Has Bard's Tale 4 improved?

Jan 13, 2020
It was kind of a mess when it launched and I recently heard about a Director's Cut that was released awhile back, but it fell off my radar for whatever reason. I really enjoy party-based dungeon crawlers like Wizardry 8 and Grimrock. Have any of you played it? What was your experience?


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I did. I didn't end up liking it much but I think it was for much the same reasons that I didn't finish Grimrock. I simply wasn't getting engaged in the combat. It was working fine, it just wasn't to my taste. (Maybe because I couldn't properly see the people fighting?) The same thing happened with Wizardry 8, come to think of it, though that took longer.

The music was CRAZY good! I would be wandering in town and some woman would be doing the wash, singing a little ditty, and I would stop and listen to the whole thing. Close to the sloth races (which I obviously enjoyed), there was a little hut that had another great piece of music coming out. I only played the game for 30 hours or so but, just in that short time, I'm pretty sure I ran into as much good music as I did for the whole of Witcher 3 +DLCs!

I don't remember any bugs causing problems through what I played. Any particular messes from launch that have you worried?

P.S. If you get the game music, you only get the first of three CDs. The other two are on Amazon. I was NOT happen about that!
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Jan 13, 2020
Yeah I heard the music is killer. I'll see if I can find it on Spotify.

As far as messes go, I was just wondering about the overall jankyness people reported at launch (stuff like getting stuck on terrain, etc.), but most of that's probably been smoothed out.