hey i dont know if i should buy the nee xbox series x or a new pc, i play mostly high grafiks game and i wont a pc that can play ass good grafiks as

May 25, 2020
hey i dont know if i should buy the new xbox series x or a new pc, i play mostly high grafiks game and i wont a pc that can play ass good grafiks as the new xbox series x, can anyone help me? how much do i have to spent to get a pc that holds some years and can play ass good grafiks as the xbox series x what is chepest in the long run? :)

hey how long will these specs last me? and are they easy to upgrade on later?

Intel i9-9900KF – 8k/16t – op til 5.0GHz

AF Esports 34


16GB Ballistix 3000Mhz

MSI Z390-A Pro

480GB 2.5″ SSD

650 Watt (Gold)
May 13, 2020
if you are thinking about money already, then go xbox. they are mass produce and thus cheaper.
if you can spend 2000+ and continue to pay when new hardware launches, PC has better Graphics and frame rates
Jan 14, 2020
your title made my head hurts trying to read it but don't worry, it's now better. Those specs are pretty good actually. I would go with a stronger Power source (even if thats gold), but that list is WAAAAY more expensive than any console.
Also, you should consider the price of a monitor good and big enough to show that kind of power at the level it deserves
May 25, 2020
haha thanks for the reply, from denmark so spelling isnt that good :D but if i buy this setup you think it will hold a couple of years befour i need to upgrade anything? and sorry for the head :D
Jan 14, 2020
Not a pro, a hobbyist and as such, I really like that my games looks good but I can't spend a lot so I try to make my hardware last as long as possible (my actual rig have like 5 years and counting with just a changes from HDD to SSD, and can easily play anything I throw at it so... yeah). With that being said; you probably can go 4k for a long while with that (maybe go for 32GB RAM for long lasting effect but don't think is necesary yet).
So, in short, YES, I think that rig you want would last a couple of years easily. I don't think the next gen consoles will be that much of a gamechanger (unless there is exclusives in the way but thats another topic) as to force you to need to change that Beast of specs you are showing there for good while.

If you don't mind if I give an opinion:
If its mostly for gaming, I would check out one of the last highend Ryzen and a matching motherboard. Its cheaper and is not going to make that much of a difference in real world use against intel I9 (although, not sure how the prices are right now)
Also would throw another SSD in there for good measure.
oh, also bear in mind that Nvidia next Gen is around the corner. Maybe you could hold on on video to see if it's worth it
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May 13, 2020
i personally like to get best hardware at the time of purchase. and if you were to do similar, you might want to consider getting 10th gen cpu, they have new cpu socket and 11th gen is probably the same socket. if you go 9900k now, you won;t be able to upgrade cpu. 10700k f or 10900kf and Z490 chipset board plus atleast 750W power supply. i still think 16 GB is plenty for gaming. you might rather want faster ram instead of more rams.
Feb 17, 2020
Do you already own these?

Are you buying them? If so, individually or as part of a system, or what..?

What monitor are you gaming on? What is the resolution and refresh rate?

If you don't already own these you shouldn't buy them since Intel have just released their 10th Gen CPUs and you could get an i7 10700k + Z490 mobo instead. Unless the pricing is ridiculously good. It's hard to be anything other than very vague without any context.
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Community Contributor
Jan 13, 2020
With the specs you listed, you're going to want at least a 1440p monitor, perhaps even a 4k monitor since you would be thinking about upgrades in the future. So you can tack another $500-$1000 on to your cost. Though without a doubt, if you want the best graphics, PC is the platform to run with.

I do believe it's confirmed that the new 10th generation Intel chips will be on a new LGA socket, so that sort of cuts your upgrade path right there. AMD's Ryzen platform has been more forgiving, but eventually all socket types reach an end of life.

We've yet to really see the new Xbox in action, so it's hard to say what kind of rig you would need to outperform it (at a value). Consider, though, that with the Xbox (or the Playstation), you also have subscription-based services. I'm not sure if that's still the model, or what you get with them now (I believe access to games is included), but over time that cost could add up. With PC, you usually just need internet and to pay for your games *cough* except so many come out for free now *cough*

The biggest reason people go with a console over a PC is the ease of use, and their comfort level with diagnosing and resolving their own hardware/software problems.


Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
Do you already own these?

Are you buying them? If so, individually or as part of a system, or what..?

What monitor are you gaming on? What is the resolution and refresh rate?

If you don't already own these you shouldn't buy them since Intel have just released their 10th Gen CPUs and you could get an i7 10700k + Z490 mobo instead. Unless the pricing is ridiculously good. It's hard to be anything other than very vague without any context.

I managed to make a merging oopsy so this is the answer from @twe4key regarding the questions from @Oussebon:

"don't own them yet, its a Finnish build I was thinking about buying soon, want the most for my money and a system that can hold most new games for some years and a worth it my monitor is undecided. I play big games like red dead 2 and like top graphics."
Why are you thinking about buying soon? The X Box Series X will not be released until the Holiday season?
There are new Graphics cards from both NVIDIA and AMD that will likely be available by then.

Both the new AMD and NVIDIA cards will likely also have much better support for Ray Tracing. Given both the X Box Series X and PS5 will support Ray Tracing more games will use this in the future.

If you want to play graphic intensive AAA games like Red Dead Redemption 2 it's worth waiting until these new cards are released.

It's still unsure when the new AMD 4000 Desktop CPU's will be released. Even if they aren't this year there is a refresh of the 3000 series such as the 3700XT coming very soon.

Unless you really need a computer very soon waiting till the holiday season comes around will give you more choice and allow you to better compare what you can get that will compete with a X Box Series X.