I just read about the upgrade/updated game coming this spring and boy does it sound like i will be buying this one earlier than i thought. I typically wait on games to drop in price, but i dunno if i wanna hold off a whole year. The updates to 1 i think will really make this for me as i absolutely hate ME1. The inventory, the weapon systems, the useless skills, the loot system, and to top it off the worst vehicle that you are forced to drive for hours on end. 5-10 mins of torture every time you wanna do a mission.
The upgraded character creator sounds awesome too, as does integrating the entire thing into a single launcher, system. I am so jealous that this won't be my first ME experience. The next gen of gamers is getting an incredible game. Man a new X-box+ ME:L would be a great intro to gaming.
But my comp will run this just fine, and i can't wait to play it again. Now i just have to decide, fem shep Biotic renegade or Male shep sniper, Hmm decisions.
BTW, I'm annoyed that the person that wrote the article ended it with, He went on an on about rocks.. Well, what did he say about them! Rocks on the planets is one of the worst things about ME1, the terrain was horrible in that game. I wanna know what he said, and see some screenies. You dropped the ball on that one.
The upgraded character creator sounds awesome too, as does integrating the entire thing into a single launcher, system. I am so jealous that this won't be my first ME experience. The next gen of gamers is getting an incredible game. Man a new X-box+ ME:L would be a great intro to gaming.
BTW, I'm annoyed that the person that wrote the article ended it with, He went on an on about rocks.. Well, what did he say about them! Rocks on the planets is one of the worst things about ME1, the terrain was horrible in that game. I wanna know what he said, and see some screenies. You dropped the ball on that one.