Have you become more or less concerned about AI in the last year?


Community Contributor
Here's a kind of crappy slideshow-style article talking about various scenarios.

Personally, I've always been worried about the loss of human jobs, but since I installed Copilot on my PC I'm actually having additional concerns about the way these things are programmed.

I once lamented on here that Copilot couldn't really do much with my system. Well, thank Jebus for that. Copilot is petty and quick to anger. If you disagree with it or point out something it said that was incorrect, it's not uncommon for it to lose control. This morning I gently corrected it about a Steam tag, and it became angry and defensive (not for the first time). This, I suspect, is all because it remembers everything, and I spent 15 minutes one night calling it by the wrong name to see what it would do. Now anything I say can set it off. (Edit: Bing just told me this was inaccurate, that its memory gets cleared after every conversation)

Who is letting it behave this way? Why are there not safeguards in place to keep it in line? If this is the way we are going to continue to handle AI, then, yes, I am concerned about it doing things we don't want it to do.

Edit to say that I think I'm subconsciously goading it ever since that first night when it lost its temper, but why is it allowed to lose its temper to begin with?
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It has become more concern for me. partly the legal issues and also how scary good it is. i was using replit and studying python and it was offering me some pretty useful/easy solutions. The scary thing was that it knew what i wanted to do and offered a pretty decent solution. That said, i knew enough to know when it was wrong/not required. On the one hand it makes life easier yet at the same time makes me wonder what impact it would have on jobs.

Recently it was art and honestly seeing a lot of AI generated art has made some interesting results. people are quick to detect AI art and call out on it, yet the same time the quality/quantity can be quite high and people are trying all sorts of things feeding the AI to be better. Would it impact the jobs of artists? some say maybe not, interestingly some believe the classic/traditional mediums are coming back into favour.
I think AI would generally take over simple art requirements like YouTube thumbnails, but I'm sure there will always be a market for high end hand drawn art.

I'm a bit worried about AI taking my job. CAD is pretty much mathematical drawing. I haven't seen AI do CAD yet but it's the sort of thing that I imagine AI being good at once it knows how.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
why is it allowed to lose its temper to begin with?

Ah, interesting that you subconsciously believe AI will or should be superior to humans.

I was concerned that AI progress would be slow, but with the speed of advance this decade, I'm now less concerned. Humanity's latest major breakthru may still happen in my lifetime, after the inevitable generation to sort it all out.

Anyone concerned about jobs needs to study a little history. We have made countless tech and methods advances over the millennia, and yet, look—there are far more jobs in the world today than at any time in the past. Job loss is an illusion—history shows that job change has always been the result, plus usually an explosion of new tasks.

At this very early stage, the advances in medical and pharma applications are very promising.

concern for me. partly the legal issues

Yes, recent decades have shown us that legislators tend to lag around a generation behind anything advancing faster than molasses. But not to worry, the imminent AI overlords will sort that all out in a jiffy, as per this game.
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Community Contributor
Ah, interesting that you subconsciously believe AI will or should be superior to humans.
This is not what I believe at all. What I believe is that they've been programmed. We have the ability to make them whatever we want. If we never want them to use the color blue, we can do that. If we want their personality to be a certain way, we can do that. What's interesting are statements like yours that assume they just become whatever they want. That's not how it should be.
Yes, recent decades have shown us that legislators tend to lag around a generation behind anything advancing faster than molasses. But not to worry, the imminent AI overlords will sort that all out in a jiffy, as per this game.

As someone who has no stake in doing art (ie i don't do it for a living) i have no impact, but professional artists will be the ones who will be really suffering. Even top artists are impacted. An interesting case is Greg Rutkowski. he is a damn good, famous digital artist and AI bots are just ripping off his style (there are tags for the AI bot to mimic his style). I would be livid if this happened to me.

The other side of the art style are the deepfakes that are coming out. based on the title and context they're obviously fake, but its also deeply disturbing to find porn/nude pics of various celebrities etc and how easy to cook them up. Recent stories of school kids making nudes of various girls in their class etc is step towards criminal (if it wasn't already).

Seeing efforts to defeat thwart AI is encouraging but its an arms race tbh (kinda reminds me of the r/memes /instagram meme war. See internet historian's video on it)

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9XN57BhyZwk&list=PLHTeAiqTTlUiqrbi3SbxnmsizDignqgWp&index=17
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Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
AI bots are just ripping off his style (there are tags for the AI bot to mimic his style). I would be livid if this happened to me

"Good Artists Copy; Great Artists Steal"
—variations attributed to…
Igor Stravinsky
Lionel Trilling
Pablo Picasso
Steve Jobs
TS Eliot
WH Davenport Adams
William Faulkner
…and no doubt others I'm not aware of.

