I am very tempted to buy the i10100. It's a 4 core that i can clock up to 4.3 and perhaps closer to 4.5. I can grab one for 100 dollars. It should work great but with the i11's coming, it makes me wonder if they will be out performing them by a lot. Meaning spending just a bit more could get me a decent jump but everything is just a guess right now. I really just wanna finish the system, but i could put it off a few more months, perhaps i can get an even better deal on the 10100 then?
Why get this chip in the first place? Well basically everything i play runs just fine on a quad core, my i5-3350 runs at 3.4 ghz and is paired very nicely with my 1060 6GB +8 GB ram, but this would be a nice little upgrade going to a faster board (z77-a to a 490z,) better/more ram from (8 gb DDR 1600 to 32 DDR4 at 3200) and a m.2 SSD from a sata6
My thinking is, spend just 100 now on the lowest end /cheapest chip i can put into the system now which will still be a very nice upgrade. Then in a couple years get a nice i11 chip and pair it with an RTX-3060 ti and add another 32 gb ram, for a total of 64. Basically making the upgrade a new CPU/GPU and stick of ram. You know for when star citizen comes out.
And perhaps some new games like the new dragon age and mass effect games, maybe i'll even pick up cyberpunk by that point. My thinking is, save the money now, and in a few years when more games are using more than 4 cores take the larger upgrade then.
So what are your thoughts? Buy the chip now, Wait a few months see if they are cheaper, or maybe grab an I11 instead? Again keep in mind i am planning an upgrade in about 1-2 years.
Why get this chip in the first place? Well basically everything i play runs just fine on a quad core, my i5-3350 runs at 3.4 ghz and is paired very nicely with my 1060 6GB +8 GB ram, but this would be a nice little upgrade going to a faster board (z77-a to a 490z,) better/more ram from (8 gb DDR 1600 to 32 DDR4 at 3200) and a m.2 SSD from a sata6
My thinking is, spend just 100 now on the lowest end /cheapest chip i can put into the system now which will still be a very nice upgrade. Then in a couple years get a nice i11 chip and pair it with an RTX-3060 ti and add another 32 gb ram, for a total of 64. Basically making the upgrade a new CPU/GPU and stick of ram. You know for when star citizen comes out.
So what are your thoughts? Buy the chip now, Wait a few months see if they are cheaper, or maybe grab an I11 instead? Again keep in mind i am planning an upgrade in about 1-2 years.