Most Formidable Enemies in Games

May 11, 2022
I'm playing HZD again at the moment, just as an open world sandbox and yesterday Aloy took on a Daemonic Scorcher. It has the agility and speed of a large wolf, and weapons you might find in modern warfare.

Their speed is down to a pair of rocket like thrusters, they also deploy cluster mine launchers that anticipate Aloy's movements. They have an auditory detection system which makes stealth difficult, they are also immune to corruption and cannot be overridden.

So obviously against such a formidible enemy, pre-planning and strategy are important as well as understanding it's strengths and weaknesses.

So I was wondering which enemies in games have you found the most difficult to deal with, how did you deal with them(taking into account the limited weapons/armour of your character)?


Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
I don't usually meet enormous monsters in my games. Only 2 offhand are Big Daddy mentioned above—who 'encouraged' me not to harvest the Little Sisters—and the Yeti in Far Cry 4 DLC Valley of the Yetis, the best of all Far Cry DLCs imo:


The only consistent way I found to beat them—there's one mission where there are 2 of 'em chasing you around a base—is to get above them and pump sniper rounds into 'em. The melee in the base required pre-placing explosives and then leading them into those, plus chucking throwables while of course pumping bullets all the time while dodging around the place.

Other non-monstrous formidables:

♣ Civ 4—Mansa Musa on another continent. Playing on Emperor, if that guy got a decent start, his economy could quickly mushroom beyond reach. By the time you met him and discovered his lead, the only option was to try and cobble together an alliance to declare war on him—so convert to strongest local guy's religion, give pressies… yeah, just generally grovel and hope :D

♦ Red Alert 1—the last Soviet mission where you have to invade England, that's tough on hardest. The Allies attacks are scripted, so you have to learn the sequence and what's targeted, then place your beachhead base structures accordingly, and build specifically to counter the early onslaughts.

Cruisers shelling from the fog of war are just no fun, so you have to get a wolf pack in the water asap to find and take out the initial battle group. You also have to clear the nearby ore fields, which are littered with mines, to keep your economy barely ticking over. Repairing damaged units is essential, if you lose any it's a setback.


Community Contributor
They have an auditory detection system which makes stealth difficult, they are also immune to corruption and cannot be overridden.
So certain are you!

There are one or two that aren't corrupted by... well, I forget the name and it would be spoilery anyway.

JRPGs like to put in optional bosses that are super hard. If you're really enjoying the game, they give you a goal to strive for. If not, skipping them won't hurt a bit. It's a good concept that I wish more games would use. (Certain members might like to make ALL bosses optional. ;)) Ruby Weapon is a big one in Final Fantasy 7, Jo Amon in Yakuza 0, Damian's second form in Dragon's Dogma's DLC, and so on. I think the hardest I've run into is the White Conqueror in Last Remnant. You have to beat multiple optional bosses just to get a crack at that guy, and I guess you need to grind a lot longer than I was willing to do to beat him.

The hardest I've actually beaten was one of the encounters before WC in Last Remnant: the Enlightened 7. As in super-strong versions of 7 bosses you've fought earlier, mostly 2 at a time. At least it's nice enough to give you the hardest pairs toward the start.

Edit: Oh wait, you don't mean bosses, you mean run-of-the-mill enemies! Ouch. Going to have to think on that more.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
Certain members might like to make ALL bosses optional
Pffft, buncha chickens.

optional bosses that are super hard
Options are a Good Thing!
And not just for bosses—puzzles, all off-genre stuff. Put in stuff which is skippable, but ups your score if you beat it—wouldn't that keep a lot more people happy?
I have 2 entries for this..

Manhunt for pc .... near the end you have to hide in the shadows a lot in order to take out the enemy and then you go inside and find mr big. .... It was only after about 15 minutes that i realised the enemy were never ending so i had to go for broke and find a way in.

Horizon Zero Dawn ... frozen wilds bit .... in a side quest you have to defeat 3 behemoths with freeze bombs and frozen arrows , for me personally i found this the hardest enemy to kill. Also , their is another toughy i think its called the rockbreaker it dives under the ground and resurfaces at random very quick but i found a neat way to beat it. Their is a woodpile that i dont think your supposed to go behind but if you do you can shoot at the rockbreaker and even if it can see you it cant get you


Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
Neverwinter Nights fighting the twin dragons near the end of the game. I played as a ranger and did incredibly little damage to them most likely because I did not know how to play my character or the boss fight. I ended up killing them after hiding inside a small cave that had a small place where the dragons could not hit me. It took forever, shooting arrow after arrow after arrow at them.

Verdugo Boss Fight in Resident Evil 4. Maaaaaaaan, that was a frantic and scary fight! I remember running around for my bare life, sweaty palms and whatnot.
May 11, 2022
@Brian Boru Good to see what these monsters look like, thanks.:)

@Zloth That is a different beast to be fair. I'm trying to do a side quest that I failed before in HZD and I'm now up against one of those bear types, a Daemonic Frostclaw I think. It's down in some hellhole with lava slowly rising and no where for Aloy to hide(might be time to consult the YT gurus).

