Monthly Competition - Death Rally Classic


Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
Change of rules: Instead of competing in all tracks, we are cutting it down to 6 tracks so more people can be able to join in on the challenge. Also added to the rules: Follow the road, no shortcuts.

Greetings Community! Today we start the first monthly competition and the first game will be Death Rally Classic. The competition will last throughout August and we'll post the winner on September 1st, the same day that we will be starting the next challenge. All games we compete in will be a free-to-play game.

  • Difficulty: I LIVE TO RIDE /W WEAPONS.
  • No cheat codes or glitches (like driving through vegetation or places where there are no roads)
  • Follow the road, no shortcuts.
  • No restarts to get a better position on the track.
  • Tracks to compete on: Hell Mountain, Eidolon, Toxic Dump, Downtown, Oasis, and Snake Alley.
  • The best Race Time on the six tracks counts.
  • Have your PC Gamer forum name as your name in the game with the best race times so we know who you are.
  • Screenshots of Race Times for each track can be posted in this thread, but do post your lap times before the end of the competition and in one post so we don't have to comb through too many.
Starting tip 1: Start with easy to hard. It's easier to accumulate cash for upgrades when the opponent's car isn't 5x faster than yours.
Starting tip 2: If you don't see the track you want to compete on just abort the race and try again.

Winner: The one with the best overall race time on the selected tracks will win and be forever known as the PC Gamer Forums Death Rally Champion. The winner gets a small prize or he can choose a cool custom title as referred to in this post: and post his wish in this thread.

We wish you all good luck, and may the speed be in your favor.
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Dominar of The Hynerian Empire


Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
Just thought I'd share a screenshot of how you post the race/name so there is no misunderstanding. This is how you do it for each track you race on and when you feel you have the best race times, you post the screenshot of your race times/name (same as your PC Gamer Forum name) before the end of the competition. Be a little careful when pressing the enter key to see the race time because I have blundered myself a few times by pressing the key too many times in a row missing my race time :sweatsmile:
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Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
Man, the controls are tough! I’m slipping and sliding all over the place. I keep ending in last even on Easy! Gonna keep at it, we got a whole month after all.
I'm having problems with Hell Mountain for the same reason. Very easy to get slammed into the rocks and lose a lot of speed. I want to speed up because the map is short, but I get punished for it quickly.

So far my favorite two tracks of the six are Snake Valley and Eidolon. Snake Valley I enjoy because the corners are quite smooth so you can speed up a bit more and it's not so punishing if you crash. The music for the track is also good. Eidolon is fun because it is a super fast map. The worst of the tracks is Hell Mountain and Oasis because of the more sharp corners which punishes you fast. I think it is the two tracks where you need to be more technical with driving and more aware of how near the corners you get.
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Well, I messed up.

I did manage to recover, but I got myself into an unwinnable position for awhile and eventually had my car destroyed and zero money to repair it, so essentially a soft lock. Luckily I had a Quick Save from a bit earlier and I'm now in a better position than I was.

I had upgraded my first car all the way and was doing quite well; making lots of money, I decided to skip the next vehicle (the truck) and go for the one beyond that, the Sentinel; problem is, I spent all my money and had none for upgrades, then started losing race after race. I did manage to get $2500 for the tire upgrade, which I did, but that broke my back and led to the unwinnable situation above.

After reloading, I managed to win some races and get some bonuses, which let me snowball and now my Sentinel is fully upgraded and I'm winning most of my races. But lesson learned, before I upgrade to the next car in the line, I'll save some money for upgrades as well.

Also: What's everyone's strategy? I figure, if we're working towards fastest race time, we should have the best vehicle to do it? I was taking screenshots of most of my races and then realized there's no real way for any of them to be my best, if I don't have the fastest vehicle.


Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
Well, I messed up.

I did manage to recover, but I got myself into an unwinnable position for awhile and eventually had my car destroyed and zero money to repair it, so essentially a soft lock. Luckily I had a Quick Save from a bit earlier and I'm now in a better position than I was.
I also had to reload an older save. I grinded with the Dervish until I got the Deliverator and then I found out that the repair cost would be too expensive for me. I then reloaded and bought a Sentinel instead and grinded that until I got the Deliverator again and around 30K extra for expenses.
Also: What's everyone's strategy? I figure, if we're working towards fastest race time, we should have the best vehicle to do it? I was taking screenshots of most of my races and then realized there's no real way for any of them to be my best, if I don't have the fastest vehicle.
I'm using a fully upgraded Deliverator with all the power-up except for the mines when going for the best race time. Then I'll do some tracks and get back to winning some laps whenever my money is low. Hell Mountain and Oasis are the worst tracks for the car, especially if you try boosting. Those maps can be a bit frustrating :grin: I'm using an Excel sheet for my race times, making it easier to look up recent race times.
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Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
if we're working towards fastest race time, we should have the best vehicle

No, focus on the shortest track—and work towards best car for it. A banger over a mile beats a Ferrari over 10 K :)

I'm using an Excel sheet

Oh maybe I should play, I'm fairly fast around that map—just watch out for the corners, gotta pivot just right.
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No, focus on the shortest track—and work towards best car for it. A banger over a mile beats a Ferrari over 10 K :)

Oh maybe I should play, I'm fairly fast around that map—just watch out for the corners, gotta pivot just right.

That makes sense. Maybe once I get to the highest tier and earn some cash, I'll make a save and then jump around cars to see what works best on what; I can't own multiple, correct?

I just bought the upgrade car from the Sentinel last night, don't recall its name, but was able to immediately upgrade everything with the exception of armor, which only got to Tier 1. Finally took on the last race and managed to get 2nd there.

I need to do what @Frindis does and start a spreadsheet, but I figure I'll start taking notes on my times once I feel like I've got the best car for the job. Hell Mountain I actually don't find too bad a map for me, but there's one, I can't think of the name, that tends to give me trouble. Feel like it has some palm trees and I end-up getting pushed into them a lot and then stuck on the berms.


Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
I can't own multiple, correct?
Unfortunately not.
Feel like it has some palm trees and I end-up getting pushed into them a lot and then stuck on the berms.
That's the Oasis map. I am curious if the time invested in getting good with the fastest car on that track is worth it in the long run since a lower-tier car might do the job much faster with a smoother run and less risk of bumping into stuff. Jumping cars as you mention could be a good strategy for the harder maps.
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Been pretty lazy and need to jump back in. I got a little frustrated after upgrading to the first car with dual machine guns, fully upgrading it and now I'm facing cars that are faster than I was before in the Sentinel. Fine and all, I get there needs to be a challenge, but I've lost motivation to keep grinding races for money to get the best car.


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