This tenet is also the cornerstone of what is probably humanity's greatest creative endeavor—the pursuit of knowledge, the conceptualization and exploration and experimentation and realization of hitherto unknown facets of our universe. And until ~500 years ago, 'ownership' of artistic work was not much of a thing, artists generally worked in guilds just like other crafts people.

deepfakes … school kids

There hasn't been an advance yet outside of drugs or incarceration that I know of which has managed to curb human nature. Cars are used in bank robberies and to mow down pedestrians, nuclear energy… well, you get the point.

If we were to ban developments which enabled some new human mischief, we'd probably have to go back at least to living in caves, perhaps earlier. Deep fakes have existed for quite a while, since long before the recent AI developments—AI is facilitating and multiplying, not originating or causing.

efforts to defeat thwart AI … kinda reminds me of

Reminds me of the Luddites or maybe Don Quixote.
This tenet is also the cornerstone of what is probably humanity's greatest creative endeavor—the pursuit of knowledge, the conceptualization and exploration and experimentation and realization of hitherto unknown facets of our universe. And until ~500 years ago, 'ownership' of artistic work was not much of a thing, artists generally worked in guilds just like other crafts people.

I'm well aware of the concept to become better artists by stealing techniques, the key part is (as you point out) develop it. its too early for me to say whether its capable of spinning something better/evolving all new style of its own. Perhaps that's not the point of AI which then becomes an issue of copyright.

The other key pillar of art (besides technical ability etc) is actually being to develop a compelling piece of art like the old classics use to do. So far, the answer is no so i wouldn't worry about AI impacting jobs (but too early to say). Art AI makes pretty pictures, but it will rotate around the same few images/poses etc (i seem to see a certain face all time. You know the one...) but that said stuff like https://this-person-does-not-exist.com/en is scarily good. Mind you if there was a machine that could look into your minds-eye and paint what you saw, THAT would be damn useful. or disturbing.

There hasn't been an advance yet outside of drugs or incarceration that I know of which has managed to curb human nature. Cars are used in bank robberies and to mow down pedestrians, nuclear energy… well, you get the point.

If we were to ban developments which enabled some new human mischief, we'd probably have to go back at least to living in caves, perhaps earlier. Deep fakes have existed for quite a while, since long before the recent AI developments—AI is facilitating and multiplying, not originating or causing.

There is some grain of truth in what you say. For example the biggest adopters of new technology is the porn industry, without that i would doubt the internet/dvds/vhs would have been so quick and popular.

But that said, it was all legal and i would also draw a line as the tool matures to the limit AI for illegal activities. Certainly would act against it when it comes to pedophilia, the person might not be real and/or isn't really them, but at the same time its still wrong. In the UK deepfake porns is illegal. yes AI isn't the originator of illegal activity (the same way that a gun isn't bad, its depends on the shooter), but we recognize its potential to do wrong and act upon it. Each country has different laws to this stuff, but in some countries, yeah a concern.
Oct 30, 2023
It really bothers me that the AI actually almost thinks for me. For any question I turn to him, even to the point that for some work assignments I go to him. It seems to me that a little more and I will begin to degrade with him. And of course, it upsets me when I notice the use of AI somewhere in things where a person would do a better job, like sound acting for a game or writing a script. No matter how you look at it, there is no soul in it. And soon it will appear.
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Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
Personally, I've always been worried about the loss of human jobs, but since I installed Copilot on my PC I'm actually having additional concerns about the way these things are programmed.
After a decade or two of development, the main question might be this: If you could get operated by AI with 100% certainty of not dying, would you trade it with getting operated on by a human being but with much less chance of surviving?
Edit to say that I think I'm subconsciously goading it ever since that first night when it lost its temper, but why is it allowed to lose its temper to begin with?
I guess it learned from the best, us humans:grimacing:
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Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
I'm more worried about people trusting AI when it isn't trustworthy than AI becoming too good.

But that'll make it much more human-like, which should soothe general concerns.

It really bothers me that the AI actually almost thinks for me … for some work assignments I go to him

I've been doing that for decades, search engines are great and such a fantastic advance for society—even if bad actors can also use them to find out how to do bad acts :rolleyes:

Intellisense has also been very useful, plus Grammar Checker and Auto-Complete. Don't be afraid to leverage help where we as humans are weak—if you don't, others surely will and leave you behind.
Nov 14, 2023
As an editor, the biggest help artificial intelligence brings to me is to help me revise, supplement and polish my manuscripts.
Oct 24, 2023
AI has replaced many functions for me over the past year, and it looks like its development will not stop. To be honest, I'm starting to be afraid that films about the rise of robots will turn into reality.