Another one I found over the top, lone sniper in Elite V2 and they would regularly send in a Tiger tank to take him out. You'd look over ledge and see the tank's barrel pointed at you. If they spotted you they'd just start blowing the building up. +going into a square with three snipers at each corner covering all the angles.
I'd usually sneak up behind them and use the silenced pistol.
May 11, 2022
I have 2 entries for this..

Manhunt for pc .... near the end you have to hide in the shadows a lot in order to take out the enemy and then you go inside and find mr big. .... It was only after about 15 minutes that i realised the enemy were never ending so i had to go for broke and find a way in.

Horizon Zero Dawn ... frozen wilds bit .... in a side quest you have to defeat 3 behemoths with freeze bombs and frozen arrows , for me personally i found this the hardest enemy to kill. Also , their is another toughy i think its called the rockbreaker it dives under the ground and resurfaces at random very quick but i found a neat way to beat it. Their is a woodpile that i dont think your supposed to go behind but if you do you can shoot at the rockbreaker and even if it can see you it cant get you
Yes those behemoths are a nightmare, they spit rocks and do that trick where they make every rock in vacinity rise and blast outwards. They can be overridden.
Also yes those Rockbreakers are formidable, there's one location where two just keep resurfacing(although you can track them with V button).
Bizarre thing is military are developing robots and it is possible that robot infantries and drones will be used more in the future.
May 11, 2022
Neverwinter Nights fighting the twin dragons near the end of the game. I played as a ranger and did incredibly little damage to them most likely because I did not know how to play my character or the boss fight. I ended up killing them after hiding inside a small cave that had a small place where the dragons could not hit me. It took forever, shooting arrow after arrow after arrow at them.

Verdugo Boss Fight in Resident Evil 4. Maaaaaaaan, that was a frantic and scary fight! I remember running around for my bare life, sweaty palms and whatnot.
Yes I keep realising I'm not using all the right armour, modifications and potions(even though I get prompts).
But you do remember when you come up against these monsters, character often gets killed, and physically and mentally it has an effect.

There's a certain sound in Shadow of War, then you see a line of a bolt flying towards Talion and if you don't react instantly you know some Orc Captain sniper has you in his sights, often poisoned and staggering, the only escape is run and get out of his line of sight.

I hate those guys, but use them as bodyguards. One shot assassins.


Community Contributor
The Last Remnant - Demon Baby Monster Launcher.
It prefers the term "Gates of Hell"
Oh, but there is a good example of a not-boss in that game that is a seriously worrisome enemy: the Observers

Fraggin' thing does its "Overpower" and suddenly it gets to take 5 turns against each squad! Several of its attacks are strong enough to one-shot an entire squad, too, so 5 attacks is almost always going to kill the squad. The only way to beat them is to essentially stun-lock the things.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
wild animals
Oh yeah, Far Cry Primal had a few no-win encounters with the bigger guys—sabretooth tigers and big lions—cave lions?—which were just unbeatable early on. Only tactic was to avoid their areas until you'd leveled up to be able to compete, and/or had the perk to be able to tame—and sometimes ride—them. Almost all FCs from 3 on have great wildlife, but Primal tops that tree.

Similar situation with FC New Dawn, where you just had to avoid the high-level wildlife until you level up—a Level 3 animal will shred you at Level 1.
Well, I was on a safari of sorts once, and it turns out elephants can get pretty angry, especially REALLY big ones you're not supposed to mess with that have a skull marker warning!

Then there was this big guy with one eye that I didn't dare get near.

And then there was this fight, not against a big beast, just a big fight, ending with this guy whom, like Ron Burgundy, thought he was "Kind of a Big Deal".

One of my fave big beasts to fight though, which sadly I never captured, was against the Swarmak in Gears of War 4. It's quite difficult and time consuming to do it the intended way on Insane via activating all the generators one at a time, then destroying them to make blisters appear on him from the electric shock, and then shooting all the blisters. IMO that is the ONLY way the achievement should have been awarded, because taking cover from a distance in the middle and just shooting his belly is far too easy.

This guy did it the right way, kudos!
May 11, 2022
Yes it's interesting because there are different types of enemies; human type ones, animal type ones and Dev team creations from hell.

I've watched quite a few of those videos where real animals attack humans, even large intelligent herbivores like Elephants can get angry if people annoy them or cross their paths.

But just like in the video above Dev teams have come up with such a wide range of beasts, some based on animals, some on robots(some a combo of both), some from mythology.

They all seem daunting at first, and often the character has to gain some new skills and weapons after being killed a few times. But often there are built in weak points, either using certain weapons that just happen to be there or finding the beast's vulnerability.

Even Skyrim had a few robots in the Dwarven ruins, in sleep mode for centuries, apparently driven by steam, but lethal. Spheres and Centurions>



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