PCG Article ME Happy Ending Mod now available for ME Legendary


Venatus semper
Nov 27, 2020
Mass Effect's 'Happy Ending' mod is now available for the Legendary Edition | PC Gamer
For me, this is great news. I played the original ME trilogy countless times, and I always used MEHEM (Mass Effect Happy Ending Mod) with CEM (Citadel Epilogue Mod) for ME3. It gave me personally the closure I needed for such an astounding set of games. Yes, I like happy endings to RPGs, especially when I care about the created characters and companions.

As stated in the article, CEM for ME Legendary is still being worked on but will be compatible with MEHEM. I've always felt that the party with all your companions should be the final send-off. I mean, why would you have a party while Earth and other planets are being destroyed?

I know that there are some who would disagree with changing the ending, or be as emotionally involved in the ME games as I am, which is perfectly fine. I would be interested in hearing our members opinions.
I found that the ending scene where you see the chest under the N7 armor catching a breath to be quite interesting! I don't like the idea of changing the ending after all these years, yes it seemed flawed regardless of what you chose but the theories out there did shed some light on the matter from their perspectives.

Also, I didn't play any ME after the original ME3 came out...merely because i thought that the chapter should just end there. Many hours of investment not to mention the heart and soul given behind each conversation.

I dunno, maybe the :( and the :) would equal to :| for me.


Community Contributor
We're talking about the end game, so I'm not going to worry about marking spoilers...

I liked my ending to Mass Effect. Many SF stories and games pit us against aliens that are technologically millions of years ahead of us. They can be fun stories, but the sheer insanity of expecting to win an outright war always leave my eyes rolling. There's NO WAY the races of Mass Effect could stand toe to toe with the Reapers. They might pull some sneak attacks while the Reapers are still waking up but, once the battle is joined, the idea that the coalition could win is laughable.

In the end, the war was "won" by showing the AI controlling the Reapers that its basic assumption was probably wrong: biological and synthetic life could get along.

It seems to me that all the endings are happy (or at least potentially happy) except for the rarely seen refusal-to-choose ending. The 'red' ending killed off all the synthetics but, being synthetics, they will be rebuilt in considerably fewer billions of years than organics would have taken, and the final speech made it sounds like there shouldn't be a problem with the organics and synthetics living side by side - at least initially. The ending where Shepard takes control seems to be starting out well, too, assuming you played a "nice" Shepard - everyone is pretty screwed if Shepard was nasty or if power corrupts over the course of time. The third makes the whole organic/synthetic problem go away. By the sound of what the AI was saying, many won't be able to handle the synthesis, which is bound to result in some horrific insanity for the first few years, but the cyborgs should be back to fighting wars for the traditional reasons instead of fighting because of the organic/synthetic divide once the dust settles.

I'm curious, though, what ending are you folks wanting?


On a Journey
Only reads topic...
Millennium Edition finally got a good ending? About time, only took Microsoft 22 years to get it right.
Runs away again.
If you don't want me misinterpreting topics like this, spell them out. It is bad enough sometimes working out if MW3 is Mechwarrior 3 or Modern Warfare 3, just as an example.
I used to be on a Playstation forum, initials are bad.


Venatus semper
Nov 27, 2020
If you don't want me misinterpreting topics like this, spell them out
Apologies. Sometimes when I'm typing I'll use those initials assuming everyone knows what I'm referencing, and assumptions often lead to misunderstanding the intent. I'll make an attempt to explain myself better, at least when it comes to the title of a post. I know that I often use the initials "EA" as an abbreviation (or would the correct term be "acronym"?) for both Early Access as well as Electronic Arts, which I've seen in other posts causing confusion. Back to English 101 for me.

I'm curious, though, what ending are you folks wanting?
A definitive happy ending. Shepard lives. Reapers are destroyed. Companions and crewmates survive (assuming you saved them in Mass Effect 2 (ME2)). Edie and synthetics also survive. And at the end, you have one last adventure (Citadel DLC) with all your companions at one time, and then a big party where everyone gets a bit intoxicated. That's my ending.

I won't argue on how logical any of that is, and there's a certain amount of that "suspension of belief" in any created world or universe, whether it be a game or novel. The original mods were very well done, and had seamless integration into the game.

I never played Mass Effect 3 (ME3) without the above mentioned mods, so I don't have knowledge of the other possible endings, outside of what I've read. I respect those players that prefer one of the original endings, especially after the "Extended Cut" was released. But none of those were my game endings. I tend to be a bit more romantic than logical.

I should also note here that the Mass Effect Legendary version of MEHEM (Mass Effect Happy Ending Mod) is actually called AHEM (Audemus' Happy Ending Mod), which is a remake of MEHEM by a new author (with permissions) to work with the Mass Effect Legendary Edition. CEM integration is included, but that mod is currently being remade by a new author. Link below which will describe what all the changes are:
Audemus' Happy Ending Mod at Mass Effect Legendary Edition Nexus - Mods and community (nexusmods.com)
I mean, why would you have a party while Earth and other planets are being destroyed?

Well we are doing a really good job of destroying the earth now, people party daily. /shrug

as for ME ending, i got a happy one one play, I used the reapers to make the galaxy a better place while i ended up on a remote planet to live out my life with Tali.. was a pretty happy ending to me. :)

The other where shep died and liara became a beacon, not so much..


On a Journey
Apologies. Sometimes when I'm typing I'll use those initials assuming everyone knows what I'm referencing, and assumptions often lead to misunderstanding the intent. I'll make an attempt to explain myself better, at least when it comes to the title of a post. I know that I often use the initials "EA" as an abbreviation (or would the correct term be "acronym"?) for both Early Access as well as Electronic Arts, which I've seen in other posts causing confusion. Back to English 101 for me.
Don't worry about it, its me being silly. I intentionally misunderstood :)