Mandalorian - sound off, bounty hunter fans!

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Nov 25, 2019
It's an odd series, and there are likely to be spoilers as we discuss things, but I am keen on finding out how you all feel about this series.

I love the quiet, understated theme so far. The relative silence, utter lack of facial expression, limited body language and tonal clues... it keeps me in suspense, learning about the Mando as he progresses through the episodes.

Baby Yoda is a cute distraction, and I hope he/she has a serious role to play aside from exciting our OMGSOCUTE genes.


Staff member
Nov 25, 2019
Its basically everything I've wanted from Star Wars since I was a kid. They just seem to get what makes the universe compelling on a really fundamental level and I'm all about it.

I'm a simple guy, I like my pulpy fun nonsense with a lot of verisimilitude, I love Star Wars and I'm also a sucker for shows that are made extremely well, so this feels like it was made for me.

Baby Yoda has basically broken me. He's bust through my armour of snark and cynicism and taken up permanent residence in my heart.

Dec 9, 2019
I am a HUGE fan; it's essentially the quintessential space western.
The things mentioned above by LCarlson are all features that were part of what defined 'Spaghetti Westerns' that clearly have a huge influence over this series. (To be fair, spaghetti westerns did it because they had tiny budgets, terrible actors and bad writing, but it came together just right to make some of the finest films and best westerns ever made)

The show has a ton of 'fan service' to make Star Wars geeks like myself get excited and point at the screen every time we seen Easter egg, but its balanced with just being a great show (reminds me of Rogue One in that regard) But in many ways its even better because its truly disconnected from the Skywalker saga.

Back to the western theme, each episode has this 'feel' of western tropes but redefined in a new way:
Episode 2 had a scene reminiscent of s stagecoach/train heist (that doesnt end well)
Episode 4 was like a two person Seven Samurai/Magnificent 7
Episode 5 was similar to countless westerns with the young gunslinger wanting to learn and overtake an older more experienced one.
Dec 9, 2019
I watched the first two episodes and decided to cancel my D+ trial. To me, it was "meh" but had potential.

Ok, the real reason is in order to keep D+, I'd have to give up another streaming service, which I'm not willing to do. :)


Staff member
Dec 9, 2019
I'm digging it so far. I think you really kind of nailed it @LCarlson, there's a suspense in the tone and pacing of it all that keeps me coming back for more. There's also something about the way they end the episodes as well. They always leave you hanging just a bit and surprised that each episode is already over when you're watching it.
Dec 9, 2019
It's such a classic formula - incredibly cool antihero good guy has to lay low until the Big Problem clears up. Meanwhile, he encounters a problem-of-the-week to solve. The Big Problem will be resolved or advanced in the season finale.

Except this one is set in Star Wars. And the armor makes the cool antihero guy into Space Batman. 10/10.
Dec 9, 2019
Update - I thought the last 2 episodes of this season were pretty much complete ass. I don't know if this is a spoiler-free zone so I'm not going to elaborate on specific scenes but pretty much everything that happened was boring and weird. I'm still excited for the next season since the formula is good. Anybody else agree/disagree?
Jan 13, 2020
Loved the whole season. Finally a return to the original inspirations of Star Wars after the recent movies let me down. Oh and the theme is stellar.
This is the way.
Jan 14, 2020
Update - I thought the last 2 episodes of this season were pretty much complete ass. I don't know if this is a spoiler-free zone so I'm not going to elaborate on specific scenes but pretty much everything that happened was boring and weird. I'm still excited for the next season since the formula is good. Anybody else agree/disagree?

I disagree with the stance that everything was boring and weird, though I can imagine someone feeling that way about it (but I have a good imagination.) I wasn't super enthused with the last episode (or the cliffhanger of the second-to-last episode), but it left me wanting more, which is what any good series finale should do. There were elements I was unhappy with, but in the interest of not being the one to spoil it, I'll just say certain "sudden casting changes" disappointed me.
Jan 1, 2020
I finally finished it last night and I like the series overall. That said, I think The Witcher is much better. Though I think that's because The Mandalorian is definitely a family-friendly show as where The Witcher is not.

I enjoyed The Mandalorian, but I think I enjoyed it the most because of how freaking cute The Child is. Let's be honest, it's the most adorable thing that's ever graced our television screens. I am excited to see where the series goes from here though.
Jan 14, 2020
I'll agree that it left me wanting more. I just didn't enjoy any part of the last 2 episodes.

It definitely had a different tone from most of the episodes leading up to it. What was your least favorite aspect? The stormtroopers? The new villain? Or just the way events unfolded? I'm just curious. [spoilers for those not caught up with ending]. My least favorite part was them killing Kuill offscreen. He deserved a better death than that.
Jan 14, 2020
I watched the first two episodes and decided to cancel my D+ trial. To me, it was "meh" but had potential.

Ok, the real reason is in order to keep D+, I'd have to give up another streaming service, which I'm not willing to do. :)

I thought I'd game the system by getting the free trial week six days before the finale, and that worked out well enough, until I forgot to cancel and got charged for a month. (Oops.)
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