku
Ian Ogilvy
Not good, not good at all. In fact, thiS ain't good!

I liked the TV series with Roger Moore many decades ago, nice light-hearted capers.

But this movie is… all over the place. I don't pick holes in plots usually, but seriously… at one point early on, TS makes off with a dozen gold bars in a cloth bag—carrying it in one hand! The screenplay is quite mediocre, and AR doesn't have any charisma to the role. ED can be good, but has little to work with.

This was originally a pilot for a TV series shot in 2013, then had more footage added in 2015, finally released in 2017. Everyone just needs to put it behind them and forget about it.
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Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
Behind Enemy Lines 2001
Gene Hackman
Owen Wilson
Gabriel Macht
Okay if you like flag-waving boom-boom war action. Not much to recommend it beyond a generic time killer. GH and OW work in their roles as goodies, most of the others are generic baddies—doesn't matter who they are or where the action takes place—which is, they are Serbs during the Balkan war early 90s.

The combat is hilarious, but I'm fairly sure this is unintentional. Main example: hero is mostly in the open running up a steep hill, while ~20 soldiers fire at him. Also firing are 2-3 tanks and something like a 50mm cannon.

Next we see hero on top of the mountain he was running up. All alone, making a comms connection to base—so the enemy never chased after him. Yeah.

6/10—add a point if the premise appeals.
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Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
Might just take a look at that one @Brian Boru. It has been some time since I last watched a movie with Gene Hackman. He is probably too old now, but at the same time, Clint Eastwood is amazingly still going strong. Both of them played together in Unforgiven, my favorite western movies of all time. The Quick and the Dead (1995) with Gene Hackman was also a nice one, even if it was more of a cheesy and partly comedic pistol-dueling one.
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Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
The 355 2022
Jessica Chastain
Penélope Cruz
Lupita Nyong'o
Diane Kruger
Bingbing Fan

A Jason Statham version of Charlie's Angels. Mind you, I haven't see much of either of those, so maybe it's a Steven Seagal take?

Hot women, loads of gun battles, shafted by the boss, save the world. One of those where your coffee runs out and you're really disappointed to learn there's still over 30 minutes to go—it's way too long at 2 hours.

Loads of locations, only missed Antarctica. Some nice scenery. What a waste of 3 Oscar winners.

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Jan 14, 2020
The Saint 2017
Adam Rayner
Eliza Dushku
Ian Ogilvy
Not good, not good at all. In fact, thiS ain't good!

I liked the TV series with Roger Moore many decades ago, nice light-hearted capers.

But this movie is… all over the place. I don't pick holes in plots usually, but seriously… at one point early on, TS makes off with a dozen gold bars in a cloth bag—carrying it in one hand! The screenplay is quite mediocre, and AR doesn't have any charisma to the role. ED can be good, but has little to work with.

So how did it compare to the Val Kilmer one from the 90's? (Which felt ridiculous to me at the time.)


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