Movie trailers

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Venatus semper
@Frindis - My gods, they're making another Indiana Jones movie? I loved the 1st three IJ movies (actually saw the first one in a theater), but the 4th one (2008), Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, was a bit hit or miss for me with an older Harrison Ford & Karen Allen. Ford is 80 years old now, but the trailer looked pretty good, especially the last scene with the whip.
@mainer I do hope this will be the last one. It is time either to let the torch finally burn out or let in a young flame. Not sure if a young Indiana Jones would work as it would not be the Jones as we know and like (at least the first three movies) but time will tell. I would not mind something completely different either, I feel it has been sooo long now since we have had a really good adventure movie. I still watch The Mummy with Brandon Frasier (Pirates of the Caribbean series is also very good) from time to time just to get that good feeling of adventure again. I tried watching the Mummy reboot with Tom Cruise, but Hollywood can't make it work because they can't write a bloody good script!.
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Community Contributor
I do hope this will be the last one. It is time either to let the torch finally burn out or let in a young flame.
That already happened with Lara Croft! (And Lara was somewhat copied by Tifa in Final Fantasy 7) Nethack also has an archeologist class where you play a character with a fedora hat and a whip for a starting weapon, plus a shovel that will let you dig down to the next level without bothering with stairs.

An adventure movie, hmm? So an action movie with a strange, mysterious location?
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@Zloth Pretty much, but I don't want it to be morphed into another one of those adventure sci-fi movies. That is what happened to Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull and far as I can remember why it sucked. The Da Vinci Code is another example of how you make it work. Good setting, an excellent story, and a dash of something mystic. It manages to stay on earth, that is how you make a good adventure movie following the recipe of the older Indiana Jones movies.


Venatus semper
I do hope this will be the last one. It is time either to let the torch finally burn out or let in a young flame. Not sure if a young Indiana Jones would work as it would not be the Jones as we know and like (at least the first three movies) but time will tell. I would not mind something completely different either, I feel it has been sooo long now since we have had a really good adventure movie. I still watch The Mummy with Brandon Frasier (Pirates of the Caribbean series is also very good) from time to time just to get that good feeling of adventure again. I tried watching the Mummy reboot with Tom Cruise, but Hollywood can't make it work because they can't write a bloody good script!
Hopefully it is the last one, and I don't think that continuing the series with a younger actor as Jones would be as successful either, it would be better, in my opinion, just to start with a new series as well as actors. Even it was in a similar vein of subject matter.

I enjoyed the Brondon Fraiser Mummy movie as well as the Pirates of the Caribbean movies, but couldn't get into the Tom Cruise Mummy film. I tried watching it about 3 times I think, and either fell asleep or turned it off somewhere around the 3/4s mark as it just couldn't hold my interest. It had some really good special effects, but that was about all, well, and the fact that Sofia Boutella was the sexiest mummy I had ever seen in any of the Mummy movies.


Venatus semper
PCG article with a brief trailer for the Five Nights at Freddy's movie releasing on October 27th this year.

Also, just the brief trailer if you don't want to go to the article:

The video doesn't really show much, but it seems like it might be a fun little horror film to watch just before Halloween.

I may be old (yes) and senile (debatable) , but I could swear that I saw a trailer for this movie in the past couple years with Nicolas Cage as the main actor. But that's been awhile back, and might have been a different movie, or a tailer for a movie that never made it.
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