It's Community Manager Appreciation Day!

Since 2010, the 4th Monday of every January has been designated Community Manager Appreciation Day! It's a day to recognize and thank all the hard-working community managers for their passion and dedication to our various and numerous online communities, including (and especially!) our gaming communities.

Got a great story about a CM going above and beyond to make a community a better place? Share it with us here! Let's use this thread to recognize and thank any of the awesome community managers you've known!

And naturally everyone at PC Gamer would like to give our most sincere thanks to the community managers of our new PC Gamer forums: Joe Pishgar, Joshua Simenhoff, Steve Haines, Linda Carlson, Stevie Ward, Matt Knott, Chris Parsons, Michelle Haag, and Mohamed Mohammed! We're absolutely loving our new forums, and that's due in no small part to your tremendous efforts and care. Thank you all so much!
On behalf of the PC Gamer Community Team, you are very welcome! While I have very specific reasons as to the building of what I hope will be a most mature, civil, and fun forum to hang out and discuss the deep experiences gamers have in games, I have to admit that this is so very much a labor of love.

This Community Manager Appreciation Day, I'm exceedingly grateful and appreciative for all the Community Managers on our team. Specifically, I'd like to make special mention of an abiding gratitude for:
  • @JSimenhoff for diligent efforts on the dev and infrastructural end to get these forums operational.
  • @SHaines for late nights to make sure things went smoothly, and for deft handling of user problems.
  • @LCarlson for the invaluable wisdom and counsel that sets our scene.
  • @sward for the fantastic initiatives, spotlights, and engagements that have made the place truly alive.
  • @Mknott for the behind-the-scenes organizational and project management work that makes us tick.
  • @MMohammed for deliberative in policy serving as foundation; the game guides and walkthroughs.
  • @CParsons for the keen eye on threads that keep the discussion going.
  • @MHaag for minding to operations and logistics of contests and giveaways, the heart of our follow-through.
And a big huge thanks to our moderators, those that came over from PC Gamer's sister sites and those new folks who raised their hand to help keep these new forums safe and welcoming. You're champions in my book.

Thank you sincerely and deeply for all the awesome efforts, and here's looking forward to a magnificent community for a long time to come!



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