Welcome to the Forum,
@Srulikg !
Now, that's a question I've been waiting for! I'm happy that there's still some enthusiasts out there who want to enjoy some good old Point'n'Click adventures
@Belfast07 and
@Slasken already gave some great suggestions. Especially
Oxenfree was one of my favourites (though I'm not sure if it really counts as a Point'n'Click game). I also just saw, that there was a sequal to it released in 2023, called
Lost Signals. I will definitely try this one out very soon.
Here are also some suggestions from my part:
Since you especially ask about new Point'n'Click adventures and you seem to like the humorous (or at least less serious) kind of games, I would suggest that you have a look into the Monkey Island series. The latest game in the series, Return to Monkey Island, has released in 2022. Now, if you haven't played any of the Monkey Island games yet, I would highly recommend you to first play the two main games (
The Secret of Monkey Island and
Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge) before playing Return as they are truly some gems of games and there is a lot of story knowledge required to truly enjoy the newest release.
Even though they are not the newest of games... With such an oppurtunity, I have to name my favourites. I like the Puzzle Agent games a lot because in my opinion, they are exactly what I expect from a good Point'n'Click game: Strange, funny, and with some tricky (and partly headscratching) puzzles!
Before I loose my way completely in the Detective section (oh there's so many wonderful and enigmatic stories there)... I'll have a turn back to the more humorous games I know:
To my great surprise, not many know about this game outside the German speaking countries (let alone the whole series of it). I think, it is probably because it was a German production team, but oh man, have you missed something if you don't know this game. Okay okay, I might be biased here. BoUT is my most favourite Point'n'Click adventure ever since I grew out of Pyjama Pit and Freddy Fish.
Nevertheless, I would count it to the Classics, and the humour and style of the game let every Point'n'Clicker's heart beat faster, I promise.
So, these are my top 3 recommendations for you! Let me know, if you found your next adventure and enjoy your gaming!