Question How to summerproof your PC?

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Community Contributor
just give it proper venting as always

It's not so easy. I for example have a quite compact computer case. My motherboard barely fits. There are cables all around which interfere with proper cooling. It really depends on your configuration. Luckily I never had overheating trouble and I hope it stays this way.

Inspireless Llama

Community Contributor
Dec 20, 2019
Well with the hottest day here so far and with my room still on a temp of arround 28 degrees, my CPU idles at a usage of 14% at 49 degrees Celsius with an AIO. My GPU is at 52.

Removing a sidepanel drops the CPU temp with 5 to 10 degrees so it might be worth considering as soon as it gets even hotter. Also I still feel like placing my airco somewhere nearby and let it cool without spreading water.
May 5, 2020
Removing Side Panel is never a good idea, it means the problem is with the Airflow inside your PC setup.
Either you are using a Bad Case not designed for optimal Airflow or you just randomly stuffed your Case with stuff and blocking the Intake and Exhaust ports. You also dramatically increase risk of failure thanks to lack of protection from unpredictable elements of life.

Many people when they build their PC never think about Airflow and tend to just buy really "Fancy parts" and wonder why it runs hot.

These are 3 Really good videos to learn the Basics of Cooling
Water vs Air Cooling

Air Pathways

Results of an Air Pathway Test

Segway to a Really old PC Gamer Article

Inspireless Llama

Community Contributor
Dec 20, 2019
Airflow and temperatures don't have anything to do with each other. My PC can still be overheating even while I have perfect airflow.
Certainly, a good airflow may help, but if my room is 60 degrees Celsius, it doesn't matter how good my airflow is, it won't be any cooler.
If I would put my PC in the freezer and turn it on I'd probably not even need airflow.

This topic isn't about airflow though, it's about how to keep your PC coolest during summer when the AMBIENT temperature is high. And as I said, since every PC cools on air (unless you use liquid helium or something like that) it won't be able to run cooler than the ambient temperature. And I was talking about tips how to best use your PC with these temps being high (ie not going for demanding games to prevent the PC running even hotter etc).

Also, does this mean that if your living room is bloody hot you'll only open small windows instead of a door when wind starts blowing because you're not supposed to open doors for airflow?
May 5, 2020
Airflow and temperatures don't have anything to do with each other.

Umm.... Time to go back to school if you think that is the case ( Pun intended ).
You do realize the reason we have fans is to push out Hotair from the computer right?
The Primary Purpose of these Fans is not to actually "Cool The Air"

Airflow has nothing to do with temperatures? If air can't escape and hot air stays inside the case because all fans are trapping hot air in what happens?
If The Intake isn't pulling cooling Air in and Hot air is trapped in the case what happens?
If The Exhausts are all blocked due to dust or poor placement of the PC what happens?

This is essentially "Air Stagnation" where hot air can't leave a room hence it keeps heating up. Cracking a Window that doesn't have direct sunlight helps more than a side panel being open.

Removing side panel lets all that Hotair Escape - but it simply adds more to the ambient temperature. Which in turn heats up the environment around it which will increase the heat of the PC in turn. Now that the side panel is off your fans are working less efficiently as well.

The problem here is a small room that can't absorb enough heat. So unless you have an AC in that room to keep the temperature cool the setup location is the issue. Big Rooms can absorb a lot more ambient heat keeping shades closed to prevent excess heat is more than enough for your PC to manage. Or Windows closed if your AC is on.

If you don't know anything about Airflow, how can you even claim your "Airflow is Perfect?"

You should probably have your PC confiscated at this point for making such an audacious statement. Pretty much the same as Animal Cruelty. I am officially revoking your PC license and prescribing you a console.
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