Question Low System Requirements FPS

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Mar 30, 2020
I have a pretty bad laptop (i3, integrated graphics, 8gb ram, and only 20 gigabytes available storage), and i'm looking for a FPS that i could run without extreme crashing. I know the requirements are really bad but if you know of anything that fits this, please let me know


Community Contributor
I have a pretty bad laptop (i3, integrated graphics, 8gb ram, and only 20 gigabytes available storage), and i'm looking for a FPS that i could run without extreme crashing. I know the requirements are really bad but if you know of anything that fits this, please let me know

If you prefer something online, you can check Counter Strike: Global Offensive. It should run decently on your laptop, but it'll eat most of the 20 GB that are available.
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Dec 9, 2019
I would also recommend to play some classics which hold up, such as (purely in my opinion):

- Return to Castle Wolfenstein
- Blood
- Half Life 1 and 2 (if that runs, I suspect it should)
- Call of Duty 1
- No One Lives Forever
- Red Faction

+ every game that OsaX Nymloth recommended.


Apr 13, 2020
I would also recommend to play some classics which hold up, such as (purely in my opinion):

- Return to Castle Wolfenstein
- Blood
- Half Life 1 and 2 (if that runs, I suspect it should)
- Call of Duty 1
- No One Lives Forever
- Red Faction

also ...

- Mass Effect 1
- Descent 3
- Alpha Prime
- Deus Ex: Human Revolution
- The Longest Journey
- Riven
- The Stanley Parable
- Syberia 1 and 2
- Halo: the Master Chief Collection
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Inspireless Llama

Community Contributor
Dec 20, 2019
If you have the budget for it you could also purchase an external HDD if you have USB ports left over. That can greatly increase your available storage. It's not perfect either, but I've done it with a few times (run them from an external HDD) and it did work.

You could try out Portal1, I think that should run. I'm not sure if you want online FPS though. It's not exactly a shooter, but Mount & Blade Warband (the one from 2010) should work too looking at the system requirements. Then there's a game that's pretty offensive in it's comedy, that's Postal 2. Last one I could suggest is the original Call of Duty (so just COD1).
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May 2, 2020
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if there was an opportunity to play Classic Doom wads, this would be it. I would recommend playing Brutal doom, adventures of square and Wolfendoom Blade of agony. No need to worry about getting the doom2 wad, just download, run exe and revel in the carnage. had more fun with these games then i did with some AAA games if i'm being honest.
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Reactions: Sarafan and Frindis
May 24, 2020
You could definitely try playing the older Call of Duty and Battlefield games. Pretty sure your laptop could handle these. You could try the Halo games which are on Steam too.
May 5, 2020
In No particular Order
  • Kane & Lynch 1 + 2
  • GTA 3 \ GTA SA
  • Fear 1 + 2 ( 3 may or may not work )
  • Cold Fear ( if you like horror )
  • L4D
  • Team Fortress 2
  • Elder Scrolls: Oblivion \ Morrowind
  • Soldier of Fortune
  • Farcry 1 + 2

Not Shooters but still fun
  • Running with Rifles
  • BroForce
  • Door Kickers: Action Squad ( Not to be confused with Door Kickers )
  • Mark of the Ninja
  • Alien Breed Series
  • Bastion
  • Roguelands
  • Terreria
  • Craft the World
  • Torchlight
  • Diablo 2

That should be enough great games to last a while
Jun 4, 2020
You should try Valorant. Its not heavy on your computer. Ive been playing the game for a month now and I havent experienced any issues despite using an old laptop. Ive also been having a lot of fun in the game because of my gaming mouse. If youre planning on buying a gaming mouse for the best fps experience, you should check out this website.
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