Medic in games

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Mar 11, 2021
Frobozz here.

First game was MIT's Dungeon which became Infocom's 'Zork'

So, ya, old as yer grampa...

Wanted to find a gaming forum basically to ask one question:

Is there a MP game with a viable medic class?

I have built a nice gaming rig, etc.

I have a long long history as medic on TF2, with all the (resonable) trophies. But I can't do it anymore, deleted it in fact.
The ones that stick out the most in my limited experience of Multiplayer shooters, planetside 2's medic class fits the bill. As standard you can heal/revive people with your trusty nanite healer (upgrade skills determine how quickly and how much heal they revive with), a self healing aura as standard. The best part is that their weapons aren't trash; using assault rifles as standard and get their hands on either standard frags, revive grenades or c4.

failing that, Bad company 2; the support class comes decked with an LMG, revive paddles and medic crates to heal people.
Jun 26, 2020
Healing roles are a dying breed in modern games, and these days they tend to shoot for either self-healing mechanics or hybrid roles where healing is kind of an afterthought and not very strong.

Aside from the ones mentioned (which are notably pretty dated) I can't think of any that really bring that role back into play in any meaningful way.
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There is a new game coming out called Outriders, and its one class, technomancer, is considered the 'medic' class. Its not MP, but very coop focused so having a healer/medic is going to be useful. They have a demo thats available on steam.

I liked being the medic in Battlefield 1 (Battlefield 5 also has a medic class, but cant say how good it is compared to BF 1), not sure how many people play that anymore online, but being a medic in that game was very viable.


Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
Borderlands 2 and Overwatch might be to your liking. Might not be that easy to find people to play BL2 with (old game), but at least in Overwatch (which is free to play), you will have no problem in finding people to play with as a healer. I do want to emphasize the suggestion from @Johnway as Planetside 2 got a really cool healer class.


Community Contributor
City of Heroes has good healing. You can be a defender class which has all manner of buffs/debuffs, including healing, as their major power set. The minor power set is ranged damage, so you're not toothless, either. If you want to go full-on for party support, you can be a controller. Those have a crowd control power set for the major power and a defender power set as their minor. They aren't quite toothless but running solo as a controller involves a lot of patience (basically, put everything in a hold then gum them to death).

CoH Homecoming is still going pretty strong.

P.S. I think quite a few of the people posting will start to get a headache when you say "you're in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike."
Mar 11, 2021
Thank you all for the suggestions, that's a lot to look into :giggle:

What do you consider "viable"?

drunkpunk's reply does a much better job than I could:

"Healing roles are a dying breed in modern games, and these days they tend to shoot for either self-healing mechanics or hybrid roles where healing is kind of an afterthought and not very strong."


Community Contributor
ARRESTING the Circle! Just because you arrested them by using swords, fire, lightning, radiation, and the power of darkness on them doesn't mean you were killing them! You're a hero, after all.

Well, OK, maybe you were killing them. Then trying them in absentia, finding them guilty, and rezzing them up in a jail cell. ;)
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Dec 7, 2020
There are Medic builds in The Division/The Division 2, but as I understand it they aren't necessary or even necessarily wanted for endgame content (and can actually hinder people using builds that perform better as health gets lower etc).

Warlocks in Destiny 2 have a well that can heal anyone standing inside it for as long as it's active, although I wouldn't call them a "medic".

A few builds in Guild Wars 2 come to mind, but again especially in endgame content they wouldn't specifically be a "medic".

Any game that I think of, solely being a support role would cause the team to suffer in one way or the these days tend to need you to lend support in dealing damage in addition to whatever else you're trying to do (because unfortunately a lot of boss fights end up being DPS checks).
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