Hello again to you Zloth , i agree with your comment about ..... same as another game .... we see this over and over again , their are tons of games around that look like something else , they all follow the same senario , go on a quest , kill something , go back for reward and the repeat the process till you have completed all quests.
On the subject of ... same as .... about 20 years ago a game called age of mythology was released , not long after a look a like came out and it was even featured in pc gamer magazine , instead of soldiers it had animls and you could do daft things like invent your own animal , half horse , half snake etc ... it was obviously a rip off because the cheeky so and so's even used aom scenery , the reviewer said something like ..... lawsuit pending you may not get chance to buy it.
BIG xmas gift to anyone who can remeber the name of it ... i cant.